• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between dollarway64 and MysticalDipshit

    1 Visitor Messages

    1. Dude, I have loads of ideas for the dream army project. We should have like a ranking system. You would be in charge, obviously, because you are the creator. So you could be the general. Anyway, each rank should have certain requirements, such as, to move up a rank, you must have all the current main mission completed. Then side missions (Learning combat, espionage, getting intel, and other general mission like that), could have a certain amount of points for each. So another requirement could be, all main missions done, and 10 points. Then we could have more point as you go higher up. Everyone would have to prove they had done it though, by posting dreams in their dream journal.

      I have so many good ideas for this
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