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    Mosh and Raven Knight 2017 06 04

    by Man of Shred on 06-07-2017 at 02:40 AM
    My dream:


    I'm in a huge battle around Bjork's inner world. Me and Raven knight are destroying Remote viewers with song spells. Raven is switching songs rapidly.. lots of metallica. My song was more guitar riffs, I was playing something similar to the four horsemen by metallica. The remote viewers died way too easily. I guess their bark is worse than their bite.

    Raven's entry:
    2017, 06-04

    The Dark Mirror

    I am in a place I don’t recognize. It is a cave of some kind. I hear the sound of the ocean from one direction so I follow that sound. There is light getting into the cave from various places where cracks have penetrated through to the outside. I follow the sound of the ocean and emerge on a ledge that is high up over the ocean below. And I’m not alone there. MoSh is there with me. He says we have to find the mirror. At first that doesn’t make any sense, but then I remember something about a mirror in someone’s inner world that was allowing Templars to attack. I pinch my nose and I find I can still breathe, I’m dreaming. I tell MoSh that he’s dreaming and he says he already knows that. We search around on the ledge and connecting caves until we find a place where there is an outcropping of rock reaching over the sea. On the outcropping is what appears to be a mirror, but the mirror is totally black with no reflection. MoSh says that’s it, and he wants to go kick some Templar ass. I go to the mirror and plant a couple timed explosives on it. We both go through, then the explosives detonate behind us and shatter the mirror, destroying the portal behind us.

    On the other side of the mirror we are in another strange place. There are Templars all around, and it seems to be a wide-open area outside, I really don’t get a very good look at the surroundings because it’s dark and MoSh and I get attacked right away. MoSh tells them to leave Bjork alone, though at that point I couldn’t think who Bjork was. No matter, they shouldn’t be harassing anyone, so now they would all pay. As we are attacked I focus on using Battery by Metallica to call down bolts of lightning on the enemies. In spite of there being so many of them, the Templars seem to die pathetically easily. When they die they disappear from the dream. I focus on the song Damage, Inc. by Metallica and throw fireballs at many of the Templars. I then transform my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade and start cutting Templars down in large numbers as they attack. The Templars are attacking using an assortment of blasters and also melee weapons such as swords and battle axes, though none of the weapons seem particularly effective. I focus on the song Phantom Lord by Metallica and create an expanding wall of fire that incinerates many Templars. Soon it looks like any Templars left are retreating, and MoSh tells them they’d better not come back!

    After the fight is over MoSh is saying we need to make sure the mirror is gone from Bjork’s inner world so they can’t use her any more. My mind still isn’t remembering who Bjork is, but I say that’s fine, I’ll try to get back to where we saw the mirror. I focus on Through the Never by Metallica and both MoSh and I go through the resultant portal. On the other side we are once again on the rocky outcropping that reaches out from tall cliffs over a deep blue ocean. It is a quite beautiful sight. There is a pile of rubble on the rocky outcropping where I know there used to be a mirror. I point to the rubble and tell MoSh that the mirror is history. Just to make sure I drop a fireball on the rubble and turn it all to ash. MoSh says he hopes that takes care of things. Everything fades to black as I wake up.

    Shared: man of shred and raven knight. 2017/5/26

    by Man of Shred on 06-06-2017 at 04:33 AM
    My dream:

    Me and Raven remove a Dark energy Symbiont from Bjork. We heal her with music. She apologizes to me and promises to keep the dreams with me a little less. There is forgiveness on both sides. Yay!

    Her dream:

    2017, 05-26

    Dark Parasites

    I am in a garden area that is very beautiful, more beautiful than any I have ever seen in waking life. I walk around, thinking how beautiful it is, but not giving any though to the idea I might be dreaming. I wonder how this place could have existed right near where I live for so long and yet I haven’t found it. I can tell it’s not new, all of the plants are too well developed to have been recently planted. I wander through the garden for a bit before I see three people not far off. I head in their direction. There seems to be a dark cloud around two of them, it looks pretty unpleasant. The two people surrounded by a dark cloud are MoSh and a woman I don’t know. The third person is Asuka, and Asuka comes over to me.

    Asuka is upset and saying that Bjork is doing something to MoSh, and I have to stop her. I head over to the two people standing in a thickening cloud of darkness. It looks to me like both of them could use some help. I focus on the song Touch My Heart from the Devil Hunter Yohko soundtrack to remove the darkness. A pillar of light energy forms around both of them, sucking the dark cloud away and burning it off in the blinding light. After the song is over I see something strange on the ground between MoSh and Bjork. It is a black thing with many tentacles that is squirming around on the ground, first reaching for MoSh, then reaching for Bjork, as if it can’t choose which one it wants to try to attach itself to. I look at the thing and all I can sense in it is dark energy, not a sign of a spark, either dark or light. So it is a thing wholly of darkness. I focus on the song Battery by Metallica to call down a bolt of lightning that strikes the black thing between MoSh and Bjork and turns it to a pile of ashes that blows away in the wind and is gone. MoSh is looking at Bjork, who just looks disoriented. I focus on the song Voices from the Macross Plus soundtrack to bring some more healing energy into the area. The area fills with light energy. Bjork says she will try to stay out of MoSh’s dreams. Asuka looks quite pissed off at her and says she had better or there will be trouble! I wonder why Asuka is so angry, since it looked like the parasite had been attacking both MoSh and Bjork

    Shared: MoSh and Raven Knight May 8

    by Man of Shred on 05-11-2017 at 02:25 AM
    Similarities in bold

    My Dreams:

    Finding Asuka

    Remember trying to convince Asuka to come with me. Raven was there. I grabbed Asuka's hand and she grumbled, "do you really have to hold my hand?" I said "yes, because I don't want to lose you again. I want to make sure we make it home together."


    I am in my inner world house with Raven and Asuka. I go to a window and an undead version of Professor Snape is looking in through the window. I run to the back of the house and tell Raven I spotted him.

    Raven's dream:

    2017, 05-08

    Dark Mirror

    I am in a place I don’t recognize. I look around to see if I can figure out where I am. After walking for a while I realize it looks somewhat familiar, but at the same time not familiar. It looks like a creepy dark version of a place I have been before. There are run down houses positioned around a cul-de-sac, and the people walking on the sidewalks look distinctly like orcs. I find that strange because the neighborhood looks completely normal for this world aside from the fact it looks like it has been abandoned and now is falling to ruin. I start walking along the road, not sure where to go or what to do in this strange place. The orcs wandering around don’t seem to be paying any attention to me so I pay no attention to them. Then I see a man approaching me, definitely not an orc. Maybe he knows what is going on here. I go over to him and ask him where we are. He says it’s supposed to be his inner world, but it looks like someone has made a mess here again. At first that statement makes no more sense than this place does, but finally I put it together and I realize I’m talking to MoSh, but this sure doesn’t look like his inner world…

    MoSh says we have to find Asuka, so I agree to help him look for her. We go through a rundown looking house that I think is most likely haunted and we come to what looks like it used to be a beautiful garden, but now everything in it is dead. I look at the dead and brown plants and wonder what could have happened here to make them all die. I then realize there is a woman in the garden, but she is down on her knees next to something. I wonder what it is that she is looking at so I go over to see her. It is Asuka, and she is kneeling beside what appears to be the only plant in this whole garden that is still alive. There is a small and somewhat sickly looking plant growing there with a single beautiful flower blooming brightly. I ask what is going on here, and she says she has to save this flower. Everything else is dead, so she has to save this flower. MoSh comes over and seems glad to see Asuka appears to be ok, and he says it’s time to go home. I ask Asuka what has happened to MoSh’s inner world. She looks around and says this isn’t MoSh’s inner world, it’s a mere shadow of MoSh’s inner world. She also repeats that she has to save the flower. MoSh takes her by the hand and tries to lead her away. She keeps saying she has to save the flower and reaching back for it. I tell her I’ll get the flower. I form an energy sphere around the flower, the plant, and a chunk of soil it is growing in and bring that along as I follow MoSh and Asuka.

    As we are making our way out of the strange garden I see someone who wasn’t there when we went in. There is a man standing on and blocking the path to leave the garden. He looks like a walking corpse, and I get a whiff of a foul odor coming from him. He is rotting and decaying. Asuka says he is the bringer of death, every plant he touches dies and decays. She seems worried that he will get too close to the flower and kill it somehow. The zombie approaches us and MoSh ask him who he is and what he wants. He laughs and says MoSh already knows, but he sees a new friend… he might just have to drop in and visit me sometime. I can’t help but laugh when I think of him trying to drop into my inner world and running into my shield like a solid titanium wall, or meeting Vegeta to blast him back where he came from, or the psycho twins Mary and Marty with more weapons aimed at him than he could register sight of before he got vaporized. I tell him if he wants to be erased from existence he is free to try. MoSh says this guy should be erased right now so he can’t bother Asuka or Björk any longer. That makes me think of the song by Björk that comes to mind first, so I add that if he tries to get in he might just end up meeting an army of me. As I say that I form my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade. He doesn’t seem particularly bothered but laughs and disappears.

    MoSh, Asuka, and I go into the house that appears to be a run-down version of MoSh’s house in his inner world. I wonder if I should do something to fix the place up since Asuka said it’s not really MoSh’s inner world. I am looking around the house when MoSh says the zombie man is out front now. I wonder what this guy wants and I head to the front of the house to find him. I look out front and I see the zombie man out there. I think I should go out there and teach him a lesson he won’t soon forget even if his brain is rotting. I go out the front door but now he is gone, as is the whole neighborhood. I look around and now I am in a green meadow with no sign of the rundown house and neighborhood, no sign of MoSh or Asuka, no sign of the zombie. I look and see I still have Asuka’s flower in an energy orb, so that’s good… I am thinking of trying to get back to Asuka and MoSh but I wake up.
    lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable

    Shared april 21 2017

    by Man of Shred on 04-24-2017 at 04:46 AM
    I'll just be posting the parts that match between me and Raven. similarities in bold

    From Raven's Dream: 2017, 04-21

    Flight of Dragons

    I look around to see where Q has brought us. He said something about dragons to protect MoSh’s inner world? I’m not fully lucid, more like semi-lucid, so I’m not entirely sure what he means. I see Q has brought me to a mountainous area. There are trees around, but also stone cliffs, and I don’t recognize the place. Q says he will go get MoSh, and Asuka if she wants to come. He says MoSh has to be the one to release the dragons. He says he will be back in a flash… then disappears with a flash of white light. I look around the place he has brought me. I am now in a mountainous area with numerous green trees growing around as well as many rocky areas. I figure I’d better not go far, as I expect Q to return soon, but I wander a little bit until I find a clear path. I look down the path and I see it leads to a stairway up a rocky area with what looks like an Asian temple of some kind at the top. I wonder if we are going there for some reason. I start to head that direction, but then I think I’d better wait for Q to come back. So I stand there and enjoy the gentle breeze until there is a flash of white light and then Q appears with two more people. An Asian woman in a kimono, and a man in blue jeans and a tshirt. His shirt is cool and has a picture of a flying dragon on it. I am staring at his shirt while Q is talking. He says the dragons are in a huge underground chamber reached through the temple. He says those who dwell there won’t offer much resistance, they were only able to capture the dragons through dirty tricks, by creating an illusion of a baby dragon in distress. He says just don’t forget, MoSh must rescue the dragons.

    MoSh, Asuka, and I go up the stairs to the temple at the top. There doesn’t seem to be anyone around so we go inside. There are some weapons on the wall that look like they’re there for display. MoSh takes a samurai sword off of the wall before we continue to the next room. There is still no one around, and I am wondering if Q definitely brought us to the right place. In one of the inner rooms there is a man who looks like he’s meditating. I ask where the dragons are. He says there are no dragons, only idiots would mess around with dragons. Idiots who want to die. MoSh points his sword at the man and repeats that we want to know where the dragons are. He then says they are through the secret passage at the end of the hall, just move the painting. I go back to the hall, and Asuka follows me. MoSh stays in the other room for a bit. I see the painting and move it aside and find a lever behind it. I pull it and a panel slides aside in the floor. I look back into the room where MoSh stayed and he has the man in a strangle hold until he apparently passes out. MoSh says that was so he wouldn’t sound an alarm. We go down a flight of steps leading through the floor.


    My Dreams:

    From entry on april 2st.

    Brother (Frag)

    Had a dream about visiting my brother. Forget exactly where, but Two people came from a rip in the dream and somehow convinced me to go with them. We went through and I was outside a big japanese palace at sunset. forget wht happened after.

    Weakling (lucid)

    I was in a hallway with some people and we were in the middle of raiding some place. some guy got the crap kicked out of him for some reason. I entered a room with a wooden floor and rice paper walls, some young and very short asian guy was sitting on a mat but he got up. I became semi lucid here because I was pointing a sword at him and he was telling me, "Just kill me quick, I deserve it" I didn't know why he was asking me to kill him or the context of the rest of the dream. I didn't even know why I was pointing a sword at him or even who the people I was with were because they were still in the hallway watching me no doubt. I looked down at my sword... It looked bent and rusted. I didn't wanna stab a guy helplessly who seemed to have already surrendered. Fully lucid now I told him I would just knock him out to keep from causing trouble. He didn't say anything. I did a Gracie Jiu jitsu takedown on him I remember from junior high when I took martial arts. I put him in an elaborate choke hold. His dream body was kind of rubbery so I couldn't get my arms around his neck just right. It must have looked kind of gay to my onlookers but I knew this would work. I somehow found the right hold and then let go after a minute. He was out cold. I went to join my friends in the hallway but forget what happened after.
    lucid , non-lucid , memorable

    1st Shared Dream in years!

    by Man of Shred on 03-27-2017 at 10:06 PM
    Raven's Dream:

    A Lesson in Dreaming
    by Raven Knight
    , 2017-03-25 at 12:12 (57 Views)

    2017, 03/24

    A Lesson in Dreaming

    I am in what looked like a school. I wondered why I might be there. I look around to see if I can figure out where I am and why I might be here. I am sitting at the instructor’s desk of a classroom like I am there to teach the class rather than take a class. I look at the papers on my desk and see that they are all about dreaming, specifically about lucid dreaming. Apparently, I’m supposed to be teaching a class in lucid dreaming. Well that could be cool. I wait there for a few minutes and soon people start entering the room and sitting down at the desks. I look around to see if I recognize anyone, but no one is looking familiar. As the last people file into the room I pick up some papers on my desk and look at them. I find it is hard to focus on reading the papers, but I figure it is just nerves because I am not used to teaching a class. When everyone is seated and ready I figure there’s no better time than the present to get started.

    I introduce myself as Raven Knight and tell everyone that this is a class on lucid dreaming. Someone in the back laughs and says I wouldn’t know a lucid dream if it fell out of the sky, landed on my face, and started to wiggle. I respond that if anything falls from the sky, lands on my face, and starts to wiggle, I’ll do a reality check. With that, I start to talk about different methods of checking reality to determine if you are awake or dreaming. After I go through several methods including pinching the nose and trying to breathe, electronics not functioning like they should, making print on a page change, and trying to float off the ground and fly, I ask if there are any questions.

    A woman in the front row stands up. She is a Japanese woman wearing a very pretty kimono, I think it is probably too nice for this class. She asks what if this is a dream right now. I laugh a bit and tell her that dreams are what happens when we are asleep, unless she has been daydreaming that is. She looks a bit annoyed and then says maybe I should do a reality check. I tell her I already know I’m awake, so there’s no point in… but then I think better of it. I add that it actually is a good idea to do random reality checks even when you know you’re awake, because getting into the habit while awake can lead to getting into the habit when dreaming. So I go ahead and do a reality check by pinching my nose and trying to breathe. To my surprise I find I can breathe just fine with my nose pinched… so this is a dream!

    The woman seems pleased that I have come to the conclusion that I’m dreaming. She says that just in case I haven’t remembered yet, she is Asuka. She points at a man sitting in the classroom at one of the desks. He is doodling and doesn’t seem to be paying much attention. Asuka walks over to his desk and I go with her. Asuka addresses the man by his name and I realize it is MoSh. Asuka tells him to do a reality check, this is a dream. He doesn’t seem to be listening to her. I tell him I just did a reality check, and this is definitely a dream. Asuka starts suggesting different methods of reality checks to MoSh, and he seems to be doing them but not coming to the conclusion that this is a dream. I wonder how that can be, are all of the reality checks failing to show this is a dream? I think I might be losing lucidity when Asuka takes an egg from somewhere and now seems to be set on showing MoSh the egg rather than on making him lucid. I wonder what an egg has to do with anything. I am telling MoSh he should just pinch his nose, and if he can still breathe through it, it must be a dream. He pinches his nose briefly and then shakes his head before going back to looking at Asuka’s egg. The egg has gotten me thinking of breakfast, and now I am thinking that I can eat all the bacon I could ever want and not gain a single ounce because dream food has no calories or fat! I am now wishing for a plate full of bacon. MoSh disappears into thin air. I wonder what happened to him. Asuka looks frustrated. She says he woke up. I then start thinking that means there will be more bacon for me. I comment that we need plenty of bacon for everyone left in the class. She gives me a strange look as if I have gone quite insane. Everything around me fades to black and I wake up.

    My Dreams:

    Lucid Class

    I'm in a classroom in school. The teacher looks like she just stepped out of an anime/video game cosplay convention - she's wearing some sort of Assassins Creed costume. She's older than me and kind of grumpy. She's arguing with an Asian female student but she agrees with the student eventually. Can't remember all of the conversation but they both turn and look at me. They are now trying to convince me that I'm dreaming right now. I'm uncomfortable with two people almost cornering me and I get stubborn. They ask me to do some tests to see if it is a dream. I humor them so that they will leave me alone. I half hardheartedly do a test not paying attention to the result. The Asian girl goes up to me and has something like a cracked egg. She tells me to count the sharp points of the egg crack and it will make the dream stable. She spins it around as I start pretending to count them not really paying attention to the egg thing. I count upwards and the dream begins to roll up like a scroll until all I see is black.
    (edited this dream per Mosh's request ~ gab)


    A brief dream of being in a kitchen with a guy I work with who likes to be called xereniak online. We are talking about dreaming. I made some sort of joke like "In soviet Russia, Asuka's gardens destroys YOU!" He laughs as he grabs something from the fridge and places it on the island in the middle of the kitchen. We continue talking but the memory fades.

    Note: this is a shared dream. Xereniak told me about looking in a fridge and having a conversation with me about dreaming.

    Updated 03-30-2017 at 04:04 AM by gab

    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes