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    June 1, 1992 (32)
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    Currently living in Aalborg, Denmark. Working as an electrical engineer and having a passion for photography
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    Recent Entries

    Scuba and College

    by Dreambird on 07-31-2011 at 12:13 PM
    College and scuba (Non-lucid)


    So these dreams are somewhat linked together but skips a lot

    I am walking into a room. it seems to be a college. i see a freind with 2 strangers talking and i ask him how college is.
    skips a little
    Me and a buddy is now walking upstairs towards a room where you can get something to drink and eat. we get a slice of pizza and a soda. i am waiting for my mate but suddenly he yells at me from down the hall we should sit where he is now.. so i went there..
    I am at the pier. we are quite a lot of people and apperently we are going to swim in the ice cold water. First a couple of people jumps in, then me. after some time i ask my mate if he had one of those "slack ropes" you can walk on. He did. He asked someone to get it at his house and a few minutes after a freind comes with a white plastic bag. there is some rope attacked to something that looked like to be..intestines.. i asked him "WTF?!" and he replied it was alright and it was a strong material we could walk on
    The rope is now suspended over the ice cold water. for some stranger reason i am the first to go over and even stranger: I now have scuba gear on. Anyways i start to walk and it goes really really well. i get to the end of the rope but cant get to land again so i end up falling into the water after trying a lot !
    I am hope again and i want to take a shower. i turn on the water for the bath and i wait. suddenly the water fills the hole room! Good thing i still had my scuba gear on ! Anyways i go to the door and i wanna escape, but what i didnt think about was the water would ruin the wooden floor. Too late... the water allready slipped outta the little slit i made at the door opening and i couldnt close it. water... water everywhere...
    Having dinner with my family and some of my parrents freinds. I wanna finish my dinner fast so i can fix all the water that is on the first floor without them knowing.
    Dinner is over. i find the water vacuum cleaner we had in the basement and i tried to make my siblings help.. they didnt wanna help.. (wankers..)
    Gonna go to the first day of college.. tired after all nights work cleaning up... find new fine cloths.. socks are stil wet.. go to first day of college with wet, smelly feet.. great!

    Can't find my flip flops (WILD)

    by Dreambird on 05-31-2011 at 10:17 AM
    Can't find my flip-flops!


    9.00 AM - WILD

    So I startet the WILD infront a big big castle. i didn't like tha dreamscape so i kinda teleportet to my room. i wanted to go outside to the stable to find my unicorn (I want to ride a unicorn on a rainbow) but i couldnt find my flip flops. I finally find some suitable flip flops but i woke up

    Updated 05-31-2011 at 10:18 AM by Dreambird (mistake)


    WILD - Playing with the kids

    by Dreambird on 05-22-2011 at 04:09 PM
    22 maj 2011 (WILD)


    I saw the horizon with a lot of tall buildings. all the sudden this vivid picture was on an old TV in bad quality. i am in a kitchen with this big big window and a lot of kids. i do a reality check and i go lucid

    I am in the middle of a cooking class. the kids teacher isnt around so i decided to have some fun with them and mess with them. i said "Hey kids! wanna see something magical?" and they are like "YEAA YEAA!" so i do the "finger through palm" kinda thing. the kids is standing there looking at me in awe while they begin trying the trick themself.

    I decided to try walk through the wall, but not with any success.

    I look out the big window and i see some F-16 starting bombing the school. Apperently one of the kids is on the "most wanted" teorrist list. i go outside to find that kids dad and we talk about things. after that i woke up

    Updated 05-22-2011 at 04:11 PM by Dreambird


    WILD - Peeing rainbows

    by Dreambird on 05-21-2011 at 01:37 PM
    First dream (fragment)
    I am outside. It is evening. The car is standing at the side of the road with all doors open. i walk towards the car and out of nowhere this strange orange cat starts to come towards me. i try to pet it but it kinda attacks me.
    the dream skips a little bit. 2 girls i know (but not a lot) comes towards me in big fancy dresses and gets into the car. i get into the backseat and suddenly i realise "well shouldnt i be driving?" and i get into the front seat.

    Second dream (fragment ish)
    i am in this big bus or classroom (it changes between those two). I remember something about writing on the drapes and there is something that reminds me of cake. apperently i had 2 big slices of cake in my backpack 0_o. One of them was chocolate !

    Third dream:
    i am in this big grey city where the tall buildings is smoldering apart (kinda like in inception). after the buildings had collaps me and my mates had to clean up the city. while we were doing this an annoying waiter from a nearby resturent came and wanted us to eat at this table in the middle of nowhere. just a table with 5 chairs and some plates on it. I was the last one to give in but we were 6 people and there was only those 5 chairs.. so i left them..

    Fourth (fragment):
    we are in the classroom, watching old movies with my teacher

    Last dream (WILD LD):
    i see this window on my wall - and i know it isnt there IRL so i do an reality check --> i become lucid:
    I sit up in my bed and look around, trying to get a feel of it. As soon as everything was clear as glass i wanted to try the "finger through palm" thing and had a lot of fun with that and even made the dream a lot more vivid. I had a feeling i had to pee so i went to the bathroom. on the way over there i looked out another window there isnt there normally either where i saw this beautiful horizon with a purple touch to it. i went to the bathroom and thought "HEY! what if my pee was like a rainbow ?!"... so.. i was standing there.. peeing rainbows..
    After the pee rainbows i went down stairs...

    i woke up. might be the morning light comming through to me. (it was like 10 AM)
    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment

    A search for an old friend

    by Dreambird on 05-20-2011 at 08:59 AM
    It is 8.30 - i decide to try a WILD
    I feel my body falling asleep but barely feeling the SP. from nowhere i hear this sound like im getting sucked into a black void. everything spins (and i must admit it was a little scary). As fast as it startet it stopped again.

    I see a bald man at my bed, talking to my feet. "it just be a FA" and i did the nosepinch RC - i realise i am dreaming:
    I don't know what to do yet. On one hade i could go for my ToTy and ride a unicorn on a rainbow but what the heck, i'd rather make this dreak very vivid and clear. I startet touching my pillow and everything around me to highten my senses in the dream. I saw the bald man looking with an intense look with his dark brown eyes. He found his little suitcase and left without a word.

    I went outside. i am still at my house i live in IRL. not a cloud on the sky and the weather is perfect.I see a man with long brown hair and a hat walking on the sidewalk. I kinda wantet to talk to a DC so i did.I asked politely if he knew what time it was, but instead of giving me the time he gave me his watch and moved on. Anywho i moved on down the main road, observing what my mind was creating. Apperrently everything seemed new and fresh. i thought by myself i must have gone back in time.

    i was at the road where the school usually is. i looked at the new watch. it was a leather strap and a golden watch. it was 13.50. i tried to yell at that DC that gave me the watch and after a few seconds i looked at the watch again. now its 14.10 - Yep.. i must be dreaming..

    Every road i see is a chaos. Cars everywhere. Normally my city is calm and not a single car on the road. I keep walking - i wanted to see my friend. i was at that road i wanted to see. everything was new and odd. i was almost at the house when i thought by myself: what is he is a baby since i was in the past. While standing in my own thoughts i herd 2 kids arguing about colors. "I WANT IT IN PURPLE" one said and i was like "wat?". I saw a toy store and I wanted to see who is in there and what kinda toys it is.

    While walking towards the toyshop i wake up

    Even though the dream seems very boring it was THE MOST CLEAR lucid dream i have ever had and also the longest. It was also the LD i had most control in