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    London, Ireland, and a Wedding?

    by Dreamer1293 on 06-23-2013 at 05:46 PM
    I was asked to go on a trip to London by my friend Wyntergrace. I was like this is awesome! I have never been to London before. So when we arrived we were going to take a train to Paris for the day. Trains usually don't frighten me unless you get on the wrong one. So we are standing there on the platform and watching as trains whiz by, when all of the sudden we step on to the train we think we are waiting for. We're on the train for what seems like 1 hr and we got off and arrived not in Paris, but in Ireland. The hell? I was thinking. How could we arrive in Ireland by a train? This is when I knew I was dreaming. My friend and I walked around this little town (lets call it Dublin for creative purposes) And all of the sudden I yell out "WOW! We're in the land of Postley's! Gingers everywhere! Then I woke up.

    Skipping forward to I guess another dream that started as soon as I fell back asleep. It is the most beautiful house you have ever seen and the most modern. The backyard is set up for a wedding. Everyone dressed to the nine's white carnations and tulips everywhere and the bride is the most beautiful woman you could want to marry, then there was me. I was in jeans in a t-shirt trying to get into the wedding. I needed the wedding to be stopped because the guy who was marrying this woman was not the right the person he should be marrying (I know sounds like Taylor Swift I apologize) I do this super cool ninja kick to one of the bridesmaids faces and still her dress. Now I am in the wedding! Awesome! I walk down the aisle smiling and get in place for the wedding to start, when the guy sees me. I mouth to him, "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He mouths back, "No." He then grabs me from the group of bridesmaids and pulls me over to talk. I just say,"Luca, you don't have to do this if you're not ready." He says, "I feel like I have to. I'm so sorry Taylor for everything I put you through; you're mad at me aren't you?" I say, "No, I just want you to make the right decision that's all." He lets go of me for turns to head back to the wedding, but then he turns back and runs back at me. He stares at me for what seemed like 5 mins, just with sadness in his eyes, and then one his groomsmen Em comes up behind and say's, "Dude, we need to get this over with." Luca turns to him and says, "No." Then he kisses me. I feel like I'm falling, but I land on a couch and he's still kissing me. Then Em smiles and says, "Well, I think I should go tell your fiance that this is cancelled." Then we both look at him and smile and I wake up.


    by Dreamer1293 on 06-21-2013 at 04:54 PM
    I apologize for not being current with my entries, but the truth is, I haven't had any dreams recollections except for mathematical dreams, Many, many numbers. It's not like I love math or good at it, but the fact is, I started my new semester in college and I am forcing 6 weeks of algebra down my throat has a tendency to play a big effect on my mind. I haven't been recalling my dreams as much, because of the lateness of getting to sleep, and the rushing to get up and ready for my class. I see numbers in my mind as I am drifting off to sleep and the next thing I am recalling is 5x+43=2x-9 or S=PRT solve for R it's a nightmare. Hopefully since the weekend is approaching I will be able to have a more enjoyable sleep where I am able to recall what my subconscious is telling me. My subconscious is obviously screaming at me about x, y, and z,, but beyond that I want to explore what really lies beyond the variables and exponents. And I just want to be able to blink without it hurting.

    School and Pain Back in Session.

    by Dreamer1293 on 06-16-2013 at 07:23 PM
    The dream sequence that appeared to me last night was a little crazy. I was telling myself that I haven’t dreamed of a certain person in a very long time, so where did my dream take me? It took me to my school book store the day of my summer session. As I was walking into the book store I checked my bag in and I walked towards the back of the store where they keep the notebooks and books and anything you can think of for school I haven’t yet grasped the concept of dreaming vs. reality while dreaming, but I knew something was up when I saw this guy. Em, was in my dreams in a bookstore. I was racing to go get my math book the day my summer session started at the college. As I was grabbing the book I saw this blur or a shadow walk right past me, than others, than many. I grabbed my book and started to follow the bodyless and faceless shadows. I am standing in line when someone taps my shoulder, I turned around and their was Em. The only part I remember of the conversation was where he asked me to go somewhere with him and his friends, and of course I said yes, I want a life. He asked me to go on a hike with him and his friends into on one of those hiking trails that lead deep into the woods. I said yes, because there were a couple of Em’s friends I like.

    Fast forward to another part of my dream or dreams. I am in my math class where I see the professor talking, but no one is listening except I. I realize that I am the only one in the classroom, and I thought this was odd, because usually classrooms are full of other prospering students. I get up out of my seat walk over towards the door and go outside. I turned around really fast, because I left my notebook and math book in the classroom. I see my new professor talking with other people, their blurs and shadows to me. I only hear one thing from the entire conversation “Where did the girl go? We need the girl.” Well, I decided to leave my math book and notebook and ran down the stairs of the LS building and outside. I see that it’s already 3 days the next day at that exact time, because I checked the newspaper. All I thought was I missed my hiking trip! I opened my phone and saw pictures of Sky and Em and his girlfriend, and other friends having a great time. And a text message that said, “We missed you, but at least you aren’t dead. We’ll try again.” I’m no sucker for paranoia, but I started breathing faster and I ran to the bike area of school.

    Fast forward again and I meet up with my friend Luke. He looked at me weird and said, “I know you. I know I know you.” I told him my name and he just sighed and said I know now. I helped him to the trees we have on campus and just sat their talking I don’t remember what was said, but then he turned on me and laid me down and started kissing me. I can tell I missed this...a lot. But it was different, it was like it was all new again. We started kissing heavily when all of the sudden these black boys are dismantling Luke’s bike. I jumped off the tree, flew down to these kids and start grabbing the pieces. Luke is still in the tree. I grabbed one of the guy’s shirts and he took a staple gun to my pinkie finger. I didn’t notice the pain at first, but when the boys ran off, I noticed my pinkie was turning blue. Luke jumped down from the tree and said I needed to go to the emergency room and so he took. As, we were walking the building that was the “emergency” room was my theatre arts building on campus. I walk with Luke to the building and we look at each other, he held my hand, my good one and we went inside the cold room. In the ER everyone looks like a blur or a shadow except Luke and the nurse. I walked to the Administration counter, a nurse asked about my pinkie and she said that I’ll be okay follow me. I asked if Luke could be with back their in the room with me, she replied, “No, he is not family. Come along.” I look back at him and he looks so sad, like his heart was aching. I started to go back with the nurse and then I woke up.
    non-lucid , dream fragment