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    Level up! (Lucid Level Bar #2)

    by dreamingcookie on 09-25-2015 at 10:06 AM
    Last night I did lots of stuff, and thus got lots of XP too, and now I'm finally level 1 (and already close to level 2)!

    So with each new level, I need 50 XP more than the level before to fill up the bar. Level 0 required a total of 50 XP, so now I need 100 XP to get to level 2. The blue line marks where I was the day before.

    I may should explain what this square thing on the bottom means. I want to add something called "Lucid Points". I get one lucid point for either leveling up or having a lucid dream, so they're quite valuable. Whenever I get a lucid point, it will be stored in one of the slots on the right side of the square at first. After that I can "use" it by moving it onto a pixel in the square. Depending on which color I put it, I'm rewarded with something different. Blue gives me 50 XP, Red doubles the amount of XP I get for the rest of the day (or maybe the rest of the level?), Black gives me a special Challange (with lots of cool rewards for beating it of course), and Purple will give me two random rewards (so for example +50XP and a new challange). These rewards are of course very unbalanced for now, which is why I "stored" my Lucid Point for now (maybe in the future I will remove the storing slots for the sake of simplicity).
    Oh yeah, I forgot, after placing the first LP, all following LPs must be placed next to at least one other LP. That way I have to plan ahead on what direction I want to go. :3

    Like I already mentioned, I want to add challanges (may even adding the tasks of the month), as well as unlockables and maybe some kind of skill tree for different techniques like WILD, DILD, etc.

    That's it, thanks for reading, criticism and ideas are very welcome!

    EDIT: Dangit, I made a mistake! Already wondored how I could have so much XP within one day... xD
    Actually there should only be 11 pixels filled in the bar, so I still have way to go for my next level... ^^' xD

    Updated 09-25-2015 at 10:09 AM by dreamingcookie


    My new leveling system :3

    by dreamingcookie on 09-23-2015 at 05:59 PM
    So yesterday I once again began to develop a leveling system rewarding me with XP for all kinds of (lucid) dream activity. I tried this several times now (with quitting it after one week or so because it was way too laborious and complicated ), but this time I have a rather good feeling about it. ^^
    So what I did was pixeling myself a progress bar, decided how much XP I need for each level in order to level up, made a list of activitys and goals and determined how much XP each one of them is worth.

    Now, after one day, I'm already halfway through to reaching the first level (starting at level 0): :3

    I wrote a little kind of program in an excel document, so I just have to insert the amount of XP I got that day and it will put out all my stats including how many pixels I have to dye green on the bar.
    The little bar below will show my amount of lucid dreams, one pixel matching one lucid dream. However I'm not quite sure what to do if I filled the bar up fully... :/
    As soon as I have more lucid dreams, I plan to add some subbars in different colors for each big lucid dreaming skill (for example control, lucidity, etc.) . How exactly it'll work I have no idea though.

    Oh right, here's the prototipe of my XP list:
    Spoiler for list:

    So that's it for now, if you have any ideas or criticism please tell me! ^^

    Meeting my dream guide (who is appearently also my son :D )

    by dreamingcookie on 09-22-2015 at 01:30 PM
    Sa-Su, 19-20.09.15

    I became lucid somehow. At some point in the dream I stood on a really big field of dark green grass at nighttime, which was surrounded by little mountains and trees (kinda like a world boarder in video games). At that boarder there was a high wooden hut which looked somehow chinese, and I jumped all the way up to the roof. I thought, "Now if I get down again, someone will be standing in the doorway of the hut." . However, when I looked on the field again, I noticed it was filled with dozens of monsters from Minecraft, like spiders, zombies and skeletons. I didn't want to deal with them, so before I got down, I stretched out my arm over the field and said: "All monsters are dead!" . Now one after another they all fell on the ground and vanished, all except the skeletons for some reason (another try did the rest though) .
    Now I could finally jump off the roof, keeping in mind I wanted to meet somebody to talk with, but all I found in the doorway was only a statue of someone instead of a real person.

    At some points in the dream I was in a hall that looked like a canteen for big workplaces, so there were chairs and tables spread in the room with people sitting around them. Almost everything in the room was very grey and colourless, the floor and walls were out of concrete, and the plastic chairs and the tables were gray or white aswell; the whole place was really athmospheric. I was sitting at one of the tables, and in front of me, there was sitting a boy of about eight years, and I talked with him. I knew that in this dream, I wasn't myself but a man of about 25 to 30 years, and the boy in front of me was my son, so I was happy to see him.
    I feel like I visited this place inbetween every "section" of my lucid dream (though I can't remember most of these sections), about three or four times, and everytime I talked to this boy.
    He was very polite and mature all the time, and he gave me tips about how I can improve my lucid dreams. I can't recall what exactly he said, but all of these tips sounded really wise and logical, something like: "Remember, no matter what happens, there never is a reason to feel fear or anxiety in dreams. Just enjoy all the great things you see." . It felt great to sit there and talk to him, and thanks to his help, I managed to stay relaxed and was never worried to be kicked out of the dream or such things, which normally happens all the time in my lucid dreams.
    Now in what I believe was our last "meeting", I suddenly had a realization and asked him: "Wait... Are you my dream guide?". He smiled in a subtle way and said that he was. I was extremely happy about this, so I asked him: "Hey, can I hug you?" . Once again he agreed, so I hugged the shit out of him and it felt incredibly nice.
    I think at that point I either lost my lucidity or the dream faded away.