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      Hi! Thanks for the friend request.
    2. Sorry zoth, but my dream recall's been shot for the last 2 weeks because of stress. It is freshman year, after all. However, i will report as soon as i can get my recall back.
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      When are we reading more about the adventures of the Admiral of the 13th fleet of the IAW? You've left many people curious about them
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    About DreamLord1

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    September 16, 2001 (23)
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    Speedcubing, chess, mathematics, sushi, programming, martial arts
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    How do you know that this world isn't as real, or as important, as the one you live in?


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    View DreamLord1's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries


    by DreamLord1 on 04-23-2016 at 01:12 AM
    Background: I fell asleep at 11:00, woke up at 4:30, and did SSILD.

    (Some fragments about the biltmore hotel in los angeles)
    I suddenly realize that something is off, as I remember my attempt at SSILD. I realize that I'm dreaming, but wake up. However, I immediately realize that I'm in a False Awakening. My room seems black and white, and sort of static-y. I get up out of bed and walk into the living room. The dream has now turned to color. I ground myself. I walk outside and make the sun rise. I then decide to take a walk around my city, Encinitas. As I walk around my block, I admire the realism of everything. I see a black truck drive by, and I can easily read the word "Tacoma". As I walk up the sidewalk to a plaza called the lumberyard, I see an old woman wearing a pink dress walk by. I remember that I've been struggling with dream control recently, so I decide to just control her. I think to myself, "that old lady is going to scream at me." She immediately looks up at me and screams, but I make her stop. As I start walking across the street, I bump into a woman in yoga pants. I'm flustered, and my dream reflects my thoughts by showing an image of a woman in a bikini walking across the street. I put a stop to it though, knowing that I have to do other things, and remembering that sex is quite likely to wake me up. I bump into a man whose face is obscured. He seems to know me. We both walk into a bar, and as I start talking to the man, I realize that the dream is destabilizing. I wake up.
    lucid , false awakening

    Day 3

    by DreamLord1 on 03-29-2016 at 12:54 AM
    Pre-Sleep Notes:

    • Will be FILDing at 4 1/2 hrs and 6 hrs.

    Alarms failed. Zero recall.


    • It took me less than 30 seconds to fall asleep when I woke up at 6-hour mark. And I thought I was too awake for FILD!
    • The alarm needs to be louder.
    side notes

    Day 2

    by DreamLord1 on 03-27-2016 at 06:51 PM
    Only recalled fragments:

    • Looking at a printed maze (woke up from this)
    • Sitting in a wooden gym/theater that is lit by orange light. There is a chinese dragon costume onstage.
    • Talking with my my high school counselor about my grades. She's using some sort of futuristic transparent interface thing. Takes place in gym place. (Not my counselor IRL. Actually an assistant principal)
    • Talking with my mother in the gym place. She asks: "was it neela?", referring to the counselor. (I don't actually know anyone named neela)


    • I messed up the volume on my alarm. Did not wake up at planned WBTB time.
    • I need to remember to sit in bed for a bit and try to recall my dreams before jumping into the day.
    dream fragment , side notes

    Day 1

    by DreamLord1 on 03-26-2016 at 03:26 PM
    Today is 3/26/2015

    No dreams recalled


    • Apparently, adjusting your sleep schedule messes with dream recall.
    • Started adjustment phase to reach 11:00 P.M. - 6:30/8:00 A.M. Sleep schedule.
    • Ok, I need practice with SSILD. I fell asleep on warmup cycle #1.
    • Possibly need to adjust the length of WBTB.
    • The volume on my alarm does a great job of gradually waking me up.
    • It's going to take a week to adjust, isn't it?
    side notes

    Ahhh... The Wonders of SSILD

    by DreamLord1 on 11-22-2015 at 04:01 PM
    Date: 11/22/15

    Report: I used SSILD. I fell asleep at 11:00(ish). Woke up by alarm at 4:30, thus making it 5 1/2 hour wbtb time.


    1) Women, the solution(and source) of all life's problems; 10 min(?); V8C5R7E0W4

    Synopsis: The first real lucid I've had in a dry spell that begun in June. Although i had limited control, It was the longest and most vivid dream I've had in while.

    Dream: I wake up in the middle of the night. My Mom is standing at the foot of my bed, telling me she needs some help with some boxes. I'm slightly weird-ed out by the fact she brought this up in the middle of the night, but decide to just get it over with. I'm starting to doubt that this is real, so i glance at my clock, look away, then glance back. The time's changed. Realizing that i'm dreaming, I quickly stabilize by running out, reminding myself i'm dreaming, and start shouting "Night to day, Night to day, ..." The sky slowly get's brighter. I decide to summon a talking cat, so I shout "Show me the cat!". My actual cat appears, which is not the kind of cat i was hoping for. I look around me, and realize how real everything is. It's so detailed. I try, but fail, to fly. I decide I want to jump off a skyscraper to see what it feels like, so I successfully teleport to New York. Unfortunately, I'm in a subway station. I stabilize again, then try teleporting to the top of a building. Everything goes black. I am, however, able to remake the image of the subway. I give up the skyscraper idea, and remember the night's goal: To go to Riven. I try teleporting again, but arrive back in my room. I sit down at my desk, and realize how cool it is that the time changes each time I look at the clock. I ask once again for the cat, but I look outside to find my IRL cat sitting on a dead tree in the middle of the road. I think, "Well, asking for a cat isn't going to work" I instead ask for my dream guide. Silence. Then I decide to go outside, but as I pass through the living room, my mom says: "Now you're talking to yourself." I ignore her and head out the door, to see Bertha and Micaela(IRL spanish class classmates) coming down the stairs. I decide to try and bang Micaela (she's really hot IRL). The excitement, however, destabilizes the dream and wakes me up.

    Results: In summary, SSILD has been working spectacularly to break my dryspell, and has resulted in the some of the most vivid dreams I have ever experienced. It is clear, however, that I need to work on my dream control, as it has deteriorated in the several months since my last real lucid(The creation of Trenzalore). I hope that SSILD continues to work for me.

    Dream signs:
    None that I recognize.