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    1. View Conversation
      Duuuude, you're back!
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      o hai how u
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      The NovaDreamer 2 is gonna be awesome!
      They are making it much more comfortable, and you can download stuff on it! I bet I can download a deild alarm that wakes me up in the middle of REM! That would be awesome!! We only have to wait until it is available. They did finish it! I don't think they'll place a big price tag since REM Dreamer are a big chalange to them
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      We are smart! weknow what we are doin'
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      I have much more goals that matter a lot to me, much more than sex or flying
    6. View Conversation
      yeah of course
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      Not for me it ain't! In a LD, I can choose from 1000 girls!!
      My friend is a natural, all his LDs are sex with models and weather announcers! He is the happiest man I have ever met!
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      Anything, eh!?
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      hmmm..... what to write?
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      Still up to populating the walls? we get hall points!!!
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    [WILD] A Series of Unparalleled Events

    by DreamscapeGoat on 01-12-2014 at 11:34 PM
    Date: 1-13-14
    Time: 1:52 A.M. - 5:03 A.M.
    Technique(s) Used: N/A
    Non-Dream | Dream | Lucid
    This is the longest WILD I've had - in fact, the longest lucid dream, as well, so excuse the length

    The dream began with me waking up from my bed. From the moment I got up, I alread knew that I was dreaming.

    The house was dark, not many lights on. I ran my hand across walls to stabilize, and went to the living room.

    The lights were dimmed, but not so dim that I couldn't see. Everything was in its rightful place - nothing out of the ordinary.

    A few knocks echo from within. I go to the door, and see that it is a friend of mine. I open the door and let him inside, but take note that his eyes seemed awfully black.

    He comes inside, and immediately takes a swing at me. I had to fight him. Though I was dreaming, I did not have any great fighting moves - I simply tripped him up and hammered him with punches.

    In an effort to get away, he suddenly transformed into an action figure. He shot his limbs at me, to try and deter me from his escape. Unphased, I picked it up, tore off the head, and threw it outside. The moment I did, the sun rose, and brightened up the day.

    I stood outside, and looked to my left. There were several groups of other teenagers that seemed to be congregating some general thought. I began thinking of things I could do in the dream.

    The tasks of the month were the first to penetrate my thoughts. I turned to ask my mother, who was at the screen door, what her new years resolution was. She held a nore of 'umm' for a bit, then dodged it by asking me what mine was. I shoo the question away, and go in search of a better answer.

    I was swallowed by the group, and began asking around, seeing if anybody had a resolution. None did - their answers just the same as my mothers, only a lot more 'I don't knows'.

    I was going to go somewhere else to ask a different character, when all of a sudden a good friend of mine stood out within the crowd, donning many winder clothes. I ran to her, and asked her what her resolution was. All she said was 'Disney' - I assumed she meant to watch more.

    As we sit on the grass, I decided to try out the other basic task - I said to her, "Hey, it's night time."

    She responded with, "It's not night time - IT'S PRIME TIME!"

    I look to my left, and see that all of the teens are sitting as well - why? Looking to my right, I see a large skyscraper, with a huge TV attatched to it. It was playing a movie.

    Unable to remember any other tasks of the month, I decided to try and look them up while in the dream. I got up and turned to go inide, only to notice that my house had been replaced by a massive complex.

    I ran up the stairs, desperate to find a door. I suddenly stop, and say to myself, "Hey, I'm dreaming! Why am I trying to find a door?" I fall face first through the roof I am on.

    Down through darkness I descend, until a computer monitor begins to hum. I look at the screen, and see that it is on Dream Views. It was stuck on one thread - I cannot remember the name.

    Disappointed, I left, and emerge in a small housing area. There were train tracks that led through the area, but no station. Near the tracks, two girls, donning black, waited. I knew one, but not the other. Next to the tracks was a building that had no doors - just a hole.

    I went in and observed the space. There were games and stores all around. I assumed it was a sort of mall, and went back outside.

    When I went back outside, the girls were gone. I paid no further heed to this, and proceeded to climb a building. I made it up effortlessly.

    On top, I saw a bird. It flew away, and gave me the thought: Why don't I play a little god work? I began to recreate the bird, but in my own image - it was cold and metallic. I look to my left, and see if fly towards me. I catch it, observe my handiwork, and let it take flight once again.

    Climbing down, I hear several conversations going on. One guy said, "How could she like him over such a fabulous guy like me?" After I heard this, I was handed a notebook by a character. I found it odd that he handed it to me so absentmindedly - as if it were just automatic.

    I take it, and look inside. Written it is was this: '7:00. Don't be late.' I thought of the girls waiting for the train, and ran back inside the mall.

    I asked tons of people if anybody knew where the 7:00 train was headed. Nobody knew. One vendor, in broken English, told me to go down a different corridor - someone down there knew. I thanked him and ran down there.

    I go down a green hallway, and reach a nursing office. I asked the woman inside if she knew where the 7:00 train was going. She said that it was going to a village on the border of Korea. I thought of a way to get there.

    I walked up to a pale wall and ran my finger down it. This caused it to crack. I stuck my fingers in the crack, and opened it. It made a portal to a mirrored copy of a nursing office in Korea. I thank the woman, and step inside. Shutting the rift, I run my thumb on it, sealing the crack.

    Walking outside, I was confronted by a group. Whether they were just thugs or Korean police, I didn't know - but I knew I couldn't stay there. Jumping in a flying car, I drove away. However, they followed in their own cars.

    I was gunned down, but a large aircraft took hold of me and carried me to safety. I blacked out,and when I awoke, I was back in my bed, still in a dream.

    I went into the bright living room, and saw that my mother had made peppermint fudge, as indicated by the small candy canes on top. I went to the door, and looked out the window. I saw the sithouette of the aircraft that had saved me, and
    woke up.

    An Island

    by DreamscapeGoat on 12-17-2013 at 10:59 PM
    Date: 12-17-13
    Time: 8:54 P.M. - 2:16 A.M.
    Technique(s) Used: Binatural Beats
    I was on a raft, gently floating towards a large island.

    The raft hit the dock, and I jumped off. I was not human - my arms were much too long. Nonetheless, I began to explore the island.

    I climbed up what looked like oddly-colored bamboo shoots with speed and ease. I climbed and climbed, not caring to stop.

    Eventually, as the dream willed it, I did stop, and was near a dark cave. The ocean was to the left, for waves were splashing up near the entrance. I was human now - my arms were as they looked in the waking world. There were more shoots around, which were prompting me to climb and see what else there was. However, something else had caught my eye, and apparently a DCs as well.

    Just below the entrance, inside a small crevice, was a tiny, golden egg. I lift it up, only to feel a powerful hand shove me away. There were two other DCs there - both tall, strong men. They wanted the egg.

    The egg flew out of my hands towards the ocean when I was shoved. My arm suddenly flew out and hit one of the men smack in the head. He staggered backwards, and I guess I hit him pretty hard - he didn't know what he was doing here. I told him that he was checking out something else on the other side of the island. He seemed to have a revelation then - he made his way there, the other following suit.

    I grab the egg before it can be washed out to see, and in that moment, it hatched. Inside was a small, dark blue bird (Now that I think about it, it looked like a very small version of the flut-flut from Jak and Daxter). I held it close, gently stroking it - I didn't want it to fall back into the ocean.

    As I held the creature, loud bangs echoed from the other side of the island. Handing the bird to a DC that was close by, I went to investigate. While I walked, I noticed a few other caves, some holdin old remains, one even holding an archaic-looking chest.

    I made it to where the other two DCs had gone, and sure enough, they were digging a pathway through the island. They were just about finished - I could see the other side.

    On the other side lay a cul-de-sac.

    I woke up soon after entering.
    From 2:20 - 5:51 A.M., there were only a few fragments, of which I cannot remember.

    [DILD] Hunted Soldiers/Shifting Room

    by DreamscapeGoat on 12-14-2013 at 11:39 PM
    Date: 12-15-13
    Time: 9:21 P.M. - 6:58 A.M.
    Technique(s) Used: SSILD
    I wake to the start of multiple cries, and realize I'm in a group. Apparently, soldiers have taken our homes, and used them as refuges for a long time. We were ready to be rid of them, and their tyrrany.

    I was the leader, and asked the people if they had any ideas. One said that they all went into a store at a certain time of the day - right now, in fact. I ask around, asking what we should do.

    One of the people spoke up, saying we should lay a trap. We all comply with this, and begin to set it.

    We used C6, a highly explosive substance, as the killer. We set it, and are ready to go, until the one that set it mentioned that one should stay behind. I volunteered, and told everyone to leave. I bring up a rifle, and position myself near the door, a safe distance away.

    Three of them walked out, and were instantly consumed by blazing heat and cold stones. One runs out, trying to go left, but I take him out easily.

    One dives for cover, which prompted me to draw him out. I went around, and he makes a dash for a long tunnel in the middle of the area. I steady myself, breath deeply, and prepare for his arrival.

    The soldier suddenly pops out, like a gopher, right into my red dot sight. Two clicks of the trigger, and he is dead.

    A little HUD piece popped up in my vision, telling me I'd only gotten five out of the seven that had come here. I dropped the rifle and begna to search around for the other two.

    I was taken to a dog daycare, which was one of the houses with a large fence around it. I walk in, and sign my name on the in/out sheet. I'd been here before - my signature was there from two days ago.

    I give the woman $5 as she rattles on about her navy experiences to her friends. I was going to go inside her house, but the door led me into darkness.
    I am in bed, but not my usual bed. Next to me was another bed, housing my brother and a dog. The TV was on, playing some cartoon.

    I wondered why the dog never slept with me, and instantly the dog jumped to my bed. I was too big, the bed too small, which left no room for the dog to sleep. It (For I didn't know its gender) hopped back to my brothers bed, and rested.

    In the blink of an eye, the room shifts. I'm close to the door now, still in bed, but now my dad is in the room, smiling.

    The dog jumps at him, and jumped into him, as if he were a portal. I did a reality check, and realized that I was dreaming.

    My brother said, "Cooooool, we're dreaming!" right after.

    I was about to get up and leave, but my dad said "Wait, I want to show you something." Interest piqued, I sat down.

    He handed me a red plastic cup, and tol me it was cookies and creme. I tilt it in my mouth, but nothing comes out. Suddenly, a burst of flavor fills my mouth and throat. I had to shut my eyes in ecstacy.

    Right then, I remembered Basic Task II. I slowly counted to 10 with my fingers, still drinking from the air in the cup. When my eyes opened, the room had shifted yet again.

    I was in the far corner, the room darker now. A light hum and a gentle glow permeated my senes, prompting me to go investigate. It was a computer hooked up to a toaster.

    I type in coffee, and out pops a thin and tall pop-tart. I take it, and take a bite, surprised to have it taste flaky, instead of hard. The coffee taste was sweet, with an underlying tone of bitterness
    (Usually, I put a bunch of creamer in coffee - I dislike it most of the time).

    I go outside the door, and are taken into a schoolroom. There was a mansion model on one of the desks, and it must've been for me, for my last name was on it. I investigate the model, only to soon awaken.

    Updated 12-15-2013 at 06:23 AM by DreamscapeGoat (spelling)

    lucid , task of the month


    by DreamscapeGoat on 12-03-2013 at 10:44 PM
    Date: 12/3/13
    Technique(s) used: N/A
    Time: 9:30 PM - 5:50 AM
    I started out in school, working on some sort of web page. I cannot remember the content, but I do remember the teacher coming over and telling me to fix somehting on it.

    I looked around the class, observing everyone else that was working. I looked in my backpack, and dug out an album. Darkness came shortly after I closed my bag.
    Suddenly I am in my room, leaning over my bag. I'm next to my closet, which houses my shelf.

    I dig in my bag, and pull out the album I'd picked up earlier. The text was unreadable. I shelved it next to the others.

    I pull out another one, which hapens to be two in one. One I recognized off the bat - it was an album I'd gotten a while ago. However, something wasn't right; the artwork wasn't correct, and the text was green, instead of the usual red.

    There wasn't enough time to investigate - I was suddenly spiraling downward, into a new dream.
    I was in a house, much different from the one I live in now. I had in my hand a flier.

    I open it up, and look inside. There were a multitude of pictures of beasts and monsters from different album art. Some were fighting others, some seemed to be wandering the black halls. I close it, and headed for a bedroom.

    Finding one, I went inside, and sat myself down. Instantly, a low growl eminated inside the room. Terror seized me, and I froze up for a moment. In came a black entity, of which I cannot remember the shape.

    I then woke up.


    by DreamscapeGoat on 11-28-2013 at 05:12 AM
    Date: 11-28-13
    Technique(s) used: N/A
    Time: 4:00 - 6:31 AM
    In the instant the dream started, I was thrown into a cold, Christmas-themed area. I had an objective - to steal a prized possesion within the walls of what seemed to be a store of sorts.

    I walked across ice, feeling a small chill whip around the area. I make my way inside, where it is much warmer.

    People flooded the space, which made this mission a bit more complicated. I made my way through the crowds, heading west of the entrance.

    Swimming out of the ocean of people, I make my way over to a small section of the store - it connected the room I needed to get to, and the one leading to the entrance. There were many dressers, cabinets, and even a small section for books. Looking around, I saw only a couple of people within the room, and started to go to the objective when something caught my eye.

    A young woman walked into the room, along with ehr daughter, just as I was about to leave. She seemed fime, but something didn't look right on her face. It seemed to be twisted and possessed, as if it belonged to a demon. She merely smiled at me, and I smiled back. Must be the watchdog, I thought. If she didn't know that I could see her real face, I'd be okay.

    I helped her daughter pick out a book from a bookshelf, and made my way to the next room. This room bolged out forward, fitted with curved windows. I could see the snow and ice outside. The entire room shone an ocean blue, and was filled with artifacts.

    I made my way to a small table placed at the center. It shone with a gold hue, bright and beautiful. It was a jar, coated with aged bronze. I lifted it up, surprised at how light it was, and pocketed the artifact.

    Making my way out, I reached into my pocket, ready to call my affiliate that the mission was completed. However, when I reached in there, I felt nothing. The phone was gone.

    I ran back inside, only to be assaulted with darkness, and woke into the world.

    Updated 11-28-2013 at 07:28 AM by DreamscapeGoat (categorization)
