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View dreamst8's Dream Journal
dreamst8 on 10-09-2011 at 08:24 PM
I had my very first lucid dream FINALLY. I've had lucid dreams before, but before I joined DV, I was DOING IT ALL WRONG lol. So, I consider this to be my first lucid dream. Before, when I would become lucid, I did nothing with it. For some reason it never crossed my mind, except to wake myself up out of nightmares. But when I would become lucid in a pleasant dream, I wouldn't focus on it, so I'd either slip out of lucidity or wake up. This time, though, I relished in it.
I'm seeing things from a 3rd person bird's eye view. The scene is a vast rural area with very tall green grass (about 3 feet). The field is split down the middle by a dirt path. On one side of the path, my mother (who is Chinese in the dream -- I'm not Chinese) is kneeling down doing some yard work (shelling peas or weeding or something).
On the other side of the path, there's a search party tirelessly searching for a young boy who's run away. Suddenly I can barely see a little boy scurrying incredibly fast through the side of the field where my mom is. She spots him, but says nothing to the search party. After they eventually pack up and head off, she goes and finds the boy. Nothing is said between the two of them, but an understanding is reached. She raises the boy until he's about 12 yrs old or so. ~>>>
Now, the view has switched to first person, the boy has become me and I'm an adult. I'm in front of our house, but it's a FANTASTIC house. It's beautiful and it's obvious that we now have a lot of money and are living comfortably. The house is in a quiet neighborhood. It's brown/tan, L-shaped with stone columns on various corners of the house. The driveway is large and open with a stone garden in the middle. There's a car that looks like a Cadillac CTS parked in front. This all starts to tip me off that it's a dream, but I haven't become lucid yet.
I walk around back and am still marveling at the house and it hits me.
~>><<~ I'M DREAMING! I'm already pretty certain I'm dreaming, but to be sure, I do the nose pinch RC. I can breathe through my fingers and I start getting really excited. Everything starts to kind of shake (like in Inception) and I start worrying that I'm going to excite myself right out of the dream. So I try to calm myself down and I spin around looking at the house and the sky and things stabilize. It's not a particularly sunny day. The ground is wet from an earlier shower, and I can smell the rain. My first thought, "I'm going to try to fly!" Totally failed. I tried just using my chi to float upwards and take off. I sort of felt some liftoff, but not really. So I figured maybe if I lay face down on the ground and attempt to take off from there, I'd get something. I did manage to hover a few inches off the ground, but no flight.
A voice from a police scanner (that I never saw) announced that there was some sort of (?)robbery(?) in progress, and I contemplated going there to "hero up" but decided against it since I hadn't even learned to fly yet. A billiard scorer type apparatus (somewhat like a huge one-row abacus) appeared and I decided that I would set the score to zero and move a marker towards the house for every bad guy I thwart. I think I started to lose lucidity a little at this point, but I'm not sure. Then...
~>><<~ My wife woke me up because she thought our dog was outside getting attacked by something. Totally borked out of my first lucid dream. Ah well. I know there will be plenty more. Next time, i WILL fly though! I'm going to study flight tutorials and I'm going to be ready.
dreamst8 on 09-28-2011 at 01:57 AM
I wasn't aware that I was doing this yesterday, but when I read about dream incubation this morning, I saw that that's what I had unintentionally done last night. But even though I didn't know about incubation, before I fell asleep, I had a feeling it was going to happen.
Yesterday, I was looking at shurikens (ninja throwing stars) almost all afternoon. I'm also almost finished reading a book on ninja mind manipulation throughout history. I DON'T study ninjitsu, btw.
Anyway, here's the dream:
I'm part of a traveling team of heroes who dish out justice with ... custom-made shurikens. We have a medium sized staff that operates our team vehicle -- a high-end bus/truck that's a mobile HQ control center. It's got all kinds of high tech gadgetry -- communication stuff, tracking stuff, media stuff, etc.
So, apparently, when someone is in danger, it registers on our systems and a combat team member is dispatched (armed to the teeth with shurikens of course).
Anyway, someone was in danger and one of the staff shouts for me to deploy to (?)Dallas(?). As soon as she says that, my project manager from work jumps out of nowhere and goes "He can't do that one! It's not priority! He's working on a project for me!" and disappears.
I tell the staff member to try another location. As she's looking, she screams (pretty much horrified) "OH NOOOO!"
That's it. If you're wondering what my little symbols and things are, they closely resemble the symbols I use in my own dream journal at home:
~>>*<<~ is "Dream begins."
~>>...<<~ is "I don't remember the beginning of the dream, but this is the point from which I recall."
~>>O<<~ is "Dream ends."
~>><<~ is "Dream ends and I wake up right then."
(?)any words(?) means "I THINK that's what was said." or "I THINK that's what was done" or "I THINK that's what I saw."
I'm sure I'll come up with other symbols for more stuff as I move along.