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    1. View Conversation
      Also, I didn't have ice cream yet... I don't know why, but in my dreams I just have secks on my mind And if not 6 I fly or beat someone up.
    2. View Conversation
      Even though I'm just 21 years old and my future is brimming with possibilities... I feel like a MADAO. I feel like a MADAO who's pretending to be a samurai. But I also have an unstable personality, because me telling you this means that I acknowledge that I only pretend to have a silver soul. But sometimes I actually believe it.

      I'm not paying that much attention to my lucid life. I'm watching science lectures and thinking about the content; before sleeping I often listen to music and in the morning I don't care enough about my dreams to record them. Even though I have so many things I want to do, for some reason I don't care enough, I don't know why. I do get lucid about once a week though, and whenever I meditate properly, my lucid time and quality get huge gains.

      I did record 1 dream btw, my nightmare tonight. That freakin' nightmare. I will probably upload it soon.

    3. View Conversation
      PS: I'm a retard, I should have put part 3 first because then it would be in the proper order. The asses and faces of the messages are in the wrong order. The ass of part 1 should have been in part 2's face and part 2's part should have been in part 3 face, but now part 3's face is free of stink, part 2 is getting part 3's stink and part 1's face is in part 2's ass, even though it should have been staring you in the face. I apologize. I also apologize for having 4 messages instead of 2. Each message has a 1000 character limit. The initial thing was 2100 characters so I could have shortened it into <2000, but because I got excited by Gintama I wanted to be funny so I added some things. Then it became 3200 so I had to make it 4.
    4. View Conversation
      I had to keep you interested right... Part 3 is what I'm REALLY getting it.

      I think it'll be a while until Gintoki will be my dream guide.... But he is my dream guide I will tell you if I don't forget you by then. I promise. A worthless promise since I said that I might forget it, but I do promise

      If I don't forget xD

      But don't worry! The silver soul has merged with mine by osmosis due to heavy exposure! So even if I forget Gintoki, Katsura, Hedoro and all the rest, my soul will never be without Gin! = D

      Thanks for the message, it's been a while since I thought about Gintama and this made me happy
    5. View Conversation
      Part 2 is what I'm getting at.

      Not watching the anime, not reading the manga and not even having cool posters of Gintama to remind me of it, I am really starting to forget it. And saying this makes me very happy. Because that means that in the unexpectedly near future I can experience Gintama again. I'll be a different person from when I started watching it like 2 or 3 years ago, and a different person from today so there's still some uncertainty as to whether I'll enjoy it. But now I am not thinking of Gintama at all. I can say with confidence that it probably does not cross my mind even in very subtle ways more than 5 times a month. Oh man those golden days... Where I would get 500ml of caramel or straciatella ice cream and laughing out loud, getting stomach pains every 2 or 3 episodes. I'm looking forward to that day!!

      DUDE, seriously! What the hell are you getting at?
    6. View Conversation
      It appears that my message was way too long so I'll break it up into 3 parts. Part 1:

      Gintama has been leaking out of my brain slowly but surely. After watching all episodes 3 times and reading the first half of the manga twice (I bought all 23 English volumes ), I milked pretty much all the fun I could get out of it. I had 2 beautiful wallscrolls, 1 was of fairly normal size, the other is about as wide as a door, slightly higher, barely fitting between the ceiling and the door The big 1 got loose because of the wind because my window is always open so I took it off. The medium sized one I put away because I wanted to use the hooks for clothes And I have a paper poster with some plastic coating or something (as opposed to the fabric wallscrolls) with a picture of Gintoki smiling cheesily.

      What the hell am I getting at?
    7. View Conversation
      No worries at all. It is a bit of self-deprecating humor. I learned the term from my Swedish (ex)girlfriend's family. If they tasted something at an english speaking house that they wanted to warn the others tasted bad they would say "Very nice, fogelbise" and explained to me that it meant bird poop, so I thought it would be a funny user name but spelled it how it sounded in English.
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    logic, emotional psychology, meditation, self-development, manga, tvtropes
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    LD. Asking DC about lucidity

    by Ebtn on 11-07-2015 at 08:20 AM
    I am in a kitchen. I look around and see that I'm in my old home. I'm in the kitchen by the kitchen sink. It's in front of me. To the left of me is the door to the hallway. To the right is the kitchen table and window. There's some white looking cloth over the kitchen table. Some chairs around it. I can see it's night outside. There are yellow lights in the sky that I interpret to be starts (but are way too big to really be stars).

    A childhood friend is there for some reason. Her clothes and appearance is normal. She intiates conversation about something and is glad about something. Then someone comes jumping out of kitchen window, on to the table, rolls on it and lands with 2 feet on the floor. Now I see it's my friend's little sister. She's wearing a white blouse and black knee-skirt. By this point my childhood friend is gone. The little sister literally dives into the kitchen sin and remains there while sprattling her legs. I have no idea what she's doing.

    "Oh, of course! This is a dream!" I become lucid without RCs. I remember that I need to rub my hands so that I don't wake up. While rubbing my hands I turn to the sister who's no longer in the sink (I don't notice the transistion). She's standing with her legs a bit bent and looking around. I ask her "Why do I not have lucidity each night?". She looks at me without saying anything and then she looks away for a few seconds. This was her facial expression when I asked that question. Then she wasn't there anymore. I imagined what her answer was gonna be and in that second of a blind spot she disappeared. I looked around. When I looked down I saw a table with 3 empty white plates on it. It was horizontal and had some white cloth on it. There were chairs but I don't remember how many or where they were. On the other side of the table to the furthermost right there was a baby. He was african with little black curls for hair. I was certain that was me for some reason. The kid had arm wide like babies do when crying. He was also crying. I tried to look around more but I couldn't, I couldn't move around my perspective. I say perspective because I didn't have a body at that point.