- Date of Birth
- December 26
About Ethernalboy
- LD Count:
- 154
- Country Flag:
- Spain
- Location:
- VA
- Interests:
- Singing
- Occupation:
- Musician
- Gender:
- Male
- How you found us:
- Intrigue
Why Dont You Just Go Lie In Front Of That Missle...
Dream Tasks
[ ] Enter Another Dimension,
[ ] Find my Dream Guide,
[ ] Have A LD About Portal, [ ] Dream Sex
[START A REM SQUAD] [X] Alex, [ ] DreamClown, [ ] Jambi The Genie, [ ] Bert, [ ] ?
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- Last Activity
- 10-11-2011 02:23 AM
- Join Date
- 02-23-2011
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View Ethernalboy's Dream Journal
Ethernalboy on 04-21-2011 at 06:08 PM
Out of the many dreams I had last night this is all I can Remember in great detail.
I had a dream about being younger although knowing I was older in a playground with a lot of other kids.
I was apparently taking 2nd grade school classes again and was at recess, I walked around the park, it was covered in wet grass and puddles, it was a little chilly. But not too much to worry about. There were colorful slides and structures on the playground so I went towards one of the yellowish blue forts and decided to play on it. but three big kids were in my way and said they wouldnt let me on and that I would never get passed them, but I did, one by one my stubborness pushed them aside and I got to the top of the slide fort, they were angry so they started to chase me . I ran all around and hid behind slides. as I was hiding I noticed my school building, it was familiar in a way I could not explain. My teacher and some kids were playing in a large puddle it was deeper than most of the kids.I looked over and to my horror the three older kids found me and were running towards me, I noticed a HUGE slide easily taller than three school buildings combined and started to climb it knowing that it would be the best place to secure myself in, also aware that I could kick any of them down if they chose to start climbing, halfway up, however them pulled on my legs and threw me down, then they started wailing on me. I lost conciousness.
2. (LUCID) I was in dark room with a couple of candle lights illuminating the room, there were two portals on either sides of the walls I fought to stay lucid using every stabilization trick I knew, but soon after wandering around the candles the dream ended.
(Lucid) After I awoke from my first lucid I decided to fall back asleep and after about 10 mins of Sp, Large gusts of wind pulled my from my bed and threw me into a new room. It was a very brightly colored house. Very clean and nice. The walls were a bright feiry orange with blue to the sides. I looked around the rooms and saw my mom cleaning like usual. I went back into my room and saw my little brother playing video games (also like usual) I felt like the dream was trying to trick me with things I was comfortable with, so that I would just accept reality. But I knew there was something different to this place. A whole nother vibe to it. I walked outside and down the stairs around me were some quaint shops and a large cathedral. The whole town was vibrant with color, but very empty. I wandered around the streets in hope of finding someone new and interesting but i found no one. I woke up soon after ( or atleast I thought I did)
I awoke in the middle of my room telling my big brother about the dreams I had just had (later noting that I had no recollection of ever telling my brother that, because he had left for california the night before, which meant that I was in a false awakening and therefore still in a dream.) Tricked by my mind, I lost lucidity and continued with the dream plot.
The next thing I knew I was in a large field joining in on a huge sport that most of my classes were playing. I saw alot of kids from my school and teachers as coaches. I joined in my World Civ 2 teachers team and grabbed a lights blue jersey. The game was played with a round ball and the object of the game was to tackle anyone who had the ball for a point. I played a couple rounds of the game until it ended and socialized with some of the friends I knew how I normally would.
I woke up.
Ethernalboy on 03-31-2011 at 02:36 PM
Im starting A REM SQUAD in my dreams to pull of missions and dangerous heists
Im in the middle of recruiting memorable DC's in my past dreams as a part of my team, With their abilities by my side nothing can stop us!
I- Ethernalboy- The Cicada King
II- Alex [Recruited]- My big brother, A prominent DC in my dreams and Useful Ally
III- DreamClown [NA]
IV- Jambi [NA]
V- Bert [NA]
VI- ?
Ethernalboy on 03-25-2011 at 02:24 PM
I was at home watching tv on the couch when a preview for the New Kardashian Show came on. It was all about Chloe this time but she was extremely Obese (More so than she is in real life) It was hilarious, she kept strutting around as people avoided her disgusting presence. She Sat down in between 4 hot girls on a couch, they left as soon as she sat down. I burst out in laughter, then stopped when she bent down to pet her chihuahua, Its face was disturbing, it was Very human like...and had a glass eye, After petting it, she talked to the family and had a heartwarming talk about how they needed to get the dog a new freshly picked human eye. The Ad ended and I remember getting into a car with my brother. We drive out into the rainy day and drive ferociously to our predetermined destination. We hit a few cars here and there while listening to "Falling Slowly" haha awesome. When ended up in front of a large house. While we were getting out I told my brother about the Kardashians dog and how we needed to harvest organds for it. My brother agreed, so we broke into the house and stole the organs of everyone in the house. The dream ended.
Ethernalboy on 03-18-2011 at 02:07 PM
This Is My Second successful DILD
Non-Lucid Lucid
I Opened my eyes and saw white all around me, I reached my hand out to touch whatever I could, It was fabric. I was in bed covered by a large thin white sheet, I attempted to remove it, but as soon as I touched it A Voice Boomed so loud and rustled my sheet. "I AM THE WIND!, IM HERE TO KILL YOU, IF YOU MOVE OR SHOW ANY OF YOUR BODY I WILL CUT YOU UP!!!", I was temporarily frightened until I came to the realization that I didnt fall asleep with White Sheets
I Was Lucid Now, Now without fear of the Frightening Wind, I removed the sheet that had been blinding me and stood up to find myself in an apartment room. The room was litered in Erine Propaganda,( The Orange guy with the red nose on Sesame Street) It was littered with posters and wallpapers of him making obscene faces. After stabilizing my dream body I noticed a tub of coca-cola bottles, To my right was a Living Ernie, he had been staring at me since I woke, I imagine he was the one making the voice of the Wind. I was only slightly disturbed by his cartoon like face. I grabbed a Coke out of the tub and threw it at his head, It smashed in his face and he let out a shriek of pain before falling back into an open window. He screamed the way down. I didn't pay anymore attention to him and decided to get along with the scenario, I noticed a curtain to the left of my bed, I opened it and found another Ernie sitting down staring at the wall blankly, I had no idea if he was alive or just a statue. (I wasn't really looking to find out.) I closed the curtain and went out into the hallway. At this point my hair was starting to bother my face, so I tried to push it away from my face. But it wouldnt budge, (My hair was in my face when i went to sleep.) It was so irritating, at that point I started feeling my physical senses were being triggered and I felt the dream collapsing. The floor suddenly snapped in two and a wild earthquake ensued. I looked out side and saw the sky getting blurry, The buildings outside were catching on fire and exploding. as the explosions got closer and closer all of a sudden the other Ernie ran out from his curtain space scowled at me and yelled "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR MUDERING MY BROTHER!!!", The building Exploded
I woke up.
Ethernalboy on 03-16-2011 at 01:45 PM
Recent Dild
sleep Non-Lucid Lucid
I slept at around 11:00pm not awake enough to try a WILD knowing id soon fall asleep anyways [March 10th, 2011]
This is my most successful DILD to date, and overall lucidity acomplishment yet.
I cant remember every detail, but from what I do remember I was heading towards my friend Idrissa's house when I stopped at his front door and looked over my shoulder to find a man from about what seemed to be his early 30's wearing a large heavy tan trenchcoat and a Hook where his left hand should have been. He circled the front yard around the apartment complex and seemed to be singing a cheery tune, I eyed at him awkwardly and as not to seem rude I waited for him to repeat his refrain and sang along. He stopped towards me and gestured towards his hook and asked me if I wanted to play with him. Something about him signaled to me and I realized he must've been a pedophile, An uneasy feeling swept over me. I told him that I had somewhere I had to be and he let me go but not without showing me one more disgustingly pleasant smile, almost to promise that he would wait for me.
I entered my friends house, It seemed strangely narrow and to the point, I crossed one hallway and found myself in his bedroom, he immediately starting talking about something irrelevant as soon as he saw me, I interupted him to tell him about the pedophile walking around outside, he said he wasn't surprised, but he did agree that we needed to get out sneakily before he found us. We waited for a while hoping that he left. We snuck out of the backdoor of the apartment and somehow entered a car, Idrissa must've been driving, It came to me that he was most likely going to drive me home, We drove down the street and passed by a few conspicuous cop cars, I expected us to be pulled over for underage driving but we got passed them easily we missed the turn pasing by my apartment and kept going until we reached a dark and uninhabitable road the dark sky dimmed to pitch black and I saw nothing but the shadows of trees. "Were Going the wrong way" I informed him. He shrugged and didnt say a word we kept driving towards the dark until he realized we should have turned back hours ago. So we do. As we drive back the scenery changes into a cave complex.
We stopped for a rest and talked about our recent activities, and got back in the car soon after. We drove in circles and were greeted by more changing scenery. At this point I had already lost track of the idea of a pedophile chasing after us. The Rest of my adventures that night are iffy, but I do remember that I gained lucidity later on.
I had acustomed myselff prior to wake up at 5:00am this could have been the reason why my awareness levels rose to attain lucidity
I attained lucidity Inside of a mall. It was abundant with DC, I tried out a dream stabilization tech I had picked up previously from a Dv Forum and exposed all of my senses into the dream I touched all of my surroundings and was surprised to find that everything, every sight and every touch was very realistic. I hadnt thought of appreciating my surroundings, So when we got back in the car the sky quickly turned blue and the clouds never seemed so white. The Golden Gate Bridge appeared out of nowhere and stretched across the endless road. We Drove until we reached a sign that read "Welcome To Manhattan" we were greeted by gleaming crystaline buildings, and a shiny marble bridge over looking the Ocean, the sky was sewn into the water and seemed never ending. I saw old people walking around holding hands with kids, this reminded me of the pedophile we had been running from all this time. I turned around and saw him smile at me, he tied us up and brought us into his house. He was going to force us to enter his nightmare, but I didnt feel like cooperating so I left the house and walked into the abyss, I woke up soon afterwards.