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    1. View Conversation
      Ah me neither .
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      I didn't realize until now, that I never replied. Haha
      And no, I don't believe it is.
      One show that you should look into though, is Alphas.
      It's an amazing show!
    3. View Conversation
      How is dreaming for you?
    4. View Conversation
      Hi there
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      yeah thats pretty much where i got it from it's now my favorite saying.. for no apparent reason ^ ^
    6. View Conversation
      Oh lol
      Here I was thinking it was from Futurama, like the main tower with the Professor's sniffing machine thing sticking out. xD
      I've never seen doctor who I don't think..
    7. View Conversation
      I'm sure it will, the movie short that I watched was pretty interesting, probably the first of the cartoon series, it looks to have some potential. It's not really a movie, it's called a movie short because it's not long enough to be considered a feature film.

      What is your avatar picture? It looks rather familiar..
    8. View Conversation
      Thank you! But I did not become lucid.. There's always next time though.
      But yeah, it's a good movie, there's even a short movie that was made After it, and I believe they're going to make it into a cartoon series. Lol
      That ought to be interesting.
      And, Good Morning!
    9. View Conversation
      Le Gasp! You mean you haven't seen that movie?! You definitely need to watch it Miss Stranger lady! >:3
      Oh, even better than that dragon, I could be like Eragon! That movie was Amazing!!
      But, as for now, I must be off, to watch the back of my eyelids and see what my brain has in store for me tonight. I smell Lucidity approaching. >:]
    10. View Conversation
      Haha, I'd much rather BE the dragon, I'd drink a magical drink called Red Dragon, and it would turn me into Alduin from the game Skyrim. Lol
      But riding one would also be interesting, if I were to ride one though it would have to be the main characters dragon from the movie "How to Train your Dragon".

      Who said anything about dreaming? :O Preposterous, the idea that dragons exist is insanity, it's all in the head! Which is true, since I speak of Dreaming.
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    A couple non-lucid dreams but then DREAM CONTROL

    by fennecgirl on 11-03-2014 at 05:14 PM
    I don't remember much from the first dream I can remember from last night. I do remember being at a museum where supposedly the first "selfie" from the year 1010 could be found. It wasn't taken with a camera, of course, and it was actually a complete accident. Apparently a family had gone skydiving and the imprint from where their faces had hit the ground became fossilized, so this "selfie" was just a fossilized impression of people's faces. I was disappointed when I saw it, though. It was just a chalk outline of where the people had fallen, and someone had actually drawn these people on the piece of rock, which I thought was kind of wrong because it was in a cartoonish style and therefore inaccurate.

    After that, I recall talking with some guy about Cruisin' USA (an old N64 racing game I used to have; I eventually traded it in a few years ago because, every time nostalgia told me to play that game, I was let down by the awful graphics and the cars' terrible handling). We then heard music from that game coming from somewhere nearby, so we started wandering around the floor of my residence hall trying to figure out which room someone was playing it in.

    I woke up from that and had another strange dream when I went back to sleep. My parents were both visiting me at college, and I recommended that they see the Rocky Horror Show (my school's theater production this semester). I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard it's awesome. At some point, I remember noticing that my parents had left, so I started looking for them to see if they were still around. I ran out through the back door (I was in my house now for some reason - technically my old house, but my family just moved this summer, and I've hardly spent any time in the new house because I left for college a few days after we moved and have only been home for one weekend since). When I didn't see my parents there, I ran out the front door and saw my mom's car still in the driveway... packed full of my fraternity Brothers. That was confusing at first, but then they all shouted, "Thank you for helping your mother!" It turned out my mom was in the car too and had recruited them all to say that for some reason.

    I woke up again but went back to sleep again. In this next dream, there was a floor event in my residence hall. I saw Jackie, one of my fraternity Brothers (we refer to everyone as a Brother regardless of gender), which surprised me because I didn't know she lived on my floor or even in my building (in reality, she does not). Anyway, the "event" was that everyone would be given a big crossword puzzle to take with them and do throughout the day, and whoever finished it first could return it to get a prize.

    For some reason, at some point, we ended up outside by a road intersection off-campus. I decided to leave early and return to campus, which is when things started getting strange. By the time I was back on campus, I found it really hard to walk forward. There was some slight wind at the time, so I thought that could be attributed to the wind, but the wind didn't seem strong enough to interfere with walking. I thought it was strange, but I saw that everyone else was affected in the same way, so I figured it was probably just the wind after all.

    When I got back to my dorm, I realized I'd forgotten to take a crossword puzzle from the event, so I decided to text Jackie to ask her if she could bring one back for me, but I didn't have her number, and I didn't know who else I could ask. I also remember getting a bunch of texts from my boyfriend throughout this dream and the last that I felt kind of bad about not having the time to reply to.

    The dream suddenly because a Sims 3 game, and, since time can be sped up in the game, I accidentally fast-forwarded time (on the fastest setting) to a couple hours later before finally pausing it. I knew for sure now that I wouldn't be able to ask Jackie to get me a crossword puzzle because there's no way that "event" would still be going on. I also felt bad about not replying to my boyfriend's texts now that even more time had passed.

    I realized after awhile that something didn't look quite right about the game interface, though I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was that was different. I did an RC when I noticed that and counted six fingers. I was dreaming! I counted again just to make sure. Seven fingers. Definitely dreaming! Instead of being all clueless as usual when I become lucid, I said out loud, "Now, this is where the fun begins."

    Since I had no plan for the dream, I ran around, looking for something fun to do in a dream (I was no longer playing Sims anymore). I found a buffet table. I could eat! No, no, that's something I can do while I'm awake. Then, I spotted an empty glass and an empty silver pitcher on the table and decided now it was time to learn to exert some control over the dream. I decided that, if I poured the "empty" pitcher into the cup, I'd be pouring a drink out of it instead of nothing. I decided it'd be "something like eggnog" (the first thing that came to mind), but not quite the same, because why drink something in a dream I can drink in real life? The drink that came out was white and a little thick, but it didn't taste at all like eggnog. It was creamy, though, and kind of sweet, and... fizzy? I was actually surprised when I tasted something that was slightly fizzy because I wasn't expecting that.

    I realized while I was drinking it that I was wearing my retainer, and my reaction to that was my one fatal mistake. I decided I should take my retainer out, but, instead of doing something quick like tossing it on the floor (who cares what happens to it if it's a dream and not real life?), I decided to find the case for it and put it back in its case. That was my big mistake because everything went dark, so I realized I was waking up because this had torn me away from what was keeping me occupied. Once I started to feel myself lying in bed, I knew that was it. I opened my eyes, disappointed I'd caused myself to wake up because of something so silly but also proud of myself for having had some control over not just myself but the dream environment itself.

    I did one final RC just to ensure I was awake. Five fingers. I counted again. Five fingers again. Yep, definitely awake this time.

    Updated 11-03-2014 at 05:26 PM by fennecgirl (fixed typos)

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes

    New Cameron

    by fennecgirl on 07-01-2014 at 04:21 AM
    Hey guys, I still exist! I meant to write this dream down in the morning, but whatever. Better late than never, right?

    The dream I remember best from last night took place in an airport. I'd arrived at an airport where I had to change planes to catch a flight back home. When I asked about catching my next flight, I was informed that the plane I needed to board next would be at an airport in New Cameron. I asked where that was, and the guy I asked showed it to me on a map - I was on that biggest main island of New Zealand, and New Cameron was a small island not too far off the mainland. I asked him how long it would take me to get from the airport to New Cameron, and he told me it would take about an hour, which was bad news for me because I had to board that flight in half an hour. I started desperately wondering if I could manage to get a different flight back home from the airport where I currently was and thought I'd have to call my parents and let them know I'd be coming home on a different flight.

    I woke up and, out of curiosity, went online to look up New Cameron to see if it was a real place and found out that it does exist but not in the same exact location as in the dream - then I woke up and realized that I'd only looked it up in another dream.

    I fell asleep again, and, in the next dream, I was a Pikachu with a human form, and I had to find books in an old library about using electric-type attacks. I don't remember that dream very well.

    After that dream, I woke up for real, told my mom about the New Cameron dream, and went online to look up (for real this time) if New Cameron was an actual place in New Zealand. Turns out (unsurprisingly) it isn't; the closest I could find was a New Cameron Street in Australia.

    Another LD, finally...

    by fennecgirl on 03-10-2013 at 02:27 PM
    I haven't updated my dream journal in ages, whoops.

    Anyway, I FINALLY had another lucid dream last night!

    It started out as a false awakening; I don't remember what made me realize I might be dreaming, but I remember I was standing in the kitchen at the time. I counted my fingers, and I was PRETTY sure I'd counted six. I wasn't entirely sure I'd counted correctly, though, so I decided to check my other hand just to make sure. However, before I could count my fingers, I noticed something else that was a dead giveaway - my Hylian crest ring (which I wear on the index finger of my left hand) had a different symbol on it, and a larger version of that symbol also appeared across my index, middle, and ring fingers (think like a henna tattoo, but golden and slightly illuminated).

    My mom was in the kitchen, so I started talking to her, since I knew I had to try to keep talking or actively focusing on something (I wake up within moments otherwise). After a moment of talking, I suddenly said, "Did you know this is a dream? This is how I know." I showed her the ring and the image across my fingers, which changed each time I looked at it. The last time I looked at it, I remember that the ring had a picture of a tree, and on my fingers were the mountains behind it. It was actually really cool.

    I knew I needed to come up with ideas of things I could only do in a dream, and I knew it would be best to start with simple dream control techniques as practice. I announced that I was going to try to phase through the door (a skill that might come in handy in a later dream, right?), only to end up slamming into the door and not passing through. Oh well, I tried.

    I asked my mom if she had any other suggestions of things I could try, but she asked me to leave her alone for a moment because she was busy cooking. Normally, this would have been fine, but, since this was a dream, I had to find a way to keep myself in the dream in the meantime.

    I remember chattering away to myself for a moment before stopping and accidentally waking up.

    Another Lucid Dream!

    by fennecgirl on 01-24-2013 at 03:59 PM
    Unfortunately, I don't remember much of it now, but I did finally get lucid again. I do remember, after performing an RC and becoming lucid, I exclaimed that I was dreaming and could prove it by flying. I couldn't fly, but then my brother threw a snowball at me, and we got into a snowball fight.

    I soon "woke up", and it was the stupidest kind of false awakening not to catch - I didn't wake up in bed or anything, I was in the exact same place (but the "next morning") but with different people. I mean, I didn't even "wake up"; I just "knew" that I did.
    lucid , false awakening

    Airport / Party

    by fennecgirl on 01-13-2013 at 01:16 PM
    I had a dream that my boyfriend and I went to the airport so he could catch his flight back home (he lives in Mexico; I live in the US). After we said goodbye and he left, I went looking for someone who could tell me when the next flights to Mexico were to have an idea of when we could get together again. Not too long after we went our separate ways, I turned around and saw him behind me. I was surprised to see him there, as his flight had already begun boarding. Surprised, I asked him why he was still here, but I woke up before he had a chance to reply.

    After going back to sleep (I don't know what time it was when I woke up, but it was still dark), I had a dream that I was at a party. I saw a girl there who looked familiar; I recognized her to be Ashley (my tulpa Link's girlfriend, who has a different host). I thought that I should tell Link that Ashley was there, since he'd be happy to see her, but then I remembered that tulpae can't see other people's tulpae (somehow, it didn't occur to me that I shouldn't be able to see her, either).
    non-lucid , memorable , side notes