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I cant remember much about what i dreamt. But i know that i was bleeding badly, dont remember where from. And later on I was pregnant...
I am afraid that I'm going to have a very bad dream tonight, I have an exam tomorrow and I always have nightmares about the examsubject the night before. So I'm probably going to get crushed by meganical waves or strangled by strings..
I do remember my dreams better lately so I must be doing something right, but I hope that i can change them soon cause they're always horrible and wake me up shaking.
Last night I dreamed something freeky, some kind of salamander or gekko tried to kiss me, so I turned away, but somehow it was in front of me again.
And no matter what way I turned it was always right in front of me, really scared the hell out of me...
The night before that I had a dream about the earth being pulled out of it's orbit around the sun. Somehow I was able to look at the earth relative to the sun from space and I saw the earth (while being aware that I physically was on earth) passing just by the sun and taking on an orbit on the outer edges of our solarsystem. I remember being afraid that if we couldn't get the earth back in it's original orbit we would either freeze to dead or be flung into the sun.
This might have something to do with the fact that I study astrophysics.
Right after that I had another nightmare about being followed or murdered or something, I can't really remember.