About Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Biography:
- a New Zealand fellow in love with the sound and the sweet things all around
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- Guitar Tutor/Uni Student
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- Male
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~your friendly neighborhood spaghetti monster~
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View Flying Spaghetti Monster's Dream Journal
Flying Spaghetti Monster on 09-25-2011 at 11:48 PM
1) Low lucidity LD involving staring into this girls eyes (i thought she was a member at DV)
2) I was in my hometown and there was a big religious parade. The leader of the parade was glorifying himself as a messenger of jesus christ in a way i found offensive to life itself. so, i took the piss out of him.
can't remember what i actually said but at one point he cracked and yelled:
"YOU! stop saying funny things and then i will find them amusing"
Me: "but you admit you find them funny"
the crowd laughed and the dream faded.''
3) Me and my flatmate had a scooter race. felt like i was going like 200km. A corner came up and he turned but i lost control and was thrown off. when this happened i left my body and saw myself crashing in front of me.
Flying Spaghetti Monster on 09-18-2011 at 05:56 AM
Dreamt that i found some LSD at disneyland 
it was a light purple and was cut in into pretty huge tabs.
i spent the rest of the dream deciding whether or not to take it, it looked like it was really strong and it was from disneyland so naturally i was intimidated
Flying Spaghetti Monster on 08-26-2011 at 01:15 AM
last night i had an extremely vivid and disturbing dream.
i was in a house that was a hybrid of my own and my friends house.
i hear a knock on the door and it's this guy i know (we'll call him A) that has a horrible personality IRL and i dislike him with a passion.
i haven't answered the door yet but i know it's him because he's speaking (it sounds like he's reading out the course outline for one of my psychology courses) and i recognise his voice.
then i hear some other people approaching (about 15 or so, and they all sound about 16 or 17) and they hassle A. he keeps just saying random words: "consciousness, neural bases of behavior, learning and conditioning.."
then they start stabbing him and laughing cruelly
A: "are you stabbing me?"
the stabbing sound was incredibly disturbing and realistic. i was sitting inside listening to all this and freaking out, almost feeling every stab because i can hear it so clearly.
then it stops and the mob sounds satisfied, laughing and joking about A's death
"look, it's a dead A. hahahahahahaahah!"
all this time i want to go out and do something about it but i know i'll just be killed as well. i was pretty terrified obviously.
i hear them leave and then i tentitively go to the door and only catch a glimpse of A and then look away.
he certainly looks dead. he's lying still with blood oozing out of his stab wounds. 
i decide to call the cops so i go find my cellphone. i go to back to my room (which doesn't look like my room whatsoever) and find it. i dial 2000 (the proper police number in New Zealand is 111) and hear an american voice on the other end.
"hello this is the police blah blah blah"
i say nothing, still in shock, but i'm also starting to get a little confused by this whole situation and something seems very fishy.
operator: "come forth or front from the weather"
me: "uh yeah i think they killed A, they stabbed him man...."
then i woke up and heard a bunch of laughing teenage voices in the alley that had gotten into my dreams and had become the laughing mob.
so many dreamsigns!!! and i almost figured out i was dreaming!
dang man.
Flying Spaghetti Monster on 08-16-2011 at 11:14 PM
i find myself in a theatre full of people and i am about to perform with some kind of school singing group (used to do chorale singing while i was at high school). I am mingling in the audience before having to go backstage and the person i'm chatting with (my flatmates boyfriend IRL) says: "bro look, it's Danger Mouse" (an awesome producer whom i admire).
Danger Mouse:

so i'm pretty starstruck but i'm also freaking out because i think this is my only chance to ever get signed by, or collaborate with Danger Mouse. For a while i panic and try to tidy myself up but my hair is way to messy.
At this point there is a gap in the dream (or recall) and suddenly i'm onstage performing. I appear to have forgotten about Danger Mouse because i'm just messing around and talking to other people onstage. I imagine my principal being embarrassed by how average the performance is and it makes me want to mess around even more 
~wake up~
wish i'd been a bit more surprised at seeing DM at the show and had questioned the dream. Could've done basic ToTM so easy!!
Flying Spaghetti Monster on 08-09-2011 at 01:57 AM
{from the night of AUG the 8th}
i am in the back room of a movie theatre or something. with me is some old guy who presumably runs the place.
i am sitting on a comfortable chair with some kind of interface in front of me. i saw two buttons, one with a picture of face with a tipped up hat on, and one with a face with a tipped down hat on.
looked vaguely like this:

i press the 'hat down' button and a hat (that i wasn't previously aware i was wearing) lowers down almost over my eyes. i recall being incredibly amused that the button worked and i felt a bit like this: 