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      The Gay Science by Nietzsche.
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      I like pasta
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      Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day our garlic bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample on our lawns. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza, for thine is the meatball, the onion, and the bay leaves, forever and ever.
    4. haha!

      yes i did ;D
    5. Says a guy called flying spaghetti Monster. Great
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      You're the left side, he's the right side, oh no!
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      I <3 your name ^.^
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    About Flying Spaghetti Monster

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    About Flying Spaghetti Monster
    a New Zealand fellow in love with the sound and the sweet things all around
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    New Zealand
    Music, the natural world and the great unknown!
    Guitar Tutor/Uni Student
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    ~your friendly neighborhood spaghetti monster~


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    3 dreams from this morning :D

    by Flying Spaghetti Monster on 09-25-2011 at 11:48 PM
    1) Low lucidity LD involving staring into this girls eyes (i thought she was a member at DV)

    2) I was in my hometown and there was a big religious parade. The leader of the parade was glorifying himself as a messenger of jesus christ in a way i found offensive to life itself. so, i took the piss out of him.
    can't remember what i actually said but at one point he cracked and yelled:

    "YOU! stop saying funny things and then i will find them amusing"

    Me: "but you admit you find them funny"

    the crowd laughed and the dream faded.''

    3) Me and my flatmate had a scooter race. felt like i was going like 200km. A corner came up and he turned but i lost control and was thrown off. when this happened i left my body and saw myself crashing in front of me.


    by Flying Spaghetti Monster on 09-18-2011 at 05:56 AM
    Dreamt that i found some LSD at disneyland

    it was a light purple and was cut in into pretty huge tabs.

    i spent the rest of the dream deciding whether or not to take it, it looked like it was really strong and it was from disneyland so naturally i was intimidated

    too vivid...

    by Flying Spaghetti Monster on 08-26-2011 at 01:15 AM
    last night i had an extremely vivid and disturbing dream.

    i was in a house that was a hybrid of my own and my friends house.
    i hear a knock on the door and it's this guy i know (we'll call him A) that has a horrible personality IRL and i dislike him with a passion.

    i haven't answered the door yet but i know it's him because he's speaking (it sounds like he's reading out the course outline for one of my psychology courses) and i recognise his voice.

    then i hear some other people approaching (about 15 or so, and they all sound about 16 or 17) and they hassle A. he keeps just saying random words: "consciousness, neural bases of behavior, learning and conditioning.."

    then they start stabbing him and laughing cruelly

    A: "are you stabbing me?"

    the stabbing sound was incredibly disturbing and realistic. i was sitting inside listening to all this and freaking out, almost feeling every stab because i can hear it so clearly.
    then it stops and the mob sounds satisfied, laughing and joking about A's death
    "look, it's a dead A. hahahahahahaahah!"

    all this time i want to go out and do something about it but i know i'll just be killed as well. i was pretty terrified obviously.
    i hear them leave and then i tentitively go to the door and only catch a glimpse of A and then look away.
    he certainly looks dead. he's lying still with blood oozing out of his stab wounds.

    i decide to call the cops so i go find my cellphone. i go to back to my room (which doesn't look like my room whatsoever) and find it. i dial 2000 (the proper police number in New Zealand is 111) and hear an american voice on the other end.

    "hello this is the police blah blah blah"

    i say nothing, still in shock, but i'm also starting to get a little confused by this whole situation and something seems very fishy.

    operator: "come forth or front from the weather"

    me: "uh yeah i think they killed A, they stabbed him man...."

    then i woke up and heard a bunch of laughing teenage voices in the alley that had gotten into my dreams and had become the laughing mob.

    so many dreamsigns!!! and i almost figured out i was dreaming!
    dang man.
    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable

    Sign me Danger Mouse!

    by Flying Spaghetti Monster on 08-16-2011 at 11:14 PM

    i find myself in a theatre full of people and i am about to perform with some kind of school singing group (used to do chorale singing while i was at high school). I am mingling in the audience before having to go backstage and the person i'm chatting with (my flatmates boyfriend IRL) says: "bro look, it's Danger Mouse" (an awesome producer whom i admire).

    Danger Mouse:

    so i'm pretty starstruck but i'm also freaking out because i think this is my only chance to ever get signed by, or collaborate with Danger Mouse. For a while i panic and try to tidy myself up but my hair is way to messy.
    At this point there is a gap in the dream (or recall) and suddenly i'm onstage performing. I appear to have forgotten about Danger Mouse because i'm just messing around and talking to other people onstage. I imagine my principal being embarrassed by how average the performance is and it makes me want to mess around even more
    ~wake up~

    wish i'd been a bit more surprised at seeing DM at the show and had questioned the dream. Could've done basic ToTM so easy!!

    Hat down foo'

    by Flying Spaghetti Monster on 08-09-2011 at 01:57 AM
    {from the night of AUG the 8th}

    i am in the back room of a movie theatre or something. with me is some old guy who presumably runs the place.
    i am sitting on a comfortable chair with some kind of interface in front of me. i saw two buttons, one with a picture of face with a tipped up hat on, and one with a face with a tipped down hat on.

    looked vaguely like this:

    i press the 'hat down' button and a hat (that i wasn't previously aware i was wearing) lowers down almost over my eyes. i recall being incredibly amused that the button worked and i felt a bit like this: