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Three DILDs in one night with a false awakening while attempting to DEILD. In all of the dreams I had near perfect control and everything was amazingly clear. I did not have to give any verbal commands or look at/rub my hands. I also achieved my first LD a little over a week ago, a second a couple days after that, and nothing until last night. All of this after about a month of ADA and self awareness practice.
DILD One (0350):
I am with two girls that I do not recognize in a neighborhood with several parked cars along the streets and surrounded by a mixture of houses and apartments. We are standing outside an apartment complex. There is grass in between the curbs and the sidewalks.
I suddenly become lucid although I have no idea why. I remember that I wanted to feel something in the environment during this period of lucidity because looking at my hands in my two previous LDs have had little success in stabilization. I kneel down and feel the ground. There are two distinct bumps that I feel with my index finger. I am very surprised at how realistic the bumps feel. They have many small bumps on them that I can feel very clearly. The environment is super clear at this point.
I now feel very happy and exclaim to the two female DCs that I am dreaming and as I do I jump on the car right next to me to show them. From there I jump onto a car about 20 or 30 feet down the road. I turn around and look back at them and the apartment. I then jump onto the roof of the apartment which was quite an enormous leap, but it was effortless.
The two girls followed me up and then I decide that I wanted to reach the very top of the apartments because all of a sudden I am not at the top but I do not think to look up to see where the top went. I start to ascend the apartments by doing a combination of jumping and climbing. The two girls follow me every step of the way. Along the way I am acutely aware of how the roofing tiles feel on my hands as I touch them. Very grainy and some moss as well. It felt like my hands were getting dirtier and dirtier. I finally reach the top and look down. I believe I must have woken up right after this.
DILD Two (0500):
I am with with this random hooker who lives on a farm. I suppose she is around my age. I am kind of just hanging out. She has an advertisement for her hourly rate (something like $490 per hour). She gets all kinds of random customers, although I have no interest, I am kind of just observing things (but not actually watching her have sex with anyone).
I tell her that her price is absurd, she agrees but tells me that she still gets customers. I am in her barn/house now. There is another girl in there and a fat older man with a mustache (presumably their dad). I am walking through the room naked and shortly thereafter it dawns on me that I am dreaming although there was nothing that occurred which made me realize it (I don’t think it was because I was naked, but it could have been); I just randomly knew.
I stopped walking and touched this wooden picnic table to feel the texture for stabilization. I then climbed on it because I wanted to get a good look at everything to see how realistic it all looked. I saw random wrapped presents of various colors, balloons, and some wooden beams which ran to the ceiling with Christmas lights hanging around in random places. Colors really started to pop out at me. The Christmas lights really reflected off of the presents in a realistic and beautiful way. The colors I noticed most were reds and greens, with an emphasis on the reds. Everything looked so real, it was astonishing.
I wanted to explore but I knew that this barn/house was not the place that I wanted to do it at. So I started to walk towards the door. I passed the other girl (the non-hooker), stopped and grinned, and told her to take her shirt off. She looked offended so I grabbed her shirt and took it off myself and squeezed a bare tit. They weren’t amazing tits but it was still hilarious and I got a kick out of my sudden splurge into anarchy.
I as I laughed I continued on and reached the door out of the barn/house. It was nearly pitch black outside. I could see dim stars in the sky. I decided that I would leave the area by flying away. I jumped up in the air but a part of me for some reason knew that it wouldn’t work, and therefore I could not fly. Disappointed, I decided that I would walk back into the barn and figure it out from there since I could see better in there.
I go back over to the door to the barn/house, open it and walk through, and suddenly I am back outside where I just came from. I realized the dream world was starting to collapse because things were starting to get pretty blurry. Knowing I was about to lose the dream, I attempted to DEILD and I immediately laid down and closed my eyes.
A few seconds after closing my eyes from my previous dream I feel myself become aware in my real body. I can feel my hands closed together across my stomach. Hoping to induce sleep paralysis, I did not move a muscle or open my eyes. Almost immediately, I felt tingling all over my body and knew that my body was undergoing sleep paralysis.
I waited until the tingling stopped. For a few moments I was expecting to be in another dream world automatically but then I remembered that I have to open my eyes first. It was weird though because it felt like I was still in my real body. I open my eyes and I am in an exact replica of my room. Such an exact copy in fact that I don’t even bother to reality check because I am convinced that I am awake (except for a light being on at the computer desk; doh!).
My hands are still crossed on my stomach and I look around. My wife, who is sleeping next to me in real life as well, tells me that what I had just attempted (the DEILD) was a dangerous method and that I should be careful (but how could she have known; stupid me!). Since I believe that I had woken up I close my eyes and go back to sleep.
A few minutes later I wake up for real and the room is naturally very dark and I then realize that I was made a fool of by my own mind; HOW FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!
DILD Three (0710)
I am on top of this building looking down at these men who are telling me how much they are going to kill me. Suddenly I am right next to them and they keep going on about it. I tell them that since I am dreaming, they can’t possibly hurt me. Now suddenly I am about 100 yards away from them with my AR-15. I adjust the stock and look down the holographic sight and start shooting at them.
Shooting seems very realistic, much different from video games. I barely miss one of them my first couple of shots. Then one dashes out and tries to close the distance between us and I continuously shoot at him. I hit him several times until he drops. Another one of them is behind me so I turn around and shoot him several times until he dies. He seemed to be in agony as he fell. I believe that I was only semi-lucid for this part of the dream because I know if I was fully lucid, I wouldn’t have bothered with the firefight at all and just would have went exploring.
After the firefight I became fully aware, possibly because of what I said to the DC earlier. I remembered a trick I wanted to try in order to get to somewhere really fast. I jumped up to this really high ledge effortlessly and looked at this blue latticed wall about 2 inches thick. My goal was to draw a door on the wall and open it, Beetlejuice style.
I think to myself that I need chalk, so I reach my hands into my pockets and feel around. I find a really small piece of white chalk. It’s not as big as I wanted but I conclude that it will suffice. I then begin to draw a door on the wall with the chalk, skipping over the gaps due to the lattice pattern. Once I finish the borders of the door, I draw a big circle on the left for the knob and begin to fill it in.
Once it’s finished, I put my hand up to the handle, look away (so my expectations of what should look real don’t screw up this experiment), turn my hand as if I’m turning the knob and pull out. As I pull out the door comes out perfectly. It was shaped exactly how I drew it. I was incredibly excited that it worked. But since I could already see through the wall because of the lattice, it did not go anywhere.
I then really wanted to find a wall that was solid in order to open up a portal to another place. I turn my head to my right, and suddenly I’m staring at the back of my parents house. I go up to the door, look through the window on the door. Inside I see their two cats. The gray one (Holly) was looking at me. I decided to go in, so I pushed my face on the glass and willed myself to phase through the door. It was a weird feeling, and I felt some resistance, but it worked. The cat looked frightened but didn’t run.
Inside, I looked around. I hear my parents talking in the kitchen. Several of their small lights are on. For the most part everything looks just like it really does. Then my mom notices me and is surprised to see me. The dream ends soon after.
I have been practicing KingYoshi's ADA for the better part of a month and writing in my DJ daily. I remember 4-8 dreams per night with moderate to great detail. A month ago I maybe remembered 1 dream per night with minimal detail.
I was driving down a highway heading home. There were several other cars on the road. It was night time. I got stuck behind a slow red truck. I remember how bright it looked with my headlights shining on it. I then got sick of driving behind it and moved over a lane and passed it.
I am driving for what seems like a while not really thinking about it or where I was. I suddenly question where I was because it seemed that I was way passed Portland heading east. The road was very dark and narrow. It was two lanes. A consistent line of trees was overhead, they curved over the road completely. My headlights shined brightly on them revealing a brilliant green.
I decided to stop the car and look around to figure out where I was. The ground was now covered in snow. I went over to the passenger side of the road and looked over. The edge of the road dropped off about 50ft straight down. There was a nice long house below with an enormous truck parked in front of the house. It was a white truck; a dually. Everything was completely covered in snow. The moon was high above illuminating the house. The moonlight also made visible a very large lake behind the house. The water was very reflective of the moonlight.
I then decided that I needed to head back home so I started walking back the other direction in the snow completely leaving the car behind. All of a sudden there was a turn off the road to my left that lead into this dark neighborhood.
I then realized that I was naked and walking through snow, except that I did not feel the cold at all which granted me instant lucidity. I did not need to perform a reality check. I immediately jumped up into the air and closed my eyes, willing myself to keep ascending. As soon as I realized that I was working I shouted, “Yes!”, and was very excited. I got extremely high very quickly; several thousand feet up. I could sort of see the clouds below.
I was flying in all directions and could very vividly feel my body and how the g-forces felt against it, turning my stomach. I felt the air against it but again it wasn't cold. I had a fleeting desire to go see Emma Watson for some reason, but I realized that I couldn't actually see anything and hadn't been ever since I closed my eyes.
I tried to stabilize the dream by looking at my hands. I moved my hands in front of my face. It felt difficult; it felt like I was moving my IWL hands. My hands and wrists looked very ghostly, like half there; a really strange effect. They were slightly distorted and wavy. I couldn't get them clear and they felt really tingly. It felt like I was really close to waking because I thought I was really moving my arms. I felt the dream slipping away and I woke up.