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    About Hot Chocolate

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    Date of Birth
    September 19, 1992 (32)
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    I'm 18 and studying industrial and applied mathematics. I like music and video games. Best bands of all time in no particular order: Pink Floyd, Editors, Explosions in the Sky.
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    Train Ride

    by Hot Chocolate on 01-28-2011 at 08:04 PM

    I was at the station to catch a train. I was hanging on to the train on the outside by a vertical handrail when the train started moving. I held on while the train caught speed, I was a bit frightened I think. There was a conductor urging me to get inside. I tried but fell. In my fall I tried to kick me away from the train to not run over. When the train passed there was another train following directly after.

    I found myself in densely forested area. There was a tall hedgerow on the other side of the rails. I wondered how to get out of the place. I came upon a road very quickly. There was a gray sedan parked, I think. In it was a girl with blond hair. I couldn't help but smile as I approached her.

    Like a videogame

    by Hot Chocolate on 06-12-2010 at 12:19 AM

    I went to be at 2:45 AM.

    I was in some sort of building. The interior looked liked that of a cargo ship. The doors for instance were those heave doors with rounded corners. There was some kind of activist group inside. I think they were fighting for womens rights. There were some women in the building as well. I had a submachine gun, but for some reason it didn't work. I still had some ammunition. I asked R. what ammunition he used, because maybe he could use mine, I didn't need my ammo anyway. At first he didn't respond, then he said he needed .44 ammo. I had 3006 I think. The shooting started. Someone on my side got shot next to me. I waited for a while to see if he could still fight, he couldn't and so I took his gun, a submachine gun as well. I moved away from some boxes and took cover beside a dooropening. It was dark in the other room. I could make out some two people standing there, but I didn't knew if they were friendly or not. I waited for a while, then I fired at the one on the left. He or she fell to the floor. The other one walked through the door. He was not on our side. He had white earbuds in his ears, he was glowing with a green light and he held both of his arms up in the air. Apparently this was a sign that he had a nuclear bomb. I shouted "run!" and started running. I ran past the boxes and out of the building.

    I kept running through some streets. There was some brown goo on the ground. I jumped up a building. Apparently I was quite good at free running. There was someone behind me. I didn't know who it was, so I shouted K. at him. He didn't respond, but I knew he was friendly. I kept jumping over obstacles and rolled over the ground after big drops. After a while we were in some park. I was on a grassy field with a line of trees on both sides. I saw a car a little further. I figured we were going to drive together and I wanted him to drive, but then I saw a second car. We both got into a car and drove for a while. There was a third car behind us, it was hostile. I pulled over, and shot the driver of the vehicle. There came another enemy towards us on a big yellow plasticlooking motorcycle. I shot her as well. There were a bunch of weapons on the ground, presumably from my enemies. I saw a shotgun, m16, pistol and submachine gun among others. I couldn't carry everything, so I think I took the submachine and the m16.

    I was still in the park. I was standing on top of slope and I could see quite far. I saw someone down the hill, it was an enemy. I aimed down the sight of my m16 and aimed for the head. He fell to the ground. Other people appeared down the hill and I kept sniping them. Sometimes I hit them, sometimes I missed. At some point I think a football team appeared. I shot them too. V., who was behind me apparently, asked my for something. I said something along the lines of: "not now, I'm bussy." When I was done I sat down beside her and R. There was quite a large group of people that I know there.


    by Hot Chocolate on 06-10-2010 at 10:58 PM

    I went to sleep at 2:00 AM.

    I was riding my bicycle to school. I was in the countryside. The land was extremely flat and covered in green grass. There was a big dark cloud hanging above this. It was quite beautiful. There was a strong wind blowing from the southwest. I was going south, so I had to ride against the wind. I saw someone on a different intersecting with mine going west, he or she had also trouble with the wind. There were also people going in the opposite direction of me and so had the wind behind them. After a while I realised that I should've went right earlier. There was a village in front of me and another road to the right. I took that one. I saw someone else going to school as well. I got to a pretty complicated traffic situation. There was a truck to my left. There were a couple of traffic lights. Some were red, others orange. I crossed the street quite carelessly. When I continued I cam upon a bridge. It was quite steep, so I got off my bike and started walking. There were some other people riding bicycles riding past without getting off there bikes, which embarrassed me a little.


    by Hot Chocolate on 06-09-2010 at 01:21 PM

    I went to bed at 2:45 AM.

    I was walking through Paris. Actually it didn't even look remotely like Paris, but I thought that it was anyway. I was walking through a street up a hill. The street was paved with dark brown stones, there were houses on both sides of the road. I saw something like a church up the hill. While I was walking I had to song "Paris is burning" in my head. I arrived up the hill at some sort of party. I was early, but there were already some people. They were sitting outside with plastic seats and tables. At first I was going to sit beside S., but I decided to side beside P. I asked what his daily occupation was. He had something like a painting company. I was going to ask what he was going to study, but I didn't get around to it, maybe the dream ended.

    Foggy Forest

    by Hot Chocolate on 06-09-2010 at 01:20 PM

    I went to bed around 3:00 AM. I don't recall much, just an image really. I guess I should draw it, but I'm not that good at that, so I'll just describe it.

    I was walking through a forest with my parents. It was quite dark. The trees were thick silhouettes. I couldn't make out any details. There was thick white fog hanging above the ground. Through the trees there was a road composed of loose stones. On one stone close to where I was standing was a marking looking like a rainbow, except without color. It marked the path to a temple. That was the way we were going, but I don't think we ever got there. Through the fog I could see something or someone. I could only make out a silhouette.