• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between hpnfreak and Atras

    6 Visitor Messages

    1. And by the way, trump is a despicable person.
    2. I think you couldve just said "yes I understand what you meant" instead of turning it into a lesson on insecurity, but whatever floats your boat. I however am very happy with myself, and the fact that you felt the need to type two paragraphs a out feeling secure with oneself when I didnt even comment about that matter in any way makes me think your trying to defend yourself from a feeling of insecurity. Or I could be totally wrong. But in the future I would recommend not making a biger deal out of something then it actually is, that's how you make enemies, luckily I don't really care.
    3. Woah calm down I was just clarifying that because text talk can be confusing since emotions aren't attached.
    4. Btw I hope you know that the first post was meant to be a joke :p I forgot to post a smilie hahaha
    5. Yes, because you have made me jealous of that hot girl, I hereby with the powers not invested in me, ban you
    6. Y must you post a picture of a hot girl as your profile pic.
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6