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    They say dreaming is dead, no one does it anymore. It's not dead it's just that it's been forgotten, removed from our language. Nobody teaches it so nobody knows it exists. The dreamer is banished to obscurity. Well, I'm trying to change all that, and I hope you are too[/FONT][/COLOR]


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    by IchimaruTaichou on 10-23-2013 at 11:49 AM
    Who the hell are you to tell me how to go about my future, my progression through life, something that i truely own. When are you gonna stop talking shit and say something worthwhile, when are you gonna do something good for anyone or help someone out and say something out of the boundries od supposed socioteys rules and regulations, say something as a real person thats not tainted by the supposed rules of todays mainstream standards. who the hell do you think you are talking shit when youve led a life thats all shit from what iv heard, . stop comparing me to your pre imagined perfect version on yourself that you seem to spout out every five minuiets, when will your mind become sound to see basic morales of good human nature. maybe i should climb a moutain with a backpack full of bricks to meet your expectations, wade through snow and hail to get to work to slave away for my boss,maybe i should dive in the deep end like you supposedly did and ignore the needs of todays sociotey that you have obviously not been upto date with. Why should i listen to someone who has obviously forsaken world truthes and has become ignorant to legitimate knowledge and just thinks his way is the best way eating his own shits as he is a self centerd basterd, anything good in the world you already know of, anything good to say you made, you know everythi8ng worth knowing dont you. you know just how this world works and what i should di, you knowhow i should approach life and know how i should balance work with personal life. harden up aye? how about you deal with yourself and the expericense you had and piss off my case cause you dont know jack shit about today m8, you think your upto date on every current matter but your all shit like stevn segal on mma, some jackass that tries to wear the most curren clothing yet inside he doesnt know hat colour he's representing. This, and more, bullshit is what you have represented your self as to me, bruce. you gravitate towards bullshit and the same gravitates towards you. iv had enough of certain things that have come my way so i give you this, you can handle it.

    Updated 10-23-2013 at 12:01 PM by IchimaruTaichou

    side notes

    Lnd 30/8/13

    by IchimaruTaichou on 08-30-2013 at 02:52 AM
    In an unknown gym, open garage front with elevated ring in centre. Sparring Carlos Condit, am a big fan and am super wrapped to be able to spar with the dude. I say im pretty novice but he says im a good novice. Both tagging eachother having fun, using the ropes to my advantage, slipping and throwing punches. (We are just boxing) He's wearing red shorts, im wearing red head gear, a track jackets and shorts. Dad jumps in and films it. We discus various aspects of martial arts, standing striking and jiu jitsu.

    Fragments: Dont get to spar Condit, both drive off.

    Lnd 26/8/13

    by IchimaruTaichou on 08-26-2013 at 03:43 AM
    I cut my hair down a bit on the sides to even it up.
    I am waiting at a martial arts event, for my opponents that is. Everything is getting sorted out and im eager to get into the ring. Finally i get in the ring and have my first fight, I come out the winner. I then have a second fight which tops my last performance according to mark and myself. Im waiting for my third fight, but will i ever get it? As im waiting vaughan wins his division in bjj, getting some subs (anaconda/guillotine) and 800 points or something, I miss it cause of sam and his love for burgerking. I ask the receptionist but she says my night of fighting may be over.. no opponent.. Dad swears.
    At the courts, there are two teams. Il nick name them the jock dick-heads and the righteous few friends. So many jocks and only a few freinds. RFF say that they are richer than them, in accordance to the bonds they have with eachother, JDH scoff and laugh at what they just heard and get a "explode in to poo particle" basket ball thrown thier way. That causes rumbles and i end up scrappin a couple, im never on the bad end but i feel like i cant to damage with my punches, as much as i want to put their lights out more than anything. get some good gnp with elbows after a standing sweep, good enough i guess, 3rd fight?
    With carlo at his pad, talkin about how he will do mma once his leg and foot is healed. Which foot i think, but never ask. He says he's coming up on 32 years of age, sheeeit i question the reality of that statement, but continue oblivious dreaming. He says he leaving town. And core will be disbanded cause of his child that he has to take care of. I think what about alex but never say anything. I try to be as carefully sensitive to this topic as i can. I almost shed a tear when he tells me as i reminisce about core and saudade about what training at core could have brought to me. He says someone could live at his old place when he leaves as it is a pretty sweet pad, maybe levi or something. coremma protective gear that is fully post apocalyptic compatible. looks like skyrim HDragon armour.
    memorable , non-lucid


    by IchimaruTaichou on 07-20-2012 at 12:50 PM
    Im at Hama the blood benders house, its full of antiques that she doesnt want us to touch, some one messes up a display. lamb in a drawer. I am walking down discovery drive, powering up like Goku whilst mass amounts of chewing gum bursts out of the ground, pink and brown ect, im lucid, i do clarity now and it gets a bit clearer, gum entwining i wish to send all the gum to my friend. Im kinda half awake at this point, im walking towards my house, where Hama is now located, three black water benders seek to kill her, im an air bender. i ask them to give up, she is to strong but they go on. i wake up.
    lucid , non-lucid


    by IchimaruTaichou on 06-01-2012 at 10:25 PM
    Im with Frank behind T3, the clouds are very different and amazing, they are red and plotchy like a pool of magma, i dont look at them for long as i have to go do something, when i get back the clouds had moved.
    sorta 3rd person dreamlike, Instructor Mark: Theres a man with a shotgun, mark fires a few shots from his side arm and gaps it, runs out the flash building and through the courtyard, he runs for ages, going past many dream scenes, i think he gets into a car, was like james bond or something spy stuff. at a party, im with some chicks, bri's friends i think, one holds onto me as i navigate though the party, ben says i got wet so he takes me to the bathroom, someone poured beer or something on me.. im in the bathroom, at this point i think i wake up, but im still visualizing the bathroom, either that or im doing lucid dream tactics in my non lucid.. fighting torrance in a car, i whip out some jiu jitsu and use my legs.