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I thought I had posted this here. Apparently not.
November 28, 2015
Had a really awesome lucid dream, with magic.
Color code: Non-lucid, partially lucid, lucid, notes
I woke up after about 5 hours of sleep and took 8mg of GalantaMind. I don't use the stuff very often.
Eventually, as I lay in bed and feel myself going back to sleep, I imagine moving my hands. It becomes more realistic until I sit up out of bed in my dream body.
I say “I did it!” But I still can't really see. I rub my hands together and move around until my vision improves. I am partially tangled in the blankets still. I say “Go away blanket!” and try to ignore it as I go out into the hallway.
I stabilize the dream by rubbing my hands together some more and pinching my nose shut and breathing.
After I do some sexual stuff in the lucid dream, I wake up and enter another dream, still fully conscious.
I am outside of a building from my childhood, just walking around. Some cars drive by and I say to myself “What am I doing?” I also comment on how it looks just like normal waking life, with nothing unusual around. It's very realistic.
I find a multi-trunk tree near the building. Like a group of little trees, but it's all one tree. Under the tree is a large old book, with a fuzzy leather cover. The cover has swirly decorative designs in red, blue, and yellow on off-white. I say I wish I would remember what it looks like. It is a magic book. Inside is mostly art, paintings of fantasy scenes and creatures. It is full color, though prominently green because of plants.
I try to read some of the tiny text, but can't really make it out. I say what I think it says, or make up what it says.
In the middle of the book I find a short, thick-ish stick, about five or six inches long. It is meant to be used as a wand.
I point the want at a field and wave it around, saying something like “Make a dinosaur!” Several triceratops-like dinosaurs appear in a group in the field. They're like the kind with no horns. They are many yards away. I am excited but keep my distance.
At some point I return to the tree and say to it “Thank you tree,” and give it a pat.
In front of the building is a crowd of people. I want to show them what I can do. I wave the wand and say “Dragons dragons dragons!” A creature appears for a moment and then takes the form of a woman wearing overalls. When she turns around I see that she has a tiny tail.
I wake again and have another short, sexually charged lucid dream. Then wake again and return to the same place with the crowd of people.
I have the magic book again. I say “I wish I could bring this back with me to waking life.”
I don't have the wand anymore, so I just pick up a twig from the ground. I wave the twig around and say “Cows cows cows!” and a stampede of cattle appears. Everyone runs away from it. I wave the twig again and say “Wolves wolves wolves!” Brown wolves appear, or maybe the cows turn into the wolves. They attack the people.
I say to the wolves “Dissipate,” or maybe “dissolve!” but instead the wolves float into the air over our heads. Am am amused and say “Or float... and then vanish.” I blink and the wolves are gone.
I then try to use my magic to command all the people to lay or fall down. A few of them do, but most do not. I try again, and also say “Freeze!” but it is not working.
I say “Hm, it's harder to control people. Interesting.”
Now the crowd is hostile toward me (possibly because I have been a menace). Some of them have wands of their own. They are all facing me. But I am not afraid of them and say “You can't hurt me.” I try to make a pedestal to stand on so I can seem taller, but that doesn't work either.
I tell the people they are a part of me so if they kill me they will kill themselves. I tell them that doing what I want is also in their best interest. (Thinking back now, that's probably not true).
I wake up thinking “That was awesome” and that it was the best lucid dream I've had in a long time.
Color Code: Nonlucid, Lucid, Partially lucid, Waking life notes
April 7, 2015
I realize I am dreaming and go into my bedroom. It is my childhood bedroom. I remember my goal and say something like “welcome to dreaming school,” to the toys and things on the shelves, as if I am the teacher.
I find some papers and look through at some comics I drew. I say to myself “These are well drawn. Lots of silhouettes.” It doesn't really look like my style.
I remind myself of my goal again, saying its for a lesson in dream control. I say “What's a thing I want/need to learn how to do?”
I punch my fist through a window for some reason. The window is between two rooms. Through the window I see an old woman enter the house (apartment?). I talk to her through the now partially open window. She has short curly white hair and seems to be wearing a poncho, or maybe a shawl.
I ask the lady if she would like to help me summon a person.
My first idea is to use a door and expect a person to be on the other side. But don't really get that far.
The old lady is apparently also a lucid dreamer. She tells me that before going to sleep/entering the dream, she was thinking of a banana or apple to see who she would meet. (It's like a method to meet a random person in a shared dream. Who you end up meeting depends on the theme you incubate.)
Either she senses that my dream is ending, or she has to leave. She says we can meet again tomorrow at the same time (She says at 8AM?).
My dream fades and I wake up. I scratch an itch on my leg while moving as little as possible and then go back into a new dream.
I am in a room. I sing “B-A-N-A-N-A-N Banana,” repeatedly (yes misspelling banana) to summon the same old lady as before. She shows up and I ask her to tell me where she lives (in waking life), or her number or something. She gives me a three-digit number (of course I forget it when I wake up).
I ask her “What's that?” She says “My number.” I say “What number?”
It is her prison number, or prison I.D. Number. She is surprised to realize I am not in prison too. Sh says she assumed I was because I am young.
I get the impression/idea that she must be from another reality in which most people, especially the young, are imprisoned, like in some distopian world.
I follow her out into a hallway and lose lucidity. Possibly we are going to attempt an escape. A guard says he smells baking, which is not allowed.
After waking, it occurred to me that she might have meant a metaphorical prison. Or she might have just been confused, losing lucidity like I was. Or possibly she was a dream figure talking nonsense like they do.
Either way, I am happy to have met someone who was more interesting and lucid than most of the people I meet in my lucid dreams.
Color Code: Nonlucid, Lucid, Partially lucid, Waking life notes
Dream Lesson 3: Overcome sexual distraction
March 18, 2015
I wake up but don't move. I feel tingling and then vaguely feel like I have gotten up and started walking. I can't see anything. I say/think "I'm a ghost." I gain my vision and the dream becomes more solid, and I remember my ongoing goal.
I approach a refrigerator and knock on the door saying "I would like my next lesson, please." I say something about it being for control.
I pick up a bagel with both hands and let go, trying to make it float, but it drops to the floor. Rather than bother picking up the same object, I grab a jar of jam from the fridge. I place it on top of the fridge (which is either very short or I am floating) then make it float by keeping my hands a few inches out on either side of it.
I believe I remember a post on DreamViews in which someone says that dream control needs to be based on things we are familiar with. I say to myself "I know what it's like to lift, but not what it's like to let go and not drop it." (Meaning, my dream can easily use my memory of lifting objects in waking life and apply it to making dream objects float, but has no obvious memory to prevent dream objects from falling when let go.) But, I say, "I know I can do it."
I practice a few more times making the jar float, and having fun doing it. I am now able to drop it and make it stop falling after a second.
I talk to the dream and the school I believe I am attending and ask what's next or if I should continue the lesson.
Now I am in a giant version of the garage in my childhood home. Watermelons start flying at me. I hit and kick them and make them bounce off each other. I grab one and try to take a bite of it.
I have a giant metal wrench and I'm hitting some metal things (?). I see a giant person and ask if he wants to fight, but he seems to ignore me. I hit a stack of red hot cogs, or metal discs and they go flying.
I lose lucidity. Someone is talking about dictators and is going to cut my fingers off with a knife.
Color Code: Nonlucid, Lucid, Partially lucid, Waking life notes
Dream Lesson 4: Basic Control
March 6, 2015
I am outside with my girlfriend in a clearing with woods around us. I see what looks like an old camping tent that is fallen over and dirty, maybe with some other garbage. There is also some stuff inside it.
I point it out to my girlfriend and say "It's disquieting. Is that the right word?" She says another word, maybe "misgivings." The tent moves and I realize there are people sleeping in it. They are just campers. I say "sorry," for waking them, and move on.
I realize I am in a dream. I tell my girlfriend that there actually were no people in the tent the first time I saw it, but then when the dream decided there was, the people appeared there. I say it was a dream plot twist.
My girlfriend and I are sitting on some steps in a doorway. I show her how I can pinch my nose shut and still breath through it. I prompt her to do it and it works for her too. I say "isn't that cool?" She agrees it is cool, but seems more interested in something else. I get caught up in sexual activity until I wake up.
I reenter a conscious dream. I am still preoccupied with sexual desire. I find a woman, but she turns into a cat.
Finally, I remember my goal to take dreaming school lessons and I say so out loud. I zip up my pants and ask if my lesson goal is to avoid sexual distraction. I say "Please show me if that's right, thank you."
Someone else who is with us now points toward a short hallway and a door. There is also a small shelf and a bowl of fruit. I hear musical chimes like from Mario 64 when you unlock a new area or item. I say "thank you" again, putting my palms together in front of me. I want to show gratitude to the dream. I approach the door, noticing that there is light around the edges. My girlfriend and the other person are staying behind. I say "thanks guys," as I step though the door.
I am in a small room and now the light is out. I say "another dark room..." because this has been common in my lucid dreams. I find a light switch and flip it and the light comes on. Now I can see more clearly and there is color. I am pleased that it worked.
I look at my reflection in a mirror and begin removing my teeth, all together like fake teeth. I am doing this just for fun, but I am also thinking how my next lesson should be about basic control and manipulation.
I turn away from the mirror and wake up. I try to stay still to enter a dream again, but my legs are very itchy.
Previous: Lesson 2 Dream
Dream Lesson 3: Overcome sexual distraction
Color Code: Nonlucid, Lucid, Partially lucid, Waking life notes
I am on a street in town, going around having sex and/or kissing women I see.
I realize I am dreaming and try to remember my goal. It takes me a moment to remember my goal of attending lucid dreaming school. I am at the entrance of what I assume to be a school, possibly a college.
I meet a tall man in a suit. He is the principal, I think. I ask him about taking a class/lesson. I tell him I still have a problem with sexual distractions, but I'm working on it. As we walk through the building, he begins telling me things about lessons or maybe techniques, but he keeps using made up words so I don't understand what he's saying.
He mentions a teacher with the name "A." I ask to see her.
I see another lady and I kiss her, and I suddenly wake up.
I don't move, but I don't realize that I have already continued dreaming. I have a piece of paper next to me in bed, I am attempting to write a note about the dream I just had without moving very much. I am using an orange color pencil, or maybe a crayon, and my hand writing is very sloppy.
The same man as before appears and guides me out of bed and to a school chair/desk. I am saying to him that I was conflicted between continuing the lucid dream and writing down the first part so I wouldn't forget.
Once again, I see a lady and lean in to kiss her, which causes me to wake up again.
The dream continues but I am no longer lucid. I am back in art school, in a sequential art class. The teacher is angry and bitter and talking about how students like fun teachers but won't learn as much. He is being fired because too many students put frowns on his evaluations.
I wonder if he recognizes me, even though it has been many years since I was last in one of his classes.
I still feel very tired, and I am trying or I want to to return to a lucid dream. The class is over and I move to another seat. A new class is starting with the same teacher. A lady with a clipboard is seated next to him. She seems to think this is not the right class for the schedule.
I am not sure if I want to contine in this class, or to fall asleep and go into another dream.
That's the end of this dream. It didn't feel like a lesson on lucid dreaming, although maybe there is one hidden in there. I certainly see how I kept getting distracted by wanting to kiss people, which seemed to be what caused me to wake up.