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    by iSoody on 10-18-2011 at 03:52 PM
    Dream #1 - Semi-Lucid

    This is a weird one. I was playing air hockey with my friend in an arcade - it was empty with the exception of the both of us. Suddenly, my friend turned into a hockey puck - the puck was red and it had my friend trapped inside of it. Two more pucks also appeared - one of my dad and one of my sister. At this point I remembered to do an RC for the first time in my life, and upon checking how many fingers I had and whether I could poke my finger through my hand, I thought that I might have been in a dream. Then, an evil puck appeared, and started slamming against the pucks with my friend, dad and sister in them. I grabbed the hockey stick thing and bashed it into the goal. Overcome by excitement that I might be lucid, I tried to summon a guitar to play, but it didn't work, and that's as much of the dream as I can remember. However, there is a twist - I probably wasn't actually lucid - I think that I was dreaming that I had a lucid dream. Otherwise the dream would have been clearer and i would have been more conscious...this dream felt duller and dimmer than most of my non-lucids.

    Dream #2 - Non-Lucid

    I was in a beautiful garden, with the same friend I was with in the earlier dream. The whole garden centred around a huge tree, with overhanging branches. There were round wooden tables dotted across the garden. The grass carpeted everything, including sets of stairs. There were white arches rising from the ground. My friend and I sat on one of the benches when someone passing through the garden told us that a "Lucidity Teacher" was coming soon. We waited, until he turned up. He took the appearance of Mad-Eye Moody, which was fairly unnerving. He started telling us about lucid dreaming but before we could continue, he went off on a tangent about a school musical he did when he was a kid. Before I knew it, I was backstage before the final song of the very musical he was telling us about. We marched on the stage and sang a song called "Gedanken sind frei" a traditional German song about freedom of thought, which became popular in the GDR as a message of peace and a demonstration against oppression. The performance took place on the stage at my school. Some people in the crowd were very drunk, and there were fights breaking out in the audience. After the performance, all 30 of us ended up in the bathrooms, because our teachers had rounded us up to talk to us. Suddenly, two of our (female) teachers randomly decided to take their clothes off. They ended up being yelled at by another teacher who came into the bathrooms to see what was going on. Then, everyone except for me filed out of the bathroom. I was left on my own. I went into a cubicle, and when I came out after a minute or two, there was a whole maze of toilet cubicles all over the bathroom, and there were some toilets just attached to the walls. Then the dream faded.

    From this we can conclude that I have the weirdest freaking mind, and that it is shocking that I couldn't tell it was a dream!
    non-lucid , memorable

    My uncle naked in a pool. (and FA)

    by iSoody on 10-17-2011 at 07:46 PM
    Non-Lucid throughout the entirety of the dream.

    Dream starts with me having a guitar jam with Guthrie Govan, one of my favourite guitarists. My parents then drive up to the street in which we're playing and tell me that I need to get in the car because we're going to a friend's house for a pool party. It is a long drive so I fall asleep in the car on the way there.

    I wake up at my friend's house, get out of the car and head into the garden, where both the pool and all of the people are.
    Everyone is asleep. The sunbeds are at the bottom of the pool, and people are sleeping normally there. The pool has overflowed to an extent that the whole surrounding area is a metre underwater, yet everyone can still breathe. I carefully look around, before wading around the flooded edges , where around ten of my friends are all sleeping underwater. I glance into the clear depths of the pool to see my uncle. He is swimming breaststroke, completely naked. He keeps swimming in circles, never looking up.

    At this point, I wake up in my own bed. I look around my room, to see that it is fairly well-lit. There is an oscillating white fan suspended from the ceiling, towards the back of my room. My cupboard is wide open, and tens of small mechanical aeroplanes are peeking out from the shelves within. They are made of silvery metal and are of varying shape. Some of them are even on top of the cupboard. When the fan turns towards them, it blows air past their propellers, making them rotate rapidly. It looks as if they are flying. When the fan moves away, the propellers stop. Suddenly two of the planes fly towards me - slowly, not aggressively. I catch them, and try to see if I can make them fly too, so I throw them back towards the cupboard and the rest of the planes. They both crash gently on the floor, and then I wake up for real.

    Very strange and vivid dream - I was eased into this dream with the help of binaural beats (I was testing them out to see if they worked for me, which they seemed to). It says a lot about my awareness that I didn't even realise it was a dream XD.

    Comments are welcome - I am new to this so if you have advice please share it with me
    non-lucid , false awakening

    My first attempt at WILD.

    by iSoody on 10-15-2011 at 04:25 PM
    Successfully relaxed and remained perfectly still. Focused on breathing and eventually overcome by sleep paralysis.

    Entered the dream in a room with some of my friends. We made conversation/jokes for a fair amount of time, until someone said something offensive and everyone became angry. There was a fight. I was knocked to the ground by one of my larger friends.

    At this point I had the false awakening - I believed I had woken up in my bed, when I was still dreaming. I then woke up in real life shortly afterwards.

    To summarize - I succeeded at the first part of WILD, but after SP I had no idea what to do to become lucid.
    (I thought that I would be automatically lucid after SP)
    non-lucid , false awakening