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    Im Jim. Im a professional routesetter and rock climber. I just got back to lucid dreaming after a 2-3 year break and a 4 year break. I'm here to stay tho!!
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    Update again....

    by jammerro on 04-03-2019 at 06:04 AM
    I have been super busy at work and shit.. so this is just an update... 6 lucid dreams since last update... The first 4 was really short, but the 2 last ones were long and vivid (especially the last one). Flying and exploring the dreams in a lucid state has been the theme.

    I'll be back....

    Lucid 3 times løl

    by jammerro on 02-17-2019 at 07:27 PM
    Well... I'm just writing this as an update. Since last time I wrote in my DJ, I have had 3 lucid nights. First one was SHORT. I just rced and woke up a couple of seconds later. Second night was quick too, around 1 minute of lucidity. 3rd night was amazing. I got lucid 3 times (3 different dreams). All three times were short tho... Well.. ggz I hope for longer lucids !!!

    Quick lucid after along dry spell!!!!!!

    by jammerro on 02-01-2019 at 07:15 AM
    Ok.... I havent had a lucid dream for about a month... I went from having about 1-2 a week to ZERO!!! During Christmas and new years my focus on dreaming started shifting towards another hobby.. I bought a Nintendo switch some time before Christmas, and u know me, I'm a tryhard personality. I have a full-time job and a hobby and a wife and a dog, so adding lucid dreaming on top of that, I used my last extra energy on lucid dreaming. The Nintendo switch kinda took up the extra energy I feel..... I still have had VIVID af dreams, but lucidity never occurred. Well tonight it did, so I guess I'm back on track ?!?!

    Before the becoming lucid I had 2 normal dreams.in the first dream u was in a room with my wife and we were playing a computer game together. The next dream I was driving a car through an old neighborhood I once lived in. And saw 5 people gang up on this one guy. They one guy keeps saying that "the guy in that car will come and fuck u guys up!". I told them I certainly would. I parked the car, normally (in daily life) when I park my car, I leave the car I 1st gear and turn it off. However in this case, I left the car in first gear, stepped out and then reached back into the car to pull the handbrake. Werid I thought to myself... I started taking my jacket off so it would be easier to fight these guys lol... While taking off my jacket I started thinking back to what I did before bumping in to these guys. I couldn't remember lol. I got lucid!!!!!! Mother fkin yeeeesss!!! I remembered I had these two dreams before this one. I reality checked, and certainly enough to, I was dreaming.
    I wanted to find one of my friends, so I tried asking the guys infront of me. But they started fighting so I didn't get an answer. I looked around, and to my surprise, my friend was standing on top of building with a psir of binoculars overlooking us. I shot webs to the building like Spiderman would, and swang to the building. I said hi to my friend and woke up....

    Success!!!!!! At last lol!!!! My wife woke up at 5 am and couldn't sleep, so I woke up to. It was after this wbtb that I had this lucid!!! Thanks wife lol 👍 I also fell asleep doing my mild preps, so that might have helped me get lucid.
    Lucid dream was withing 5:30 and 6:50

    Lucid twice again! Lol

    by jammerro on 12-29-2018 at 10:19 AM
    I set my alarm for 4:30 for my wbtb. I def was dreaming before that time, but I put all my energy into the time after 4:30. And hey, it payed off!! After waking up at 4:30 I becaming lucid with wild. Again, focusing on my breathing and trying to fall asleep kinda does it for me. This time I started hearing sounds from the apartment next door. Screams and stuff, but the I got the buzzing feeling in my body I tend to get when wilding. So I knew I was on track. The sounds got louder and the visual hallucinations get a bit wilder. Have a hard time transitioning into the dream, so the way I do it is just sit up INSTANTLAY in my bed. This kinda forces a false awakening for me. Well I woke up a minute into the lucid dream. I got startled by something yet again...

    This next lucid dream was a dild. Again the content is irrelevant. I got lucid at the very end of the dream I assume, since the dream had been going on for a REALLY long time before I realised I was dreaming. I used the standard nose pinch RC and quickly moved on to a dream goal. While trying to carry out this goal, I woke up.... And this time, yet again, I woke up because my wife was poking me in the face with her elbows while turning in bed lol..... Well.... I'll get longer lucids next time!!!!!

    Lucid twice again!!!

    by jammerro on 12-26-2018 at 10:23 AM
    It's been a bit since my last lucid dream. I picked up a Nintendo switch, and it kinda threw me off my lucid dreaming game, since my focus started being more and more on the game I was playing lol... Well this past week, I tried focusing on lucid dreaming again, and I def think it helped.
    I have been focusing on falling asleep with intention. And tonight, I did so again. It resulted in 2 shirt lucid dreams. One where I lost lucidity while carrying out a dream goal, and one which was a bit shorter. The content is a bit irrelevant, but I just wanted to register these 2 dreams in my journal.

    Ohh, both lucida were dilds