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    Recent Entries

    Paco de Lucia

    by Journeyman on 03-22-2014 at 04:39 AM
    In a house in Toledo , Spain , in the afternoon , Paco is sitting in a large room , alone , with the shutters closed . He has a guitar in his lap , and he strokes the strings , nut does not feel like playing . He is remembering the past , days of intense joy , songs , friendship , and he is sad for the loss of those he has loved and the passage of time .
    In another dream I am with Paco and he is practicing - simple things but his hands are so alive , full of strength and electricity . The simple notes are each alive and full of color .
    Paco de Lucia died recently near Playa del Carmen , Yucatan . I always greatly admired him as a person and as a musician .

    Matter and Electricity

    by Journeyman on 03-22-2014 at 04:30 AM
    I am in a room , very much like a room room the house in Japan where I live ; it is comfortable but not brightly lit .
    There is an array of technical and electrical equipment . A woman and a man are playing with this equipment , adjusting cycle frequencies and intensities of electricity . An electrical field is created , and into this field a beam of microwave is directed . Objects that are in the electrical field lose molecular cohesiveness when the microwave beam is directed at them , and disintegrate or lose their shape .

    Egberto Gismonti Synesthesia

    by Journeyman on 11-30-2013 at 04:43 AM
    I am standing next to Egberto Gismonti , who is seated in front of our piano . The room is dark but we can see each other . He is improvising , playing melodies and chords . With each phrase or expression , he is creating a pure luminous rectangle of color , of great beauty , and these rectangles are assembled in front of us in the air . The colors express the feeling and 'vibration' for want of a better word , of the musical chords . All the rectangles appear to be of Golden Section proportions . We are both just very happy to experience this creation and do not need to speak .

    The Burning Branch

    by Journeyman on 11-24-2013 at 03:27 AM
    I am in the Yucatan I feel . It is Caribbean . It is evening after sunset . The ocean is close by , and the waves crashing on the beach are heard throughout the dream . Five or six people from the area I am , and I , are outside a one room house made of clay and reeds , with a roof of reed and grass . We enter . A man , in pants but no shirt , holds a branch that has leaves on it . He strikes the brown earthen wall . The branch bursts into brilliant flame , but it is intact , it is not consumed by the fire. He does this several more times . I say to him "Give it to me " . I strike the wall - no flame - I do it again and again - no flame . The man just looks at me . He motions for me to give him the branch . He then strikes the wall , and bright flame again appears . He looks at me , and his eyes say " See , I am the one who can make the flame " . The others ooh and aah , because the fire is not ordinary fire , it is alive with spirit . The dream ends .

    Cobras : Electricity and Us

    by Journeyman on 11-24-2013 at 03:14 AM
    I go into the hallway near the front door entrance to the house . There is a set of stairs leading up to my workshop . There is a window next to the stairs . All appears exactly as in waking life . In front of the window , a black cobra is reared up , facing me and looking at me . It has a large black hood , opens its jaws and shows me its fangs . It is jet black with a bright red mark on its body .
    Second dream , a few weeks later ; Exactly the same , except that this cobra has smaller bright green marks in addition to the red mark . In both dreams the snakes do not hiss or threaten to attack . I gaze at them , they gaze at me . But there is no question , they have " don't mess with me " power , and show me that .
    I had these dreams over a year and a half ago . Could not figure out any meaning . No feelings associated with the demonic , evil , or anything of the kind . But one day I went and stood in the exact place . No associations ..... and then I looked up . The electric box directly above the place the snakes appeared . I opened it - jet black housing , large red main switch , smaller green breakers , of the exact same size and color of the snakes .
    Recently , two cell phone towers have gone up about 1km away or less , and ever since the towers went up , I have a faint buzzing in my ears .
    As background ; I have used Bob Beck Protocol , to benefit of my health , which has electrical component , and am interested in electricity in general , which is not understood by 'science' trapped in the quagmire of false Einsteiian relativity . I do not have or use a cell phone .