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I was in some kind of big building. There were other people there,too. I was only casually aware of their presence,seeing them walking back and forth out of the corner of my eye. I was walking down this long carpeted hallway. There were some vending machines to my immediate left. Someone asked me if I wanted something. "Nah,I'm good," I said. I really did want something,but didn't think I had any money with me so I pretended like I was satisfied. I stuck my hand in my pocket and felt I had a bunch of change,which surprised me. "Ooh. I really am good," I said to myself. I stopped and looked at the different machines. Most were those small red candy machines with the knob and coin slot,but there was one that was different. The biggest machine was grey metal and quite old from the look of it. There were no markings on it to indicate what kind of machine it was. I had a handful of change,mostly nickels and dimes. I started to put the coins into this largest machine,but it wouldn't take the dime I had just inserted. There was a small round metal button,which I assumed was the coin return. I pressed it and something fell down into the opening under the coin slot. I saw a couple of wadded up dollar bills on top of something wrapped in green cloth. I started to take the money and whatever was in the cloth,but I noticed a black guy standing next to me. I thought the green cloth might be something illegal,so I didn't take it.
I had another dream about this lady I used to be romantically attracted to. I thought we'd get together at some point,but it seemed like all she wanted to do was play games. Needless to say,we did not part on good terms.
I dreamed I walked into this convenience store. I got a soda from the fountain dispenser and went to the front to pay for it. Jessi and some girl were behind the front counter,sitting on stools and talking. The counter itself was about waist high,the top was gray marble and the base was aqua colored. I sat the drink down but neither of them looked up. It was almost like they didn't see me there. Jessi turned her head and said something to the other girl. Jessi told the other girl she and her husband had gotten into an argument about something trivial. I think she said a glass had got broken and he blamed her for it,even though she didn't do it.
My first dream in a while that I can actually recall. Nothing about it makes sense because none of what was said relates to my current situation in any way.
I was talking to someone,but they were standing behind me so I couldn't see who. My phone went off. I went to check it. I had gotten a message. I saw some words scroll across the top of the screen,but missed most of what was said. So I opened the message to read it for myself. It was a picture message. The picture was of me and three blonde women in,I'd guess,their 30s and early 40s. They seemed identical in the fact that they all had the same long,straight,dyed blonde hairstyle. We were in some kind of office. They were all dressed very professionally whereas I was dressed more casual. I had this feeling that maybe they were nurses. I was seated,one of the nurses stood to my right and the other two stood behind me. There was something written under the picture. This was the message I had seen part of earlier. It said,"Sorry,but I can't marry you. But it is fun to think about sometimes," I remarked to the unseen person with me that something about the picture didn't seem right. Out of the corner of my eye,this young woman,average height,with short brown hair walked up next to me and examined the picture. She pointed to the back wall which was painted light blue. "Like this,you mean?" she asked. She rubbed her finger over the picture. "This should be more pinkish,right?" The wall in the picture changed to a pink color. I said yeah,but wasn't sure that was the problem with the picture.
When this particular dream started,my sister and I were on our way to McDonalds. She drove,but stopped the car a block or so from the restaurant and we had to walk the rest of the way. The reason we had to walk was because she needed to make a stop first. We're walking on the sidewalk and we pass this burgundy Chrysler that's sitting there. The guy in the driver's seat has dark hair and a gray jacket on. She says something to him and he hands her two thin cards. One is her driver's license. She flips it over and on the back of the other card is a number. I didn't get a good look at all the numbers,but I believe the last four were 8072.
We get to McDonalds and she walks up to the counter to order. I'm standing back,waiting my turn. Behind me,some older man with gray hair and glasses,wearing a white short sleeved shirt is talking. He makes some kind of snarky comment about how she's taking too long,like some old woman. I see her at the counter and she is fumbling with her purse,trying to get everything back in it like she usually does. The guy behind me was saying all this to two other guys who were standing next to me. These two men were dressed like he was,but looked older than the first man. More to the point,they appeared to be twins. The only difference being in their personal grooming and appearance. One had short gray hair and gray glasses. The other had long stringy black hair,uncombed and not well cared for by the look of it. This fellow also seemed to be a tad...slow,I guess is a nice way of putting it.
The guy behind me asks me what I was doing there. I said to him that I had the misfortune of being with her,meaning my sister. I start to walk where she is,but the guy grabs me from behind. Not forcefully,more in a friendly,good natured way. He tells me I don't have to go with her. Then he asks me if I want some doughnuts. I said no thanks. He grabs me again in a weak half-nelson move and pulls my arms back down,pretending to have me power out of the hold.
As the dream starts,I'm standing in a room with some girl I don't know and another I have a rl crush on,Lily. The two of them were talking. I was glad to see Lily was alright after some unfortunate circumstances. She had on a black tank top and dark jeans. She was wearing glasses,but not the ones she usually wears. Lily asked the other girl if she knew what had happened to her other glasses. "They told me after the accident they were picked up by two guys,Joey Edwards and Bugg," I heard the first name and it set something off in me. I growled loudly,not caring how weird I looked at that point. Lily asked if I knew him and I told her about him telling me to back off trying to get with her. "Yeah,he told me you might say something like that," she said. From the tone of her voice,it didn't sound like she believed him. I stood there a moment,formulating a plan in my head to go on Facebook and hit the guy up,asking him to return the glasses. If he wouldn't,then I was determined to track him down and do what I had to,regardless whether it was just him or him and this guy "Bugg",whoever that was.
The next part,I'm laying on my couch asleep. I hear noise in the room next to me. Two dogs come running out of that room,past me. My nephew and his wife were over for a visit and I guess they had brought their two dogs along. I looked at the stool next to me where I had set my phone and glasses while I slept. I noticed a square reflective object. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a lens from a pair of eyeglasses. I picked mine up and looked at them. The left lens was broken out and this,I realized,was a piece of it. I looked up at my sister and said,"Really? I gotta wake up to this??" She explained what had happened,that they had gotten knocked off and accidentally stepped on. I thought about calling the shop where I had gotten them to see about getting them replaced but I wasn't sure if they would since it had been longer than six months since I got them. I knew I had my old glasses I could still wear until they were fixed,but I didn't want to do that if it could be avoided.