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    Lucid in the park

    by KnowingNoMore on 09-11-2011 at 06:26 AM
    I’m in the back yard of my father’s home, and it is now adjacent to a large oval. I have some memories of both the army being nearby, and wanting to become a werewolf.

    It is still light outside, and I’m angry about this, because this guy is going to turn me into a werewolf, and I have to wait until it is dark. I’m really keen to become a werewolf, and I remember that it was almost a full moon last night, and that tonight will be the perfect opportunity.

    Whilst I’m waiting, I am at the oval across the road, and for some reason, with no RC’s to make sure, I become lucid. After a brief moment of fist pumping and shouting that I’m dreaming I realise that being lucid could ruin my chances of becoming a werewolf (evidently I’m pretty excited about the werewolf thing) so I decide I shouldn’t do anything that would jeopardise this, and take it easy on the teleporting and DBZ antics.

    What I do decide to do is to make a sword, as it seems like a sensible thing to do if the army should arrive. After a while of just looking at my hand, and expecting there to be a samurai sword materializing any second, I realized it wasn’t doing me any good and tried something else. I stuck out my hand, and grabbed the top bar of the fence, pretending I was holding the hilt of the sword, and that when I lifted my hand into vision, it would indeed be there. So much for that. As I lifted my hand, it was empty, and the fence was still there.

    The realistic feel of the fence had reminded me to stabilize however, and as I rubbed the fence and grass for a while I was once more reminded of the werewolf transformation, so taking a side-road back to the house, I became confused.

    Arriving in some kind of bazaar with high bare rock walls surrounding the stalls, I was joined by my ‘studies of religion’ class, and our teacher (we are presently learning about Buddhism, so it wasn’t too far of a stretch for us to take a tour of the ancient markets) and we continued through.

    After this, we flew (swimming in the air, and unable to get any real speed) to some kind of doctor’s (perhaps a dentist) for something organised by the school. Next door was a charity store, so I went in searching for things to use for my whisky still. From here the dream grows vague, and fades away. All I remember is something about looking through school photos of my friends on a computer.

    Updated 09-11-2011 at 10:35 PM by KnowingNoMore


    One of (if not my first) incidences of controlling a dream

    by KnowingNoMore on 07-26-2011 at 11:27 AM
    I was in some alright but kinda Gothic place, with really old stone walls, and somehow, I figured I was in a dream, so I remembered that if you close your eyes and spin around, you will end up in whatever place you think about, so I kinda did that, but it only half worked, and I could kinda see a nice, but kinda dark (almost half formed) beach, but then I tried again, and was in some cool new place, where there was a bit of a party going on, or just some kind of gathering, and the same Gothic stone walls. I got bored of that pretty soon, and was about to do something else, when I woke up in my bed, but then I realized that my bedroom wasn't set out like that, and I didn't have damn STONE WALLS! And just as my mind began to think of sick movies where people have false awakenings and then get slaughtered horrifically; dramatic horror movie music began to play, so I closed my eyes and teleported the hell out of there. Arriving elsewhere, (still with the Gothic walls, but now out of a window, I can see some slightly middle-eastern architecture) I'm talking to this dude, and I question him about some bible verse (john, 6:20) spray painted on some mosque looking building, outlining the irony therein, and he is dismissive (oh, and by the way, this dude looks like ‘Dude’ ‘The Big Lebowski’) and so I'm like: "haha, dude are you my dream guide" (with extreme sarcasm) and then he laughs heaps hard with me. Then I hear my mother stomping down the hall to the bathroom, and she wakes me up.

    Oddly enough, the bible verse john 6:20 does exist, but has no real relevance or bearing on my life, or dream whatsoever.