LadyLoki on 06-27-2013 at 08:09 PM
Bedtime: ~ 12:30
Aids: None
Recall: Medium
Vividness: High
Awesome Factor: Medium
I'm in what looks like a high school gymnasium, minus the bleachers, with a bunch of other people. I don't know why we are there, but I don't think we are actually attending high school. The only person there with me that I think I recognize is a middle-aged woman, C, whom I'd had some classes with in grad school.
I think people have sleeping bags and/or are just hanging out on the floor. There is a television at one end of the room, and someone puts on The Avengers. In the dream I don't own the movie yet, and am super excited that it's already out on DVD/Blue-ray.
Suddenly Tom Hiddleston-as-Loki is there in real life, performing his confrontation with Odin in Thor, except that Odin isn't there and Tom/Loki is facing us. He's only a few feet away and I realize, to my delight, that I've basically got front row seats. I'm sitting just behind C. I'm pretty sure we're sitting on the floor. The weird thing is that we're sitting on the stage and Tom is performing from where audience would normally be. (I don't think my dream self considered this weird, though.)
Tom is dressed pretty much the same as Loki in the movie, except he has a neck brace with writing on it, as if friends had written on it like people do on casts in school. Anyway, I feel so lucky to be there, and I'm totally feeling his performance. I actually get shivers. My attraction to him is secondary to the fact that I'm getting to see this amazing actor perform live and so up close.
Tom is gone now, and I realize that I've been resting my forehead on the back of my former classmate's shoulder. I'm disappointed that instead of enjoying Tom's performance fully and maybe getting some eye contact, I've been hiding my face. I'm also distraught about what the C must have thought about the close contact -- we barely know each other, after all. She has gone somewhere, but I decide that when she comes back I'll apologize and tell her I was tired or had a headache.
Next, I'm outside. It is nighttime, and it looks like I'm on or very near a college campus. There's an abandoned building made largely of glass, which I enter. The ground is earth, and I'm excited to see that it is littered with beautiful crystals. I'm particularly in awe of this huge quartz crystal that must be at least 2/3 my height. It is lying flat on the ground. When I come closer to take a look at it, I see that there is a beautiful, large blue topaz crystal inside the giant quartz, maybe six inches from the point. I decide that I must take it home, worrying if I'll be able to carry it, but when I touch it, it feels like plastic and I'm disappointed.
There is a cluster of topaz or aquamarine lying on the ground nearby. These are attached to the matrix, so I'm sure these are real. However, I don't want to dig it up with my bare hands, so I leave to get some kind of tool.
Outside, I meet a college girl. She says I shouldn't be walking around alone at night, though she's doing the same thing. When I tell her or she sees that I'mgoing to the abandoned building with the crystals, she says she knows it, and seems excited to accompany me. (I don't remember if I got a tool or not.) As we approache the building, however, three female employees from a nearby store are keeping watch over it, since people aren't supposed to be entering.
Key thoughts/emotions: Elated, Uplifted, Impressed, Embarrassed, Disappointed
Interpretation: I think this dream says a lot about my beliefs regarding my acting career, or just creativity and self expression in general. I'm watching one of my favorite actors peform; he's totally in the flow, and I'm feeling it as well. I'm on stage, and yet I'm hiding my face.
If the quartz crystal were the human body, the blue topaz would be in about that same region as the fifth chakra, which is seen as blue and associated with creativity and self-expression. I think it's too good to be true (feels like plastic), so I focus on some more realistic mediocre crystals. Yet I don't want to get my hands dirty, so I go looking for a tool and end up locked out and without any crystals.
My original interpretation is that I don't believe that I can really have what I want: an exciting, fulfilling career that puts me in the spotlight (the big quartz with the topaz inside), but I don't want to settle for a mundane job or getting little reward for my efforts (not wanting to get my hands dirty getting the smaller cluster).
Dream dictionary entries, however, suggest that plastic can means not being true to oneself. This would change the interpretation from simply not believing I can have a successful career to not being meant for great things
, but not wanting to settle for less.
Both are pretty gloomy interpretations for a dream that initially left me smiling.