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    About LeapOfFaith

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    About LeapOfFaith
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    I'm from the planet Earth. I'm a full time student at the Pennsylvania State University, and if there's one thing people know about me it's that i love Angels & Airwaves. When it comes down to it here is the reason why: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOso6w8ihwI if that doesn't inspire you then I don't know what will. I've always had an average interest in dreaming, but it wasn't until this year that my interest increased exponentially. I'm a n00b, but I'm looking forward to learning all i can. My main influence that got me really interested in dreaming is my music. My favorite band is Angels & Airwaves and it was their songs, projects & movie that got me really thinking about dreaming. At first it was the sound that got me into them. I loved Blink 182 so when you add the lead singer of that band with a atmospheric sounding music you get a genre called Space Rock. I love space and the universe so they have always been that band
    that just gets me. Their latest albums are all about different meanings of love and what it really means in correlation to human consciousness and connection. All of their music is really poetic in a way, and by that I mean that it is very interpretive. That's what I really love about it.. because you could listen to it and not know what the lyrics mean at first, but then the more you keep listening to it you'll realize it's something that you can relate to. I got really excited when I heard that their next album & movie is going to be about dreams.. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150188953111230&set=a.10150181938166230.302351.298193736229&type=3

    Here's some of their songs that specifically mention dreams:

    from the Album "We Don't Need To Whisper"
    The Adventure - www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMl8cQjBfqk
    A Little's Enough - www.youtube.com/watch?v=D90DnMGk8HA

    from the album "I-Empire"
    Call To Arms - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnT5rQ_eylk
    Sirens - www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx21ZXznYbc
    Lifeline - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWeDQ5B0fQU
    Rite Of Spring - www.youtube.com/watch?v=GObMatem8I8

    from the album "LOVE Part I"
    Young London - www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RaT4HL4nr0
    Hallucinations - www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShFer_hFZxs
    The Moon-Atomic (...Fragments and Fictions) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azJD83voC7I
    Soul Survivor - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRyiM4UOXWA
    Some Origins of Fire - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azJD83voC7I

    from the album "LOVE Part II"
    Saturday Love - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNN_wBOWUJg
    Anxiety - www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-axrEZOXnk
    My Heroine (It's Not Over) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_sTDWZSLt4
    Moon As My Witness - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb2fgKOgv7U

    and here's my page background pic in detail that i made myself. It was influenced by the song Soul Survivor :D https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=491931726229&set=a.428809811229.230543.298193736229

    feel free to add me as a friend especially if you're an AVA fan as well!

    - Leap Of Faith

    p.s. PM me if you're also interested in my friend DiMiTri ;) i find him very interesting, and I am always trying to learn what other people think about him as well..
    Country Flag:
    Earth but soon the moon. then.. To The Stars
    the universe, space, learning, music, conspiracy theories, photoshop, exercise, health, dreaming
    full time student
    How you found us:
    the same way you found me.


    If you're an Angels & Airwaves fan check out my fb page for my fan art:The Architect
    whatever you do... Believe In Something!


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    First DJ Entry| First WBTB/SP attempt | 6.4.12

    by LeapOfFaith on 06-04-2012 at 09:59 PM
    First DJ Entry| First WBTB/SP attempt | 6.4.12
    Let me start off by saying that I finished writing all of this and then I accidentally hit the backspace button and it went to the previous page and I lost all of the info i just typed ok so here I go again. This is my first DJ entry, but I also have started keeping entries in one that I keep by my bed. Last night I went to bed at 12midnight got a good 8 hours of sleep. I have a playlist on my Ipod which allows me to set alarm beeps to go off during my REM cycles. I decided to try a WBTB method, but instead of staying up for a while before going back to sleep I stayed completely still with my eyes shut and tried to enter SP before trying to enter into a LD. This is the first time I tried to do this. Even though I didn't end up becoming lucid, I still believe I had some success. Now onto my dream..

    Part I
    I was on my way to my brother David's wedding (he was just recently married in real life). I was outside in some sort of field at first with some of my other family members, but eventually it was time to go to the reception my sister drove me, David and one of my other brothers through the field. She was driving pretty crazily and swerving all throughout the field, and I kept making comments on her driving. She parked the van and then we all went inside. I could tell my comments about her driving had made her upset, and once we were inside I apologized a few times to her and then everything was ok. Then we were in the place where we had had the rehearsal dinner, and I was sitting next to my mom. I had my laptop out on the table for some reason while we were waiting for the food and I was checking my facebook. Then I noticed my mom was trying to look at my fb I could see her squinting her eyes like she was trying to read something on the status feed. I then looked at my facebook and got the feeling that someone had hacked it and put up stuff that I had not posted. I don't know exactly what it was, but I got the feeling that my mom wouldn't understand why the hacked stuff was on my computer so I started closing out the windows that were open. I thought there was only one window at first but then I realized there were a few as soon as I closed the first one.

    It was soon after this that I woke up from the alarm beeps that I had set. At this point beeps would go off every 2 minutes for 8 minutes to keep help try and keep my mind awake but my body asleep. So once I realized that I was awake, I kept my eyes shut and focused on keeping my breathing the same as when I was sleeping. After a few min I think I started to enter SP. I tried not to think of anything specific, but instead I wanted to just let random thoughts come to me. I felt like I was moving in and out of SP, and all I was seeing was darkness then out of nowhere I saw a vivid metallic green colored circular geometric shape. Now it didn't look exactly perfect and it wasn't a maze, but it was similar to this picture I made on photoshop today: then after that I saw some quick cloud like visuals that looked something like this: I remember being excited about what I had just saw and I reminded myself to write them down when I woke up later on. At that point I felt too tired, and I knew the beeps that had been keeping me up were gone so I decided to just give into sleep. While I was doing this I kept thinking about the visuals that I had just witnessed, and all of the sudden I think this is where I slipped back into dreaming..

    Part II
    I got this feeling of moving forward, and I compared it to the feeling of driving in a car really fast. Then I was thinking it would be easier to enter SP if I was actually in a car while trying it and someone else was driving me.( I’m not sure when the thoughts started and the visuals started, but the next thing I know..) My best friend Scotty was driving me at night on this road that curved and in my dream I was trying to enter SP. When it didn’t work we continued to drive until I had him drop me off on the sidewalk, and I started to walk towards downtown State College. I continued walking the same direction scotty had been driving me and then I noticed a group of runners in white shorts and shirts behind me. Instead of getting out of their way I decided to see if I was still in shape which I soon found out that I wasn’t. I only ran for like 30 seconds, and I could hear them running up close behind me. I heard them making fun of me for how slow and out of shape I was. Then I had to rest so I moved out of the way and sat down on the grass next to the sidewalk to catch my breath. As the runners passed I yelled “YOU LOOK AMAZINGG!” at them, but I said it sarcastically because I guess I thought they looked stupid in their all white running clothes. I guess I was just mad that they made fun of me and that they were right. Then I got back up and continued on my way, and soon I was downtown looking around at the different bars and restaurants. I stopped at a couple different ones, but I didn’t order anything even though I wanted to. And that was the end.
    non-lucid , memorable