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    1. View Conversation
      lol nothing great
      i was sitting with my friends then suddenly they both changed into someone else and then what, i shouted "i am lucid dreaming" very loud.They both thrilled by my shout.I started rubbing my hand to stablise my dream but eventually it fades..........
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      Sorry about the late response, I have been really busy lately. And I'm afraid I'm not sure if I can help, our beliefs are far different from each other. I don't deny the existence of ghosts and spirits... however, the same idea should work whether or not they exist. If real, they take their energy from your fear. If not real, they only exist because of your fear. Either way, the only thing I could think of would be to face them down, deny them your fear and your energy. When you face down fears from your own subconscious, they are forced away. If you face down a real enemy that is feeding on your fear, they become weak and search for easier prey. Confronting them in a LD is actually a good plan, it is possible they have a message for you from your subconscious, and you can't be harmed in a dream, so there is no need to fear. I hope this is some help, I'm sorry I can't help more. Good luck.
    3. View Conversation
      i had two actually but both were short and i don't think i was fully lucid. i m struggling for the third one.
    4. View Conversation
      hi lights congrats on ur first lucid dream.By the way for how long u been trying to get lucid in dream.
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    About lights

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    About lights
    LD Count:
    I was born on the 23rd of September, 1998. Yes, I'm young, I know. My physical age is about 14, which is the same as my mental age. I've grown up (mentally) very quickly because I am the youngest sibling in a family of 5. My family is very unusual and difficult to live in.
    Long story short: I suffer with a lot of mental health issues. So far, I am not aware of any other diagnosed illnesses apart from clinical depression and anorexia nervosa. I have a lot of other issues.
    I am an extreme atheist, although I have obsessions with lDs and OBEs. I am very new to both. I have only have one OBE in my life, and that was by accident (sleep paralysis). I will soon try to get to astral projection, but not before I consult my counsellor on whether or not it is a good idea for someone with anxiety.
    Thats the very basics. If you are interested, just ask :)
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    Music, science, social science, physics, astrophysics, philosophy, karate, piano, double bass, rock
    How you found us:
    Saw a post when looking up LDs


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    #2 In a town

    by lights on 03-29-2011 at 12:34 AM
    On the night on 28th March 2011

    I can't remember most of my dream. All I can remember is myself shouting on a street to a sister's friend "F**K YOU! I F***ING HURT! I HURT!" While on the street, in a place (a green/courtyard/common).

    I then looked at my hands in anticipation, they were fat, but not too fat, so I thought "Maybe I gained weight?" I asked myself some very simple arithmetic questions which I answered correctly (2 + 2 = 4, 4 + 4 =8, 8 + 8 = 16, etc).

    I saw a fluffy white dog which I chased, I followed it down a street, where I was chasing a man aswell. The dog and man ran into the shop. I followed them into the shop. The shopkeeper took me outside and said "What do you think you're doing? They are my customers! Behave yourself!"
    To which, I responded "HE WAS TRYING TO RAPE ME!"

    The shopkeeper shoved the man and dog outside the shop.

    End of dream.

    #1 Blue Room

    by lights on 03-29-2011 at 12:26 AM
    On the night of 28th March 2011

    This was the first dream that I ever had as Lucid, while realising and controlling it.

    Red = lucid

    I was in a derelict, baby blue room. There were broken shelves and a plain bed and duvet.

    I was in the room when I suddenly thought, "Wait... Look at your hands!"
    "HOLY SH*T! My hands were really fat (not true in my normal self). I was pulling the fat inches away from my hand.

    I stuck my right hand through my left hand, playing around.

    I then climbed onto the bed and jumped into the air, hovering. I was about 1.5 metres, give or take, above the bed, just floating.

    Then I moved onto my next dream. It wasn't the most interesting of dreams, but I enjoyed it, as it was my first proper one!