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I can't remember what happened immediately after that, but I woke up not long after.
I am with a bunch of random people in an airfield. There is some sort of small, insignificant explosion happening about 50 metres away.
It doesn't seem dangerous, and is making some cool patterns in the air. I am recording it with my camera. We are driving in a tour bus, that has no roof or sides. Similar to a luggage carrier.
Then, while looking at the screen of the camera, one of the patterns travels close to us.
Everyone just chuckles. Then one flies and hits one of the passengers. We all scream, even though she is okay.
We speed off. The area is really flat.
At one point I am off the bus, and it continues to travel with everyone else to escape the explosion, even though it's stopped.
I am with two familiar dream characters. Their house was in a previous nuclear disaster dream I've had.
This current dream is happening sometime after that dream, so they have rebuilt and are happily doing things around the house.
The woman shows me something that the guy had made around the back of the house.
There were 5 dummies, that looked very lifelike, lined up on a little ridge of grass. The woman pressed a button and there were explosions underneath the dummies. They were intact.
Later I am inside the house, and I am at a bedside. On the bed is my grandma I didn't know it then, but I was to visit my grandma while she was in hospital for the first time, today.
Next to the bed there is a switch that rotates. I twisted it, and the colour balance of the room changed. The switch had a scale of warm orange to cool teal. That must be the cinematographic part of me
Then I am outside with the two people again, driving along the straight road near the house. On one side of the horizon there is a massive fog cloud. Something to do with the airfield explosion earlier.
I think it caused some catastrophe, like what normally happens at this dream place. I wasn't too worried about them this time.
Did I just discover the place where my subconscious tries to deal with catastrophes in my life?
The other end of the horizon had a massive storm system that was going to have tornadoes. As if this was Tornado Alley in America.
We were debating which way we should take our chances with. We decided for the new fog-related disaster. I've been through the tornado storm before. And it's still there.
We go over a small hill and there is a really long highway bridge over an expanse of water. The fog shrouds the other end of the highway.
I am driving. We head onto the bridge. There are lots of obstacles on the bridge, including a small, yellow oncoming car that stopped.
After reading this, I can relate half the elements in the dream to things that are happening in real life, and the other half to things that happened today, after the dream.
First lengthy dream in a while
In a small bus being driven through some hills covered in bush. At the carpark, there are lots of people, including a family from church (Yap).
There is a bunch of kids all doing a competition, they all put their hands in to the centre, like sport teams do before a game, and cheered.
I joined the game too. Still in the carpark surrounded by bush.
I won. The prize is an iPod case. Someone next to me shows me their iPod, and I scroll through some apps. There was a contact list and one of them was "limbocity".
I was amazed that he had my DreamViews name in his contacts, and I said "Are you from dreamviews?" He just nodded.
Next I was being driven through a dark blue tunnel, and I was looking at my iPod, which was now an iPhone. I could hear people singing a song about the iPhone 4's features.
I was obviously very excited that I had an iPhone in my hands.
Then it was my house, but it was serving as a hideout for the person from DreamViews, and two others, also from DreamViews.
I tried to ask the guy who he was, and he didn't say anything. He was wearing my school's uniform, so I said "You go to my school?!"
He didn't say or do anything.
I had his iPod again and it said @slash112. The other two said it was really slash. I think one of the other two was SilverDreams.
They are telling me that we are all being hunted for some reason.
Next we are at a giant warehouse in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by sandy hills. It's like I'm being told a story by one of the DreamViews members.
One little kid there has a super power: being able to run really fast. He is being chased by bad people around this warehouse. Then I become this little person.
I'm running around really fast, before jumping into the water that leads out of the warehouse.
There is a gate before the outside world, being controlled by some random in a security booth.
"Open the door please!" the people were getting closer. He opens the gate, which has massive spikes on them. They shut too quickly for me to get through.
He won't open them for longer, so I somehow "make" him, like controlling him. So I escape.
Next scene, I was standing on the roof of another warehouse in the same sort of orange environment. There were three super-mutants, one of which was called the Silver Surfer.
Someone said "We already have a Silver Surfer, why is there another one?"
The so-called Silver Surfer was more like an ice thing, and can freeze stuff.
He started shedding his ice scales, and some random floating ball with tentacles consumed the ice thing's intestines.
Next scene was some small Middle-Eastern Town, high up in the mountains so there is snow everywhere. I was with my parents like on a holiday. It was night. The moon was bright.
I tried to buy something with Australian money, but they said, in fluent English, that I can't use that. "There is an ATM near the international banking shop around the other side of town."
The town was elevated, so you can fall off the edges. I tried to go around the other side, but the area got darker, and more isolated.
There were no people at this part of town, it looked like an abandoned carnival.
Pretty creepy. I could still hear the busy marketplace I was just at.
I went further along, and there were small abandoned houses. I just decided to go back to the marketplace, and my parents.
I woke up.
Then tried to sleep again.
I was back in the marketplace, but in a 2-storey building. Sunrise in the frosty town. Sitting at a window, looking out over where my parents were standing at ground level.
I was half-asleep, thinking how much I wanted to meet someone in the dream, and I was calling out to my friend LostInLA to come sit here with me, but I was woken again.
Very long, and convoluted dream.
Just a fragment
I got enough money ready for school to get a hot drink (chai latte) and to pay somebody back who I owed.
I didn't realise until I got to school in REAL LIFE that it was just a dream and I had NO money in my wallet :'(
I was with a school group, like an excursion (field trip). We had been travelling a long way by foot, but I only remember when we reached the top of this sand hill, and there was a whole city below us.
There was sand and water everywhere, the buildings weren't as high as skyscrapers. Someone said "We finally reached Chicago!"
I took out my camera and captured the city. It was breathtakingly beautiful.
I wake up.
lol the only time I've seen Chicago was in the movie "Source Code". It's a good movie,
I don't watch the Tour, or have any idea how it works.
So me and my church friends are standing along the track that the riders are on, waiting for them to pass. Someone asks us who we think will win, and we don't know. One friend places a random bet for fun.
Now it's raining at the finish line and we are told that we just won $15,000.
We are all in shock at how much money that is. We had to split it up so we each get $3000.
Some time passes and most people have left the area. I still haven't got my money.
I'm searching for the guy who told us we had won, and the area turned into my dining room. The people that were at the finish line are suddenly having a party.
They are bouncing up and down, with no music, and in the dark. I walk past the silent party and into my loungeroom.
I wake up.