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I was standing on the platform on a train station. It resembled, or at least in my mind it was a train station i know from real life.
But it wasn't the way it usually was, this time it was curved, and there was a staircase that lead down into a tunnel to my left. The staircase was in the right spot, and there was a platform on the other side of the rails, just like in real life. Difference was that the staircase lead downards, instead of up.
The train arrives. Me and a pair and perhaps a few others realize that we're on the wrong platform. I started running, down the tunnel to get there. I think I notice some people in the tunnel, but I don't remember what was different about them. I think it might have been a litle girl and some man talking on a phone.
When I get up on the right platform, I see on a sign that the right train arrives in 1 minute, and then realize that it's actually already here, and not only that, but it's already started moving. For some reason, it stops and lets me get in. There are 6 seats in every row, with still quite a lot of space to walk in. Looks more like the interior of a plane than a train, it has seperate seats with seat belts.
I'm stressed out from being in such a hurry, so I'm not thinking clearly, so I just quickly scan the room and sit down on the seat that's farthest away from the window and closest to the space where people walk past. I realize that there's a little girl sitting in the seat by the window, which makes me uncomfortable and anxious. Somehow we end up in a tickle fight, and another little girl joins in. No idea where she came from... [/COLOR]
[COLOR="royalblue"]I remember something about fighting some bosses. And it was incredibly easy. I knew that I could deflect magic attacks, but the final boss didnt even get to attack before I killed it.
Then I got to some mansion, there was something minecrafty about it, we counted up how many blocks across the mansion was made of, for some reason. I can't remember why, but it had to be more than 15 (or was it 25?) blocks across, and it was, so, success I guess.
So I went through a door, and there was a hallway leading right, and then a door to the left, which lead into the living room. I don't clearly remember walking through the living room, but I do remember meeting a dragon, this time it would surely be more of a challenge.
I flew backwards at high speed, the dragon was right infront[/COLOR] (behind? ehhh, well it was following me) [COLOR="royalblue"]of me, I waited with attacking, because I wanted to try deflecting it's fireball.
It fired, and I easily waved it away. It attacked again, and I deflected it again, but this time I kind of made it spin around my wand, as I wanted to deflect several attacks and then throw it back at the boss, because I wanted it to be a little more exciting.
The dragon then said something about that it couldn't help me with something so advanced as double deflecting, repeating the pattern of bosses being too simple to defeat.
I remember shooting the dragon in the face, then I flew, back first, at high speed, through the door that lead to the hallway, neatly maneuvered to the left and zigzagged through the next door, and the dragon smashing up the house because it was too big to fit through the doors. Intense![/COLOR]
Anyways, can't remember whether the flying was inspired by Rainbow Dash or by Toothless
[SIZE="1"]I don't remember in which order these glimpses were in, so it'll just be like this. I actually think the two first were the two last.
[LIST][*]You're Waiting for a Train, but You Already Missed it. Shit.[/LIST]
[COLOR="royalblue"]I'm standing on a really big open space, yet it's underground and really dark. Like a really big trainstation with almost no light. I'm standing on the middle of the platform in a group of 5-7 or so people, but I only recognize 2 of them. One is a guy from my old school, N, and the other is a girl from my old school, M. A train drives past us.
I get an idea related to jumping in front of the train, and I make a joke about it, [/COLOR](Can't remember, but I think I was reminded of the train in Inception, and was joking that jumping in front of the train would be like a kick so we would wake up, but I didn't make my joke so clear that everyone would know that I had it from Inception.)[COLOR="royalblue"] then I imitate the Inception sound.
Only M gets the reference and jokes back that now we should check if we are dreaming, but she just laughs and it doesn't seem like she's actually doing any RC.
I, being reminded of the fact that I not only like Inception, but also Lucid Dreaming, get all hyped and go all "Yeah! We [I]do[/I] have to check!" so I stop and look around and try to remember how I got here. Lo and behold, I couldn't figure out how the hell I got there. I'm a little surprised but mostly amused, [/COLOR](Still seeing the whole thing as a joke)[COLOR="royalblue"] I tell M that I tried and that it must be a dream, but still only jokingly. Go me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="royalblue"]Sitting somewhere, watching a movie. But right now I'm in the movie. It's a Harry Potter movie, there's slaves sitting around, hooded, perhaps. It's a long room with stairs at the end, and perhaps some big containers with valves, looks like they're made of copper. Harry comes in and runs towards the staircase, where Ron is, maybe he rescues Ron and the slaves? Anyways, they run towards the exit, and the roof above where they just stood and more hooded people fall down. The slaves and what I assume was Death Eaters all look the same. They come out and now they're in a big courtyard. A black figure in the air hovers sideways down towards them, it looks like one of those wraiths from Oblivion, but it's actually Voldemort. He's wielding a really really long sword. When he reaches Harry and Ron, he starts to give out an evil speech, but there's just one problem, he's speaking japanese. I think I catch a few words here and there, but now I'm aware that I'm sitting in a couch and watching it as a movie. Me and my granddad are watching the movie, and we're both wondering why he's speaking japanese. One of my friends come out of a door, he was watching it too, but he didn't hear any japanese. It was like we were sitting in a room closer to the screen, and the room behind us had a big window, and in there, Voldemort spoke in english, but out here he spoke japanese. Very weird.[/COLOR]
- [COLOR="royalblue"]I'm standing on a chair, looking at a fan. There's dust and spiders everywhere, I sort of hold the fan in place because it will, for some reason, be really bad if it stops working. Surprise, it stops working.[/COLOR]
- [COLOR="royalblue"]I'm on a path that leads down to a beach. A bunch of people from my class is sitting around a table. I drop a pen, and C kicks it away as a joke. I go over to get it, further down and closer to the beach.[/COLOR]
- [COLOR="royalblue"]I'm in the water with H and an unknown guy. One of them dives and tries to grab my leg and pretend they're a shark. I spot a real shark behind him so I panic and kick him until he comes up. We swim to some rocks where we try to get up and try not to get killed. H is being attacked.[/COLOR]
There's something about vampires.
There's definitely something about vampires. But was the vampire thing before or after the cafeteria? I don't know. Let's pretend it was before.
[COLOR="royalblue"]I'm some evil guy, fighting another guy. There has been vampires involved, but I have been trying to turn into a vampire, and I know the final steps to become one. Apperantly, I just need to drink a lot of blood now, so I try to scratch this other guy as much as I can, and I'm sort of chasing him around a black and red evil-looking pillar. A pillar which apperantly also helps me become a vampire. I don't know what happened to the other humans or vampires, whether the vampires were killed or if it was the humans, and in that case I don't know who killed them, or if they all died... But one thing is certain, this big, dark, evil-looking room only has me and the survivor human in it. Maybe we used to be friends?
I think we got out of there, there was something about a pool, and a big white house, a bit like that christmas level in Hitman Bloodmoney, except with more summer and blue pool. You know, high up in the mountains, [/COLOR](Not sure about that)[COLOR="royalblue"] white, square, modern arcitechture [/COLOR](Has to be white, right?)[COLOR="royalblue"], and guards walking around with uzi's and black suits.
Obviously, a shootout came out of this. I think I was hiding behind a small white wall right next to the pool, maybe I even emerged from the pool? Anyways, there were guards everywhere, around the pool and coming down a long staircase from an upper level of the house.
Again, I'm not sure if this was before or after...
I'm in a canteen, or a cafeteria. I think I might be on a school, but I don't think I go to this school. Maybe I'm new and I just don't recognize people. I think there are 2 or 3 people that I know who are, so I just follow them, but I don't really [I]know[/I] them, so the situation is quite awkward; We're standing in a huge queue, waiting to get some food at the counter. I feel slightly claustrophobic. I get my food and sit down at a table, I realize that there's a bunch of stuff missing on my plate. Apperantly I dropped a lot of it on the floor, under the table. Luckily, it was in some sort of packaging, so I just reached down and picked it up again. I don't remember eating anything, because I think I decided to get out of there.
I went to the end of the room, not the way we came from, a lonely, gray door at the end of the room.
I enter it, and I'm in a long, white-gray, boring looking hallway with lots of identical, boring, gray doors.
I enter one of them, and now I'm in an equally boring, tiny room with absolutely nothing in it. This didn't amuse me, so I made a door in the wall in front of me out of thin air. I entered it - another small, boring room with nothing in it. But this room already has 2 doors in front of me. I take the left one.
Now I'm in a similar room, but this one has been lived in, so it looks a lot more alive - But it still gave off that nerd-who-never-cleans-up-and-never-goes-out feel to it. An overall gray feeling still remained.
There was a man lying on a couch, watching TV, I think he was holding a can of soda or beer. He looks like he's somewhere between 25 and 35 years old, he's got short, brown hair. [/COLOR](In dream, I don't recognize him, my Dream Intuition tells me he's a gymnasium teacher at the school I was just at, and in retrospect, I think he reminded me a little of Remus Lupin, perhaps more than just in looks.)[COLOR="royalblue"]
I notice there are a bunch of drawings on the wall right next to the TV and the couch (it's a very small room), I start talking to him. I tell him that drawing like that, random doodles on his wall seemed like a thing I would do. We had a nice conversation, but I forgot pretty much all of it. Somehow, our conversation turns to lucid dreaming, and I suddenly realize that this could be a dream. With a smirk and a feeling of mild interest, I pinch my nose and close my mouth. The teacher is looking at me, looking interested and expectant.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="darkorchid"]I try to breathe, and sure enough, it's easy to. I'm amazed, confused and a little sceptical. I continue to converse with the teacher, but it's kind of a one-way communication, as I'm probably more thinking to myself. I think for a moment about what I should do. Should I head outside and fly? But then I realize that I don't know where the exits in the canteen is, I think it's a little too bothersome so I decide to stay,[/COLOR] (Laziness at it's peak.)[COLOR="darkorchid"] besides, I'm not entirely convinced that it's a dream yet. I do the nose pinch RC a few times, but now it's a little less clear; I can breathe alright, but the breathing is slightly restricted when I do it. I decide I need to perform another test, even though I'm still in the mindset that this actually is a dream. There's two doors in the room, one right beside TV which leads back, and another door on the wall opposite to the wall with the drawings. I open this door: A huge croud of people is standing in a circle, this door led back to the canteen. I look around on people's faces. I see three people talking, and I turn and see 4 people all in a big conversation, doing their own thing, completely unrelated to anything I could have made up. I notice that their clothings is so different, so colorful and various. The entire crowd is so extremely vivid that I simply decide that the dream is too vivid [/COLOR][COLOR="royalblue"]to be a dream, there was no way that I could have created all those people so vividly and alive.[/COLOR]
[B]#19, Undated[/B]
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I'm walking over a bridge. Some guy is teaching me to fly[/COLOR]. I remember him as a small irish guy, even dressed in green and all that.
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I never really get it right, except I'm able to hover on all my attempts, we jump down from pretty high places and I keep falling down, but a lot like a leaf trying to keep itself up. He tells me how I'm supposed to do it. I tell him I find it interesting because it's so much like in Lucid Dreaming, where it's a lot about your own attitude towards it, believeing and expecting it to happen.
I go to a cinema with K and two of his friends who are total strangers to me. We get 4 tickets for 400 kr,- We sit at some computers doing 3d stuff. K shows me something he made, it's a dust simulation thing, very pretty to look at. I'm sceptic, though, since I think I've seen it before.
Now I'm in Splinter Cell, sneaking around. I find a costume that makes me look like some "Buckingham". He has a white office-like shirt. Spies win.[/COLOR] ???