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      Welcome back, matte!
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      Awesome, hope to see you then!

      Best of luck with your waking life schedule.
    3. View Conversation
      Hey Matte, I know you've been half-active again lately...
      Did you see that Sensei is revamping your old competition?
      Sign ups close soon, if you're interested.
    4. View Conversation
      It might look suspicious if we're friends... but then again it might also look suspicious if we're not...
    5. View Conversation
      Welcome to Dreamviews and thank you... oh, wait, haha

      Wth, how were we not friends yet? I think it's ophelia's fault. hehe
    6. View Conversation
      Hey, you.
      Are you back for a visit or are you sticking around?
      It would be great to have you back!
    7. View Conversation
      Thanks... we'll see.
    8. View Conversation
      I thought you were a great DG leader but I understand the need to move on.
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      Angående tävlingen som börjar på Onsdag, menas det Onsdag morgon (dvs nu inatt när man går och sover)?
    10. View Conversation
      Hey neighbour, Finland here. I'm currently translating tutorials to the "International tutorials"-section to finnish language. I hope I'm supposed to translate the ones from the "Tutorials" am I right? I would of lost sometime if I'm NOT supposed to so am I supposed? My translations look pretty much the same as the original tutorials, they're just in finnish.
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    About Matte87

    Basic Information

    About Matte87
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    I'm 25 years old and I live in Sweden. I've had vivid dreams since I was a kid and have had quite a few natural LDs. At the beginning of 2010 I decided to pick up this hobby and I love it!

    My last blog, in Swedish: http://wildnights.bloggplatsen.se/
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    Gaming, lucid dreaming, movies, science and deep conversations
    Construction worker
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    Previous Lucid Task: Flying [X]
    Next Lucid Task: Telekinesis [ ]
    2012 - LD's: 17 | Dreams: 24 - Updated every now and then...
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    View Matte87's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    18/03/13 - CD Telly

    by Matte87 on 03-18-2013 at 08:23 PM

    Good morning! Like my last post I'll start off with saying it's been ages ago since I last posted a dream. Have had a few short LD's which I couldn't be arsed to write down. Had many weird dreams last night but I didn't write any of them down. Will try to this week though because I'm up for "DJ Watch", here goes my LD though.

    22.00: Sleep

    05.20: Telekinesis MILD
    I'm in a house and an old friend of mine is there. I know I'm dreaming so I ignore him when he's trying to talk to me. I make a CD levitate and hit him in the head with the flat end. I look away to see if I can still do telekinesis without looking. I can see the disc moving exactly like I want it to over his head and annoying the crap out of him, I do this without even moving my hands. "Hey Matte let's get out of here, I want to see how strong you've gotten" he says and I agree, it's time to show him I'm stronger for once. We head out on the lawn.

    05.20: Wake up

    Amount of sleep: 7½ hours

    Supplements: None

    That's it!

    Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

    Updated 04-23-2013 at 04:20 PM by Matte87


    10/01/13 - Weird guy

    by Matte87 on 01-10-2013 at 10:02 AM

    Good morning! No lucid, only a random dream about some random guy.

    22.00: Sleep

    05.25: Uhm... no?
    I'm in my car, Monica's driving and we're on our way home. We've been somewhere out of town and I'm really tired. "You have to drive all the way home babe" I say and lean back to try to fall asleep. She's freaking out because she has no clue how to get home. "Just take a right and you're all good" I say. "It's not that easy!" she exclaims and I have to sit up and guide her. We arrive at a big stone wall with a regular size door in it. It's some sort of gate. I get out and go up to the door and look on the other side, there's a car on the other side and I hold the door up for him. He drives through and thanks me. Monica tries to go through but it's really narrow and she almost scrapes the side of the car.

    "Let me do it" I say and she goes into the passenger seat. The guy I just helped holds the door for me and I slowly drive through. I get out of the car. "Thanks man" I say. "No problem, how about you repay me by buying a little snack?" he asks me. I look at where he's pointing and it's a 7/11. "Uhm... alright" I say and we head into the store. "Buy me some snus would you?" he says. "What kind?" I ask. "Any, just make sure it's a ten pack". "Hey, there's no way I'm buying you that many" I say angrily. This guy's a real jerk and I leave him in the store. I head to the car and drive off with Monica. I explain everything that just happened and we arrive at a street that looks foreign.

    05.25: Wake up

    Amount of sleep: 7½ hours

    Supplements: None

    That's it!

    Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

    05/01/13 - Going really fast

    by Matte87 on 01-06-2013 at 02:45 AM

    Good morning! Had a lucid yesterday that I never wrote down. It wasn't much at all, but the competition is on and I have to stop slacking so here it is.

    23.00: Sleep

    11.00: Driving like crazy DILD
    I'm in a jeep with my boss. We're driving around my hometown in a neighbourhood with lots of houses. He's driving and we're going way over the speed limit. He pulls the handbrake and slides a bit. "Woohoo!" he says and I think it's funny even though I'm a bit scared. Soon we're going impossibly fast. The road ahead is straight and leads to another road crossing it. He floors it and we must be going 200 km/h. I can see a ramp on the other side made out of snow. We basicly fly over the road crossing, hit the ramp and fly through the air over the forest. [B]"This is impossible!" I yell out while holding on for dear life. After a few seconds we land on the front of the car and starts to slide backwards on the two front wheels. "Alright this can't be happening, this has to be a dream" I say. The car slams down into the ground and I get out. "Yeah this is definitely a dream" I say and look around. We're in the forest and my boss and his wife gets out of the car behind me. I look around for a second before the dream fades.

    11.00: Wake up

    Amount of sleep: 12 hours

    Supplements: None

    That's it! My lucidity rate is going up. Awesome!

    Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    lucid , non-lucid

    27/12/12 - Slide

    by Matte87 on 12-27-2012 at 06:12 PM

    Good morning! Had yet another lucid dream this morning, it wasn't much this one either but still had a bit of fun.

    01.30: Sleep

    11.00: Sliding and flying and starting fires DILD
    I'm at my friend G's mom's house. There's a candle or something on a table next to me and I'm holding a bottle of perfume. I throw the bottle at the flame and it blows up. I duck to avoid the big fireball. I throw another bottle and run for the door. The bottle explodes and the entire place is on fire. For some reason I have just managed to burn G's mom alive, she was a dice on the table (?). I follow a couple of train tracks.

    I suddenly realize I'm dreaming. 'Ah good, then I don't have to worry about his mom'. I keep on following the train tracks and arrive at a small shed. I try to imagine finding a hot girl in there but when I look inside there's no one there. I usually don't have problems summoning people. I decide to stabilize the dream a bit so I rub my hands on the tracks and pick up some dirt just to feel it. Everything becomes clearer. I hear a sound nearby and look up. No one's in the shed still, but G comes walking down the tracks. I'm worried he's pissed because of his mom but he seems fine. I stand up on the tracks. "Watch this" I say and slide on them. G mimics me and soon we're going really fast. After sliding for a little while I understand that I can't go any faster. I jump and start to fly instead. I have trouble controlling the momentum but it works decently. I turn around and fly back when the dream starts to fade.

    12.00: Wake up

    Amount of sleep: 10½ hours

    Supplements: None

    That's it!

    Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    non-lucid , lucid

    23/12/2012 - Ages ago since my last LD

    by Matte87 on 12-23-2012 at 10:08 AM

    Good morning! Wow, it's been way too long since my last LD and I had almost forgotten how awesome it felt. Had a few beers last night and because I had had way too much to drink a few nights before, I got some pretty heavy REM rebound. Had many vivid dreams alongside the LD. It wasn't much, but it was pure joy the few seconds it lasted.

    01.30: Sleep

    06.00: TK DILD
    I'm high up on a cliff in my old neighbourhood. I'm not sure who's with me, but I give him a shove and as he falls off the cliff, he takes me with him. I turn around in mid air and focus all my will to find a soft landing spot so that I won't die. "Wait a second, I'm dreaming!" I say out loud and all fear is gone. I land neatly on the ground and look at the guy next to me. "I guess I'll do this then" I say and wave with my hand. The garage door slams shut. "And this! I put my hand out and make the car slide. My joy of finally getting to play with telekinesis again reflects upon the other guy. "Or you can do this!" I aim at a barrow hanging on the wall and it starts spinning like crazy. We both laugh and run to the back of the house where the dream begins to fade.

    09.30: Wake up

    Amount of sleep: 8 hours

    Supplements: Alcohol

    That's it! I had another LD a few dreams before that, but it was barely worth remembering, I looked at a big tower and I got lucid, that's it.

    Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!