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    View MatthewOlson's Dream Journal

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    Night terror at work, Random partying, and Kyle + Cartman!

    by MatthewOlson on 01-08-2013 at 07:28 AM
    Last night was a combination of many dream fragments.

    1.) I had a reoccurring, repetitive dream fragment about me forgetting to do something at work. Space anytime I have any of these dreams often wears out my mind, and I end up getting up several times during the night. I wonder if there is a way to prevent dreams like this from happening, so that I can simply work at my job effectively, without suffering during sleep.

    2.) I am at a large gathering/party, and that there are many festivities going on. There was a brief dream fragment prior to this one about how I got to the festivities, and at first it was all taking place inside of a large venue/bar. However, as dreams Tended to do, the setting had completely changed by the end of this dream fragment, going into the next one.

    3.) I wake up and get out of bed, and I head out to where the festivities are. At this point the area is one large outdoor strip, similar to a long street with a whole bunch of stands and a lot of people. As I am traveling down the street, I am overcome with hunger, and I head over towards a stand. There I see Bill from work getting food, and then deciding he didn't want the food, putting the Food back where he got it from. The food was some sort of southwestern Mixture of seasoned chips, salsa, and a whole bunch of fixings. So, in other words, nachos. ...

    4.) For some reason, later on in the dream, I discovered that Cartman is there, and Cartman and Kyle are doing something together and decide to drive off on a motorcycle. As they are driving off, Cartman is telling me he's doing something specific, while trying to act overly innocent. Knowing Cartman, I knew that he was up to something, and I was afraid he was getting me back for something I did earlier, So I decided to find a motorcycle and follow far behind him so that I can tell where he is going. While doing so, we are coming across the road that sits right next to a cliffside into a canyon. Kyle and Cartman soon discovered me, and so they turn around to try to counter pursue me, but I Circumvent them driving around a statue that was sitting randomly next to the road. ... I am traveling down a hillside into the canyon with Kyle and Cartman driving after me, and as I stop, Kyle and Cartman in protest, telling me that they were trying to do something nice for me because of how angry I was at them earlier, And that I was ruining some big surprise. ... Very randomly, I gigantic rock golem begins to make its way out of the ground, which was the size of a Titan. With powers of that of a God, it declared that it would take Cartman, and separate his past self from his future self for all eternity, as the weather started becoming very very nasty. ... It all ended with me finding a used snickers bar, biting into it, and realizing that it was old.

    DJing on School Grounds/Alternate World in my Backyard

    by MatthewOlson on 01-06-2013 at 07:22 AM
    Another dream with two parts, unrelated to one another.

    The first dream had to do with references to school/college.I have been having several dreams over a longer period of time that have been about school or college, that usually have the theme of being late for school or not attending class. In those dreams, I am usually stressed out or panicking, because I am late for class, or I have been avoiding the opportunity to learn. This dream was a little different, because instead of being stressed out over missing class, Brendan, a whole group of my friends, and I decided that it would be a good idea to set up mine Brendan's and my music equipment. We ended up setting everything up in a sheltered/ garage like setting, despite not having permission to use it. At that point, it felt like an episode of Trailer Park Boys, as at same time, we were trying to avoid being caught, and we're performing strange measures to make sure we remain in the clear. They may have been a reference to drugs at some point, but as things went along, and as I wandered away from the place where we set up our musical equipment, the scene begin to change.

    I was now, as I have seen many times before in the earlier dreams, in an alternate version of my property in North Branch, Minnesota. I often have had dreams taking place in an alternate reality/version of places I knew. As I wandered from the house, and towards the pasture, I began to notice a few things that I never thought I would see in our far backyard. I had the suspicion that there were people who recently moved into the area, but I didn't realize I had seen people living directly back from our pasture right on the edge of the woods. Not only that, but what confused me even more, was the fact that there was a small skyscraper that seemed to tower about 13 stories. It looked very cryptic, and had a sign on it that I couldn't seem to read. It was unlike any skyscraper I have ever seen.… I realize that before dreaming this, during the night before, I had watched The Evil Dead for the first time. I soon realized that this backyard of mine who was an alternate world / dimension that I was not aware of. All of a sudden a monstrous Orc-like creature started running through the pasture towards me with a weapon branded. At this point I was in the middle of the pasture, as I noticed the second one was rushing behind it. When the first one approached me, I kicked it in the chest and pushed it back, and then I turned tail and ran away. As it got back up, and started chasing me again, I realized it was faster that I was, so I had to serpentine my way to escape. However, it outran me, and parked itself in front of my running path, and stopped me dead in my tracks. It, and the other one, began attacking me, but I didn't have much of a weapon to defend myself with. From what I can recall, that's what I woke up.


    There is a clear message here behind my anticipation towards going to school. Obviously I have been avoiding something, and subconsciously have been feeling anxious, and know that I have been squandering my time. This dream helped me realize that. ... I have been filling in the gap with hanging out with friends and doing music, which has taken away the anticipation and stress, but has not been teaching me anything, or has not been teaching me what I should be learning.

    As for part two, I remember last night I was debating the idea of an alternate world that I was not aware of. Seeing strange things in my backyard seemed like I had somehow entered this dimension by accident. The wicked looking orcs were simply a reflection of the fact that I had watched a horror movie last night.

    Wolves and Cougars (and random scary things)

    by MatthewOlson on 01-03-2013 at 05:30 PM
    This dream had to do more with a pack ofwolves and a pack of dangerous wild cats. I believe the Wild cats were cougars (no pun there).

    I don't remember much of the beginning, however I do remember a huge portion of the latter half. I was standing outside of a truck on my home property, when somebody lets the cougars out, and they run into the long grass. Both the cougars and the wolves each had an Alpha male, and alpha female, two juveniles, and a young one. After the cougars ran into the long grass the wolves then jumped out of the truck (out of their own segregated part of the truck ) and they started going in a separate direction. However the juveniles and the young one ended up following the same path as the cougars, and then a large howl was heard in the distance.

    The alpha female looks toward the long grass and she yelped, as a way to tell them to come back quickly. This is where things began to get crazy, and scary. And the young one began to run back out of a longgrass, but I could foresee what was about to happen, so I started heading towards the deck and towards the house. As anticipated, the cougars began rushing out of the long grass in pursuit of the wolves, and I knew that the cougars were too dangerous to hang around, so I had to get to the house quickly.

    At this point, my dream began to be motivated by fear, for as I stepped into the porch and watched as they got closer, I remember there was a humongous gap in the screen door, and I knew that it was only a matter of time before a cougar would realize and because the screen door to attack me and so I had to scurry into the actual house.

    In the process of wolf almost made it inside the house but I decided to close the door and lock it, as I stood and watched in the porch. I also realized, almost too late, there was a gigantic tarantula spider in the porch that I left there in a box which was sitting right behind me what I was standing in the porch.

    As I also looked out on the animals, I looked at the spider in the box in the porch, and I realized how grotesque it was, with the creepy exoskeleton, and spines on its back that were moving.

    As I watched, I remembered that there was a slug worm, that was large, flat,green, and had large teeth, roaming free in the kitchen. As I saw it, I ran away in fear, into the middle room .

    It was at this point that I woke up.

    Camping, Water Skimming, and The Horny Raccoon

    by MatthewOlson on 12-31-2012 at 06:22 PM
    I was off in the wilderness doing some fishing with Mike, Dan, Calvin, and myself. (The people listed are my friends and roommates)

    Somehow, I was convinced that I had to be at work the next day (which in waking reality, i did,... but this was a vacation dream, so in hindsight, it made no sense!)

    I decided I would go one last trek into the wilderness away from our cabin. I traveled to a narrow peninsula set between two lakes. One smaller lake to the southeast, and one larger lake to the northwest that wrapped around the land barrier between both lakes (one lake cusping the other, if you can visualize it) . I had a tube (which was actually a pillow. yay for sleep!) that I used to travel across the smaller lake to the other side, paddling my way there. Then I did a little bit of exploring on the wooded land, and then after the sun started coming down I decided it was time to head back.

    So I took my tube and I ran, and with perpetual physics that one would only find in dream state, I started skipping across the lake. The distance was so far that I ended up skipping across the smaller lake, off the peninsula, and onto the larger lake. I stopped and I was amazed by what i just did. I ended up taking my awesome sense of inertia into the wilderness southbound again, and I came across Mike and Calvin, camping outside with a bonfire, right in the middle of an outdoor exposed shack that the randomly found out there. I started hanging out with them, having a lot of fun during the night, inside the cabin shack thingy, and I wanted to tell them about my awesome journey .

    As time went on, and we got a little drunk, I forgot the story, and we started looking at some older notebooks, and I was going to try to burn some of them. Oddly enough, some of those notebooks were some of my older dream journals and personal thoughts, and I decided I would put most of those aside for safe keeping. Then I was playing with my tablet, which turned into a picture frame for some reason, and I put it up on one of the walls.

    I heard Calvin say "Holy sh*t!" and I looked, and the sun was already up. All of the sudden, I felt something on my leg, lifted my leg, and there was a raccoon h*mping me!

    I tried telling everybody, but nobody was listening. For a brief moment, I just stared at it, wondering where it came from in the first place. Then, I tried to pry it off of me, but to no avail. It was latched on tight! ... I looked around and I told everybody again, and they noticed, and Calvin pointed at it and once again shouted "Holy sh*t!"

    End rape scene!

    Something About Time Travel?

    by MatthewOlson on 12-30-2012 at 06:14 PM
    I had a dream that made very little sense.

    However, I remember a handful of it. It started with something very drastic that happened on my property and Northbranch. Someone who I was trying to stop must've caused the death or something very very bad because after he had accomplished it he was able to escape and I couldn't forgive myself for not being able to catch him. It got to the point where me and a few of my friends went to this unknown place, and through some occult method, they were going to try and solve or undo what horrible thing had happened.

    Oddly one of my friends grabbed a defibulator and tried to zap me with it, and I didn't know why. He did zap me, and then I fell to the floor in pain. It turned out as they were dragging me, that they were going to attempt some sort of time travel.

    The next thing I know I was on the street in front of my house. The street was very very busy and it took me a while to get across. Then I approached my house and oddly enough a few things were different. I checked my phone and my phone said that it was 10 days earlier, but when I went into the house asked my mother she said that it was the next day. I had thought that it had not worked at all but that I asked her and she told me that it was the year 2000. This makes no sense to me, because many things were different but they were also new.

    So in the end, my reality was tampered with. =( ... The logic of my dream was utterly inconsistent.