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    18 Visitor Messages

    1. It's true.. Britsh English is sssexy.
    2. View Conversation
      You're filth, stoned. British English is the only English and I will die defending it's sovereignity
    3. View Conversation
      Weird. Your second one wasn't moderated. And I just had to moderate one of tommo's. It didn't used to be this way. I hope that dreamviews.org hasn't been taken over by British hackers. That would explain "Alex's" return to proper, English syntax.
    4. View Conversation
      Haha thanks, it's appreciated.
    5. View Conversation
      Ahhh you tricked me with your Jedi mind tricks. I don't remember having to approve anything before. Makes me feel like a moderator.
    6. View Conversation
    7. View Conversation
      I made a DJ Journal Entry on it, and now that I go back on the previous visitor messages, one dream before I had a dream about you had a teacher giving a question with the answer as lungs. I remember you were talking about lung infection in previous messages. I thought the dream was to get me to do a nose plug RC to see if I could breathe through, but I believe it could've been related to you in a way.

    8. View Conversation
      Huh? Why would I be angry with you?

      Also, I had a dream about you. It's pretty funny, I think you were jealous in the dream. I found it to be pretty cute.
    9. View Conversation
      It says both of your visitor messages have been moderated; are you leaving dirty messages on my wall, Meeps?

      EDIT: Nvm, I figured out why.
    10. View Conversation
      Thank you, you beautiful person you.
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    Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.”- James Dean.


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    Not a swell birthday

    by Meeps on 04-08-2012 at 11:59 AM
    I had pretty good dream recall when I had just woken up and I was about to write it down but then my sister came between me & my dream journal. Sad, sad!

    The only thing I remember issss...

    It was my birthday. Suddenly I notice a litlte worm sticking to my arm. I try to take it off but it doesn't work. I think it's yellow with black stripes and it's really really small. Lynn is there and she freaks out and says I have to go to the doctor. She takes me to the doctor and then just runs away, she seems really freaked about by the yellow-black worm. I'm at the doctors and I tell her about the worm and she looks at my arm but it's gone. There's only a little scar left. She prescribes me some medicin but then I notice it's not a scar, it's a cut and the worm has just gone a lot deeper into my arm. About now I get really disgusted. I push the cut open in order to see how far the worm has gone in. I can't see it, but the cut is really deep, though it's not bleeding. I tell the doctor and she says she'lll operate it and get the worm out.
    I wake up.

    Open windows might become a new phobia of mine..

    by Meeps on 04-06-2012 at 11:23 PM
    Last night was a bit of a blur. I woke up a lot (to go pee, yay, bladder infection) and dreamt quite a bit but just this main bit is still fresh in my memory, kinda:

    I'm in the bedroom of Lynn, one of my besties, but in the dream we're dating. I feel a bit awkward about it. I'm sleeping over at her place and I have to go pee in the middle of the night, return but I take the wrong door because it's a big student dorm and all doors look alike. I end up in Juanitos bed and start snuggling, then realizing it's not Lynn and say:" woops!" I go back to Lynns and we're just talking.. And suddenly this big bird comes pecking at the ceiling window and manages to get in, because the window was half open. It starts hurting us with its beak and we scream and we manage to kick the bird out of the room. Apparently the bird was Laurent, someone I went out with once, and he shapeshifted in that big bird. He looks very awful, as if he's run into a big group of dogs and they bit his clothes to pieces. We went back to the dorm but I feel really weary. Suddenly there's a dove at the window and I think: "oh no, this time you won't get in." so I push the dove away. Then a third time there's something at the window trying to enter so I give it a huge shove, then realizing it was Evelynn, an old friend. I feel horrible and go downstairs. It's daytime now and there are a lot of people; there's some sort of party going on. Evelynns family is there as well. I keep searching for her but I can't find her. I tell my mom and I start sobbing uncontrollably.

    from catholicism to naked mission

    by Meeps on 03-04-2012 at 10:47 AM
    I arrive at a concert with 3 passionate catholic believers and a friend (I can't remember which one). I know one of the catholics, superficially, her name is Hannelore and she used to be in my year. The other ones are friends of hers. The concert is outdoors and very small scale. The first thing I see there when I arrive are Filip, an ex, and a girl with short curly blonde hair. They seem to be on a date but they look really bored. He catches my eye and throws me an angry look. (...) We are standing in a circle and some guys come talk to us. They somehow find out Hannelore and her friends are catholics and are really passionate about it and they start making really rude comments about it. I defend the catholics. They bugger off but Hannelore is in tears, she's really hurt by what they said. The other catholics seem not to care too much. I give Hannelore a long hug. She looks really moved and surprised I did that. The rest of our company looks pretty surprised as well. (...) The catholics keep getting rude comments from people on the concert. (...) I'm on a bench with Hannelore and hugging her because she was crying, again.

    __________________________________________________ ____________
    I'm in a bar/club at night. I'm a waitress. Actually it's a special kind of bar, because the customers can also ask alone time with the waitresses to have sex with them. Ehm. I just realized I'm a prostitute in the dream. Well, anyway. People are in costumes (it's carnival, or halloween) but I decide to go naked for the night, same with some other waitresses. I'm really at ease with this though people stare and whistle and make comments all the time. There is some kind of mission which I forgot about. A friend of mine in trouble, or something. Two old guys want to have alone time with me, I first let them follow me but when we're alone in the room I kick them and run away.

    A serious talk and happy times

    by Meeps on 02-29-2012 at 10:47 AM
    I slept really, really bad tonight. I fell asleep only at 5 while I actually went to bed at 1. I kept waking up as well. Anyway just have two short fragments that I recall and maybe that's all there was.

    My mother is sitting in front of me, looking all serious. "Julie, there's something I need to ask you." I say: "Go ahead."
    "Are you straight?"
    "Well... I don't like to define it. I think I can fall for both sexes."
    "No. From now on, you only like men."

    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________
    My friend R. is really happy. He made up with his friend C. again. (in fact she has been ignoring him really rudely) I see photos of them making up, hugging a lot, smiling, doing fun stuff. But he's a girl in these pics. I assume he dresses up as a girl sometime and does it because it's easier to make friends being a girl. I see there are a lot of other people in the picture, all girls. "Friends of C." he says, "Haven't been bored for a split second for the last two weeks!" He seems really content and I'm really happy for him.

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I have a moustache!

    by Meeps on 02-28-2012 at 11:33 AM
    This is only a short... but pretty scary one!

    I woke up in the room of my student residence but there were a lot of beds there all of the sudden and it got bigger too. The beds looked like they had been slept upon but I was all by myself at the time I woke up. A guy enters, he is short and has dark brown hair. "Chop, chop," he says, "get up, you, we're going out on a date." He hands me over my tooth brush and leaves. I get up and look in the mirror and notice I have a blonde moustache all of the sudden. I think: "oh no, nooo! I can't go on a date like this!" and yell at him that I won't go because I'm too tired. Then I take tweezers to pull out the hairs and I lean into the mirror but the moustache has disappeared. I feel relief.