• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between MeohMyoh and Patience108

    28 Visitor Messages

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    1. Hey Meo havnt seen you around for ages nice to see ya!
    2. Awww Merry Christmas to you too. Smiley person that you are. Hope you have a good xmas and a merry new year 2016. Its meant to be a good one for change ^^
    3. Merry Christmas Meoh hope you have a good one and healthy happy 2016
    4. Btw Okay I got it - stop being a super Cool yogini dream friend? - Naaah
    5. Yes And yes ur profile pic is cute - thanks to you too fellow dream yogini

    6. Hope your ok, Lucy fellow dream yogi, nice profile pic btw
      Did you see my he's so cute
    7. Yeah DV is a pretty cool place Have a great day with LD'S tonight
    8. Glad to hear that Lucy
      don't you think DV has an uncanny resemblance to FairyTail (FT)...very different people with different abilities all banned together for a common cause...and the bulletin board with challenges, like the dream challenges...anyways i'm real happy to have a fellow anime fan here
      Thank you
    9. Glad to hear that Lucy
      don't you think DV has an uncanny resemblance to FairyTail (FT)...very different people with different abilities all banned together for a common cause...and the bulletin board with challenges, like the dream challenges...anyways i'm real happy to have a fellow anime fan here
      Thank you
    10. I like it
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 28
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