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    1. View Conversation
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      Haha, indeed it is ^^ I see you got an avatar from it as well :p

      It was one of the most awesome games i ever played
    3. View Conversation
      Thanks! Your Kamina shades remind me that I still need to finish Gurren Lagann. I watched up to the part that Kamina died, and haven't progressed after that. He was such a great character.
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      Technically, they were horns. Or is it just the general shape that gets to you?

      And I'm not saying it wasn't good, it was just ridiculous.
    5. View Conversation
      No problem. Higurashi is really confusing during the ride, but that's one of my favorite parts of it. It pulls you in! At the end, I was not left wanting. Well, I wanted there to be more, but, you know.

      Oh god, Elfen Lied. No further comment on that.
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      Nosiness brought me here. I recommend Code Geass, Zegapain, and Steins;Gate.
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      Ninamori. The symbolism is nice, too. FLCL is just pretty wonderful overall. I can relate to them though because I'm slightly insane. And in varying ways.

      Sounds interesting enough. I'll make a note to check it out.

      Well, I don't watch too many shows like that... but the first one that comes to mind is Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. That's a horror anime, and it's one of my all-time favorites. 11eyes wasn't bad, and it's short, though it did feel a little bit rushed to me. Chaos;Head was sort of intense from what I remember, though it's been a good number of years since I saw it last. If you like the unique, sorta goofy but still awesome animes, then definitely check out Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt if you haven't already. It's a bit ridiculous, but really worth watching. It's made by Gainax too, the same as Gurren Lagann and FLCL. Let's see, suspense and thrill.... I'm assuming you've already seen Death Note?
    9. View Conversation
      Oh sorry, I missed that edit. Well, what kind of stuff do you like?
    10. View Conversation
      Ah, gotcha. I have trouble paying attention to mecha stuff. FLCL is the only one I ever finished, and I like it more for the character personalities more than anything. Sometimes I feel like I shift between relating to Mamimi and relating to Haruko. (Plus, you know, it's kind of sad if you can't finish six episodes lol.) I never got around to watching all of Gurren Lagann, and I've only heard the name Durarara before. What's it about?
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    A few lucids, an actual post

    by mikeac on 01-30-2013 at 08:59 AM

    Picnic Time
    I am sitting with a few friends on a cloth, and we discuss all these great things about school, life, and when I'm coming back to San Diego. A fire flares up in front of me, nearly burning me, but since I wasn't hurt, I figured that I was in a dream. Sweet. It's been a long time since I got a lucid I thought, so I immediately said good bye to everyone and jumped up into the air. I tried to yell a command, but something choked at my voice, and soon I felt like I couldn't breathe. I fell from where I hovered and faded away to blackness. I enter paralysis and try to shimmy my way back into the same dream. I 'wake up', in the cabin again, somewhat dazed, and find myself walking outside, only to see the fire once again. Bam, I try again. This time I could speak so I spun and attempted to command the dreamscape into something new. Nothing. Whatever, I flew up again and noticed a forest beyond the picnic area.

    I dashed close to it by a mountain, and shouted with will in my voice:


    Absolutely nothing. I give up. Why is the only thing I can do in a lucid is fly?
    I wake up shortly afterwards and grumble 4 letter words, hoping for the best next time.

    Naked dreams aren't always fun
    Underlined is me
    "So you're back in SD, it seems?"
    "Yeah, looks like it. Not sure if I'm happy about it or not."
    "Uh, that shouldn't be your main issue."
    "Your ass and then some is showing."

    No time for goodbyes, I cover my groin to the best of my ability with my hand and steal a backpack for my rear. I decide to ignore my bare ass and switch the backpack to the front while I sprint over to the nearest bathroom. I pull a friend in as nonchalantly as I can (hard to do when I'm naked), and ask him if he has he PE clothes or something. He hands me a glove, what in the fuck am I supposed to do with that? I hurry into a stall and think. I snap both my fingers in worry, thankgully the noise jerks my mental wakefulness, and I find myself lucid. The dream is stable, and I use telekinesis to break down one of the stalls and get myself a set of clothing. Two people fighting break in, however, and knock me down to the floor. I got hit hard enough to wake up from the dream.

    Obligatory Notes on last night

    by mikeac on 01-27-2013 at 12:46 AM
    I had a couple awesome dreams last night, so I figured I should note down one of them

    For some reason I was a female spy, and this lesbian chick kept on clinging to me

    Not today, I thought, and shoved her away

    So we end up traveling through a whole bunch of tunnels, shooting people as we pass by just for the hell of it

    I got trapped and betrayed by four other people that I knew IRL, they all wore the same outfits so I trusted them. When one collapsed I ran to help him, but then he flipped over and clamped my hands together with futuristic cuffs, next thing I know my feet are bound and they threw me and locked into a small cage where I was baked to death

    I find myself at the start of the dream, knowing what would happen if I get tricked again. One of the members collapsed, and instead of running over and trying to help him like I did before, I kicked his head and broke his neck. I threw the other chick at a group of people then sprinted by them into a nearby room. I look into a hole in the ground as I run by and see a shirtless man in the sewers running from something. I turn back, sprint down into the underground path, meeting up with the man. At that point I look down and notice I'm me, and the refugee was my little bro. I become lucid, but I failed to keep the dream stable and woke up, sigh


    by mikeac on 01-16-2013 at 05:59 AM
    [I nearly forgot about this one despite how vivid it was. Physics final OP]

    It's all hazy and stuff, but I think I see a conveyor belt. A large green tube of thin liquid hangs above it, and as food is pulled underneath it the tube releases the liquid at timed intervals. I wake up [in the dream] and realize that it was a kinda odd thing to dream about compared to my usual adventures.

    So after I got to school, I ended up talking to my friends in a cafeteria. They were discussing a new meal on the menu and how awesome it was.

    "Mike, have you tried this stuff yet? It's awesome!"
    "Doesn't look appetizing, what's in it?"
    "I don't know, chicken and some other seasoning. You have to have it with this punch too, it's delicious!"
    He lifts a bottle of green liquid.

    "No. Thanks anyway Zack."
    "You sure? Why?"
    "I just have a... premonition."
    "Whatever you say."

    We walked on, talking about school and random things, but soon we passed by a kid doubled over in pain. A couple of my friends kneel down to pick him up, but he turns around and jabs at one, barely missing. His face is in a snarl and his body looks engorged with fluid. Next to him is a shattered bottle, and we quickly put the pieces together.

    "Guys, we need to get outta here.
    "But I ate and drank that crap! What's gonna happen to me and Gloria? There's even more people in this school who ate this stuff!"
    "No clue, just run!"

    We end up sprinting out of the school and catching a car ride to the city. On the way we saw some violent things happening including stabbings and robberies, all done by mad people plump with fluid. Me, Zack, Nick, and Glo hop off the cab and find our way into an abandoned warehouse complex and make our way inside one of the buildings. Apparently this warehouse stored guns, there were plenty hanging around, but I hid most of them, knowing that Zack and Glo could go wild at anytime. I decided I could sneak Nick a weapon if necessary, and picked myself up a shotgun. I pull up a news article on my phone that reported a mass outbreak of mutated human beings as a result of a chemical substance that altered the external cells of the body. Pictures showed people with glassy skin, various different enlarged body types and other nasty stuff. I tell Zack and Glo to go up to the roof and lock themselves out until morning, and me and Nick will go to sleep hidden, guns by our sides.

    [Dream POV shifts to 3rd Person]
    It's daybreak, and on the roof lie two shattered bottles, no Zack or Glo to be found. Panning around, a large amount of vines are hanging off the edge, whereas two large craters remain on an adjacent edge. One roof over, a humanoid clad tightly of thorns and leaves is strutting atop the roof, hooking her vines to the ground every step of the way.

    (Much less exposed)

    On another, a Hulkish monster walks with his fists across the top of the roof, crushing the ground and anything in his path, stopping only to jump on the next roof.

    [At this point I woke up, pretty depressing ]

    B-Supplements work, but I suck at lucid dreaming

    by mikeac on 01-12-2013 at 08:41 AM
    So, during a WBTB I took a vitamin B-supplement and had three vivid dreams following it, waking up each time. I was sore from sleeping on my stomach (makes my neck crick and my arms go in wild positions) so every time I woke up I couldn't concentrate on DEILD, let alone WILD. I'm a bit busy so I'm gonna jot down a couple sentences of my dreams.

    1. Spent a lot of time at home, mostly doing nothing. For some reason I was constantly watching anime and porn, and checking the fridge for no reason.
    2. I irked my dad in some way so he tried to kill me through sending my through a labyrinth, where he preceded to shoot baseballs at me from a helicopter, drowning out parts of the labyrinth, and directly chasing me with a random weapon.
    3. I was in a post-apocalyptic sort of organization. It was me and three other dudes in a college dorm, rot out by bugs and stuff. I don't think I held the persona of myself, I swear I was a different person. The three other guys would lazily sit on the couch while I went out and did clean-up missions, only to see if they can round up the last survivors. Not surprisingly, whenever I came back most of the new inhabitants were girls.

    Failure :(

    by mikeac on 01-05-2013 at 10:59 PM
    School sucks.

    I've grown to be a pretty smart guy with some pretty bad habits. I'm thinking all of this with my head down, on my desk, staring at the ill-received semester report, wondering when I will ever climb out of this academic slump. Flash back earlier, I had turned in a portfolio that accidentally contained my friend's work for the same class, and I got a zero and a nifty little letter to my parents.

    I woke up scared in fear of this actually happening.