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    I Have Some Catching Up To Do...

    by MindMaster on 07-04-2012 at 09:04 PM
    Lately I haven't put anything in my online DJ. I think it's good to rewrite my dreams as it helps with the whole awareness thing (and the other stuff). Two or three days ago on the forum I asked if it was ok to write just points of my dreams and recall the rest from memory. They had a good point: "If you only write down points in your dream, you will train yourself to just remember points of your dream when you wake up. You should write down as much as possible if you want to have a better dream recall." So that's what I should do to become better at LDing. If I can't write down everything when I wake, than just write something, and later in the day (when I'm a bit more awake but still earlier in the day) write the everything. ... And just so you know, I writing stuff down like this helps me to actually do it. I don't care if it's entertaining for you to read. ; ->

    So now I'm going to list my dreams from my paper DJ. (In chronological order)

    I had a dream I was flutter tonguing really well on my Oboe. I think I was in my room.

    Another dream started in third person view: I watched myself enter my house. I had just got back from high school. (It was the summer thought.) The next thing I remember waking (not third person any more) around in my house going from room bedroom to bedroom. The ceilings were all slanted, it was a different type of architecture from what it is in waking life.

    Few nights later I had a dream that I was partaking in a scene from the Hunger Games movie. I was on stage and Katniss was there to. It was the scene from the interviews. The funny thing was the fact that the stage was my bathroom with two of the walls removed. Katniss, a big fat man, and someone else was there. It was a tribute, but I can't recall who it looked like. Katniss was staring (or talking to the people) but very stationary like she was preoccupied by something. I looked out and saw the crowd and I saw camera flashes and lights. I saw people, but just there shapes. They were far away and unlit. I started talking to the fat man. The stage is still my bathroom. Next thing that happens is everyone on stage (the four of us including me) are shaking hands. I shake hands with the big guy, but Katniss and the big guy keep reaching out to shake hands but can't seem to shake hands. (Imagine that they are blindfolded. That's a good way to describe it..) I grab both of there hands and force them together. The big guy thanked me. I don't know what happened next. (Btw, the big guy had a white goatee.)

    Another night after that, I had a dream I was watching a simulation of a big skyscraper being constructed and deconstructed, well kind of. It had a beige exterior and a lot a light blue glass windows. Two of the four sides
    had glass windows and the other pair (opposite each other) indented inward.. I don't know how to explain it well. (I drew a picture but don't fell like uploading it.) Anyways, there was a square cap of the top of the skyscraper. It looked nice. Those two walls that I mentioned that were indented in keep having another "extension" of the building that was added to the side and then quickly removed floor by floor or block by block.
    The dream itself was short, but different what anything before.

    And lastly, yesterday night I had a dream that I was with one of my friends. The place was my high school. Many things were different about it most noticeably it becomes a freaken huge maze of hallways and doors in some of my dreams. Some of them are in the "more normal school layout", but others like this one are in this freaken huge labyrinth! It's fun just thinking about it. There is A LOT to this dream. It built off of the layout of a previous dream. The previous dream I mentioned was a long time ago. To sum it up, I mistook my high schools swim club for the swim team. This was after navigating a submerged labyrinth (it was a labirinth of changing rooms delapidated sumerged rooms, and submerged weight rooms for the most part... and and bathrooms and arching halls connecting everything.) My math teacher was in charge of the swim team that I mistook for the swim club. Needless to say, I hoped in the water, the race started, and I came in last. (Other parts of the dream world include above ground hallways and the only room I remember coming to is a bathroom.) In the dream from yesterday, I was with one of my friends and we were carrying kayak paddles. I oped a metal door and a teacher on the other side deemed what we were doing to dangerous. Other teachers soon appeared/came and they were debating if we should get in "a lot of trouble". I wakled up to them and said some stuff to persuade them. The dream ended before a consensuses arrived.

    Two Dream Fragments: Bagged Granola and Reading about Recovering HD of Different Sizes

    by MindMaster on 06-24-2012 at 01:58 AM
    First some side notes: I attempted to WILD last night but I thought I heard my phone vibrate and I was like "Oh, a text message".. it sounded just like it but it wasn't even my phone. It's driving me crazy that I checked my phone. I decided to go back to bed and try later in the morning because I had not slept yet. Ok, I know it works better when we have already slept for some time.. but darn.. I should of figured it was the auditory hypnagogia and just continued with it. I never got that far before. (I say that because I never heard so many sounds. I did hear other sounds to by the way.) I planned to do FILD, but I set my alarm clock to go off during 2 different times of the night and I set it incorrectly so it didn't go off either time. (Mom would have heard it if it did!)

    Last night I had two dream fragments, both non-lucid.

    The first was this:
    I was in the kitchen by the toaster. There were two bags of granola. I was thinking "I guess Dad bought these two bags while we were down in Amish Country." My dad was next to me and I asked him if I could use the granola as/for cereal. He said I could. I don't know what happened next, but logical speaking I would have took the milk out and a bowl because I like to eat that type of cereal.

    The second:

    I was reading about recovering HDs on Wikipedia. I remember reading that it is possible to recover 40GB hard drives. Anything larger that than that (such as 160GB HD like they stated) has almost no chance of being recovered in the case of drive failure. I didn't like hearing that...

    On a side note, my hard drive had a mechanical failure over a month ago and it is larger than 40 or 160GB by far and I still need to take it in to recover the data. For the past two or three days, I have been reading all about hard drives on Wikipedia and a few other sites.

    The Audio Cable and My Report Card

    by MindMaster on 06-23-2012 at 03:15 AM
    Note: This is my first DJ entry. I registered on this form a few days ago. This dream is the best dream I had since registering and because of that it is my first dream in my paper or online DJ. I'll will include more dreams better, or worse from now on.

    The whole dream was non lucid:

    It started with me walking into my high school's lobby. There were many teacher's in the lobby and hallways. They were dressed casually. It kind of shocked me because I am used to them wearing more presentable clothes as the do during school. I didn't recognize many of the teachers. I somehow understood that they were all there because they were putting together our report cards now that school had let out for summer break. For some reason I needed an audio cable and the next thing I remember is walking into a teacher's office to look for one. A report card lying on the ground catches my eye. Next to it is a printer on a box. The printer is printing a report card. I'm thinking to myself how cool it would be if it was my report card because I would be the first one to see their grades. More of it prints and it has my name on it. I scan it quickly and all I make out is a F. My English teacher from last year walks into the office and tells me I received a F for her class. She says she is sorry and tells me that my grade was not much lower than what other students get. She said that is a C or C- I am thinking to my self something along the lines of "How is far off from what other students get." She says I will have to take summer school for English. I'm sad because of that. She makes a remark like "Well people who take it twice will really know their stuff." I ask for the audio cable and she shows me the 'newer type' (the one with green plugs) and then she shows me the older type of audio cable. She says something about that one. I say the new one will do. She then says how she uses the older one on some device of hers. I leave the school and the next thing I know I am in the van with my family. I notice that I forgot the audio cable somewhere back at school. I leap out of the still moving van because my parents say they aren't going to go back just for that. I had no choice but to leap out. I run back to school and get there in what now would be a record breaking time. The side of the road that the school is not on had farm fields and rolling hills. The dream, or at least my memory of it was fading at that point and the last thing I remember is seeing the church out front of the school.