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      Hey, miss you on here! Come back soon.
    2. Tonight I will become lucid! I will see my hands and realize that I'm dreaming...Is this a dream? Am I dreaming?
      May I awaken within this dream and grasp the fact that I'm dreaming, so that all dreamlike beings may likewise awaken
      from the nightmare of illusory suffering and confusion.
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    TOTM- advanced ll- milk a cowboy's hat- succeded!

    by monsa199a on 07-18-2020 at 06:45 PM
    This time I'm on a vast field, seems like a farm, a girl is riding a pony, attached to some wooden wagon. She's going around an aplpe tree, my view zooms into the girls face, and I notice she's a friend from my childhood. I feel transported to the wagon, I hang right behind it, but my friend haven't noticed. I grip and hold on tighter as she picks up the speed, now my feet are flapping in the air, just like a flag! The pressure in my hands are building so much that I feel an uncomftable pain, in the center of the palm, I let go one of my hands, just to see what's causing the pain. (To my surprise Im still holding an amethyst pendulum, that I wrapped around my fingers, before drifting to deep sleep!) I look at my hand, and it looks purple/blue! I'm dreaming! I immediately let go my other hand and get left behind with the wind.

    I have landed in a small western village, to the distance I see I sign, apparently they're giving away some used items. I feel transported towards the sign and it has chaged to some other kind of advertaisment, I decide to take another glance at my hands and a quick rubbing. I go in the shop, and I don't see anybody at first, I look to my right, and two cowboys are aproaching towards me. They're holding two black frames, in both of them I see two naked cowboys, just wearing a brown hat, a big belt with shiny buckles and decorations, around their waste, and the typical cowboy boots. One of them says with an accent: "doh ya' wunt hem?" I say: "sure!" (thinking I could use them to frame my own artworks)
    The other man asks: "are ya' from tha city?". I say: "no, but I live near the woods". He asks again: " do ya' know how to milk a cow?" (The instant click for the TOTM!!). I say: "no, but I bet I can milk one of ya'll hats!, this time I spin around to stabilize the dream, and when I slow down I ask one of the man: " may I have your hat?" he says: " well let's see what ya' can do!", then he hands me the brown hat.
    I grabbed the hat by each end and start twisting it slowly, as it gets tighter and tighter, the hat starts to shrink. (I think I'm screwed, because that's not how someone would usually milk a cow!), so I turned the hat vertically and I started doing a pulling down motion, slowly, from the bottom end.

    The hat is now looking more like a piping pastry bag
    , two silky drops coming down towards the floor! it works!, the man are just staring at it. I kneeled down, and I smell some honey with a hint of onion. (shit it must be the sweat of his forehad, I think) I dip my finger in it, and then tasted it, and as I tought, sweet and salty...I spitted out, and goes right on the man's boot, he reacts by saying: "dem boya' got lot'all boooaaalls!. I feel a punch coming, and I douge it. I try to run as fast as I can but I get tangled in one of the frames, one of the man grabs my shirt and shreds it off.. I drop to the floor and crawl under a counter, covered by some fabric, then I 'm looking at an uneven board, I see is a compartment on the floor, I opened quickly and go in some secret staircase. Now is pitch black, and I can feel my WL body, so I remain ralaxed. Then my body starts shaking..! (it's my youngest son Gabriel, rocking me back and fort, because he needs my company by his bed..so I go with him.
    Spoiler for amethyst pendulum :

    Updated 07-19-2020 at 02:55 AM by monsa199a

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month

    Fitting through a small vetical gap on a screen, in some metal structure. LD!

    by monsa199a on 07-17-2020 at 12:32 AM
    I am inside a building, it's really dark inside. A girl is helping a boy to find is hat. I offer my help and start searching in the a dark hallway. I see something brown, couple of feet away. As I get there, I see a brown cowboyhat, I ask them: " is this the one your looking for?". She says: "yes, you found it! I give it to the girl, she reshapes, cleans, and gives it to the boy. I see he's wearing the hat happily.

    Now I'm outside, in front of a metal gate or some mesmerizing structure. My vision focuses on a specific spot, then I zoom into a small, round screen, with vertical lines. I'm absorbed by the screen, and transport myself inside one of the gaps, only a small niddle would fit through.

    I'm foating inside the structure and is dark, but as I look upwards, I see some silhouettes floating. It seems to be animal figures, foating altogether, in a horizontal line. As a wonder in amazement I find my own hands! I Immediately know I'm dreaming, I wonder around, so I feel I need stabilize the dream by doing a quick RC, by checking closely my hands. My right one seems smaller, and my left one has 6 fingers. I look a few objects and back to my hands, then a little rubbing. It's pretty stable the dream, and I look at the wall to see if I can find a clock to track time. To my surprise there's a round clock, it's around 3:30. I see is glowing and has an image. I'm going to keep walking, but I feel the need to see the image. First I see an electric guitar, as I keep staring at it, there's Jesus holding the guitar, facing sideways, and he's carrying a drum around his shoulder.

    I walk outside the building, but feels more like a house now. Outside is kind of foggy, but rainbow colors all around. To my left I see some pine trees and I see some hunters shooting from a distance. I quickly walk towards a garage and I try to close the door but It only closes halfway ; the hunters arrive and pull the door upwards. I'm halfway lucid, so I tell one of them: "just shoot me", while I put my chest out. Then I change mi mind, I'm don't want to get shot! They drop some bullets, and I start juggling them, pretty much struggling. I feel the tension building, until finally get shot in the stomach!
    ( a red light blinks, is nothing but the REM mask! Dang it!

    Updated 07-17-2020 at 12:39 AM by monsa199a

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable

    Wearing just my underwear in church.

    by monsa199a on 07-16-2020 at 02:39 AM
    In the dream I was back in NJ, at the church I used to go. Some children are playing around in the church's basemant. At one point they needed to read the bible, so I ofered to go and find one. I go upstairs, and in one of the rooms, before the altar, I find Cesar, the deacon. I asked him if he has a bible available, and he says sure, here you go. I take the small bible and head out to the basement, but instead I go the wrong way and I end up on the left side of the altar, 3 benches away from it. I go towards the benches and I dock, not to be seen. Then I realize that I'm just wearing my underwear, now I'm really screwed in here, I think. My perseption shifts toward the midle lane; a blonde lady comes through, preaching outloud, and walking like in a beauty pageant. I think to myself "this lady is so chill, she doesn't even care what the priest or people would say about her". All the atettion focuses on her, but now she's sitting down with her family and she is taking about a testimony of life, some kind of miracle that hapened in her life. I couldn't remember exactly what she said about it.

    Note: This is one of my recurring dreams, since I moved 5 years ago, from NJ. to NC. I did quit going to church around the time I learned about Lucid Dreaming. The priest was actually a good friend of mine, but never got back in touch with him since then. I feel I should call him and say: "hello padre! ARE You DREAMING!!!"
    non-lucid , memorable , side notes

    TOMTM- Basic l I - speaking a foreing language to a DC. succeeded!

    by monsa199a on 07-12-2020 at 03:09 AM
    I'm on a street as usual I don't know where I am. There's tour guide?! who tells me to go and see these two other guys in order to travel in town. So I go to find them aroun the corner. There I am, again looking at a street sign. The letters are white, on a blue background. the letters are starting switching then I try to read the sign but it's almost impossible but then I see a name, it says "Biergärten Örinhnen"..I Think I'm in Germany! I'm in a dream!, I Look up and sure enogh, the architecture looks exactly as it should. Then to make sure I look again to the sign and all I see is: "yäöööä!", I get the giggles and keep on going and rubbing my hands a bit to stabilize lucidity.
    There I see a vehicle, but is more like the cargo of a truck, without a cabin, maybe wheels, and is half way opened. There are two German dudes, standing to the left side of the cargo, resting the arms on some metal hangers. I think to myself, this is my chance to speak a foreign language.! "Hallo mein Namen ist Dorian". One of the men: oh!, isn't your namen Jordian?
    (I think to myself again, the tour guide must have given a different name) nein, (no),I'm Dorian! They laugh and go on with their own talk..
    My perception shifts to the left, and I can see there are a few maps on a screen, and the locations where we would be traveling..Aparently in a very short of time, since the vehicle has a special technology. I look down and there's the cabin, below the ground. Now I'm sitting there, and a lady is next to me, in front of me there are 3 boys; she's tapping on top of their heads with her left leg, she's wearing sandals..
    I notice I'm getting caught in the drama and as I try to rub my hands again the dream vanishes..

    Man I really wanted to try one beer...

    Updated 07-12-2020 at 03:28 AM by monsa199a

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month

    I watch an actor falling from a bed.

    by monsa199a on 07-10-2020 at 04:10 AM
    I'm inside of a building, in Jersey City, NJ. I'm on the top floor. Two man pass by and grab red condoms, one each, from a basket near the exit door. They exit the room, and I'm watching from behind. I aproach the door and across the stair I see a man sleeping in a hospital bed. My vision zooms in, and I could see clearly is John Travolta. He is sleeping deeply after a long travel; I notice he is too close to an edge of the small room, sure enough he rolls over the bed rails and falls to a deeper ground level. I see how he rolls in his blanket, like a burrito, until I loose sight of him. I levitate down towards him and try to focus my view, since is darker in this area. I see him getting out of a small door, he seems confused, and I help him getting back to bed, then I exit the room.
    non-lucid , memorable