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    Sliding down a street

    by Mugwort on 10-16-2017 at 10:16 AM
    I walked up a mountain at a street. The street started to be very slippery. A some point I decided to turn back because of it. I slid down the street and flew in a village. I became lucid. Somehow I felt a bit confused and headed towards the forest. Then I woke up.

    This was my first induced lucid in a long time. I tuck a break from lucid dreaming and now started again. Although I had some random lucids in between

    TOTM Basic II succees

    by Mugwort on 03-20-2017 at 12:09 PM
    I'm standing in front of a wall. There is a hole in the wall, like a window but no glass. The hole is cobwebbed and I try to clean it with a stick. After removing them all I see a lord of the rings being. A howl army of them appears. That makes me lucid. I'm flying to look for a city. Some skyscrapers appear and it looks like a really big city.I'm landing there at a street. Now it looks like my tiny home town. I cant find a busy street so I#m hovering around till I find the main street of my home tome. There are lots of cars. I take a little boy and help him to cross the street. He looks at me and saith in English "succeeded". I wonder what to do now. I decide to read a book. Next to me is the bookstore like in RL. I'm enter and pick a book. It's written in Spanish and capitals. It's something about water. I'm going to pick another one but than I woke up.
    lucid , task of the month

    TOTM 2try

    by Mugwort on 03-12-2017 at 05:45 PM
    At the first attempt i didn't mad the tea so I tried again last night.

    While falling asleep in the middle of the night I'm thinking about mountains in dreams. That leads me to a dream in a mountain area. There is a red/green temple. I'm going to take a closer look. Some people there destroy the temple. They are Nazis, or they destroy it because of the Nazis. I become lucid and remember the TOTM. I see a restaurant and go there to make a tea. Inside is only an old man sitting at a table. I take a glass and fill it with hot tap water. Close to the tap is a shelf where I'm looking for tea. I only find a juniper berry and put it in my glass. The berry transforms into a dried chili. Then I see some thyme and lavender. I mix everything in the glass. The old man throws more chili in the glass. I stop him and drink it. It's almost cold and has a very weak taste. I'm leaving the restaurant.
    I'm in a mountains area. Most of them look like a mountain where I live. I fly to the highest one, which is behind me.On the top is a big house in surrounded by trees and some bush with yellow flowers. The mountain top changes into a little planet by night. The stars are very bright. I can see only one cloud. It has a huge shoe imprint. The grip looks like lava. I decide to call a dragon, to see if I can do the TOTY (I know that I can do only one task at once). A tiny dragon appears. I try to make it bigger but that doesn't work. I call a bigger one. This one has the sizes of a car. I sit on it. A friend of my comes and sit in front of me. We fly together and land at a castle. Then I lose lucidity and hunt spiders.
    lucid , task of the month

    Harry Potter and two dimensions

    by Mugwort on 03-11-2017 at 10:30 PM
    I'm standing in a circle with ca. 15 people. Among them is Harry Potter, Ron, Malfoy and a minister. We all use a spell and 3 of us are using the dathspell (which is a part of the howl thing and I think no one dies). Some dark, thick, shiny liquid appears. I see the liquid flowing over there faces. I know they day. Again I see the liquid in another dimension. There faces appear and they start living. It's kind of like yin and yang. If they die in one dimension they will live in another. Again everyone's standing in a circle. Malfoy is getting nervous. He kills the minister with a spell. Telling us that the bond was to strong. Now he's getting really nervous because he realizes what it means to die in this dimension. Ron tells him that it's his fault.

    TOTM Basic I

    by Mugwort on 03-11-2017 at 03:01 PM
    I'm in a Forrest, surrounded by huge trees. I cut down some bark, to make a jacket. Then I walk to my old school. A woman drives to me on a bike. She tells me something of a ritual. I realize that it is a dream, but still follow the dream story. I see a market and ask a woman to make me a jacket out of the bark. Then I remember the TOTM. I see a thermos jug at one of the stalls. When I open it a cup appeared. The tea tastes fruity and has a purple color. It's hot but good to drink. There is a bay taste and in the cup appears a bay leaf. Then I leave the market to find a skateboard.

    Updated 03-11-2017 at 03:07 PM by Mugwort

    lucid , task of the month