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So I've been wanting to try out Dream Cartography lately (Seeing as I already draw my dreams) so I am going to write down some stuff here for future reference, like all the places I have been so far, how often, how I got there, and what is nearby.
Spoiler for Places I know something about that I am interested in:
Spoiler for Places of interest that I don't have much info for:
Spoiler for Places I have info on but aren't of interest:
Spoiler for Random crap that I don't care about:
Total sleep: 5 hours
Daytime Techniques: Some self-awareness
Techniques to get Lucid: DILD
Recall Techniques: DJ
Fell Asleep: Don’t know
Dream Title: What would Jack Sparrow do?
Went to sleep wishing someone would just tell me when I was dreaming. Wasn’t expecting this XD
I am running through a white tunnel that has flashing lights on it, somewhat like an electric wire or like I’m in the internet? In front of me is a man, dressed in green but he also looks like a mixture between Robin Hood and a Viking.
“I KNOW I’M DREAMING………………………………………”
“Whatever. I’m going to do dream stuff. Bye.”
“Wait! They’re chasing us! We have to go!”
At this point I am still lucid but I lose control as I go along with him as I watch the dream play out. He leads me to a laptop which has a lot of wires going into the wall. I am supposed to be downloading data from Minecraft. Suddenly, he says “data” in an American accent, which I find hilarious and so I start laughing. I am cut off by the ringing of a telephone, and find that I have one in my hand. It’s an old fashioned type phone, and when I pick it up a girl answers.
“Find the book!”
“Huh?” Looking down I see a slim book in my hands. It had a hard, dark green cover on the front, and the sides of the pages are painted blue. I describe it to her, and she confirms it is the right book.
“They’re back!” Screams the guy and he starts to run again. I get outside and he is nowhere to be seen. Now, I seem to be standing on a deck, looking out onto the ocean. Behind me is the wall of a building and from around the corner come pirates running. I know I have to do something and fast so I think – What would Jack Sparrow do? I turn around and Scooby Doo (The one from the mystery gang, you know) is stood on a pole. He begins to hum the pirates of the Caribbean theme tune (I swear this happens so much) and I quickly run over the tops of barrels in a Jack Sparrow drunken way. I jump into the air and land of Scooby’s back, pushing the pole down. The pirates fall down a hole in the ground and out of the sea a pirate ship launches out, does a flip in the air and then lands and continues to sail along.
Suddenly I am in the water with the whole mystery gang are with me. There is a storm, and we are trying to swim for the pirate ship from earlier, that has now turned into a cruise ship. Because I was the nest swimmer, I was in charge apparently. Also, one of them was talking about becoming a whore when she got on the cruise ship, and another one said “You’ll need a lot of make-up for that”. LOL
I wake up in the study that used to be my brother’s old room, and I wonder why I am laying on the floor. Sitting up, I see that the time is 9.42am. I’m late for school! Quickly, I get my things together that are on the floor. I am searching through my books when I see the green and blue book from before.
“I’m not even awake right now am I?” I groan to myself.
I race outside to Florida and I stop outside a villa that is apparently my Aunt’s. I run inside, intending to find the girl that called me. There is a party going on, but I ignore everyone and run upstairs. Just as I do that, I wake up.
Awake: 6.42am
Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness) 9/1
Awareness: (1-10; or lucid) 10/10
Length: (how long it felt like) 10 minutes
Emotions: I was like WTF! When I found the book on the floor
Dream Signs/TAGS: pirates, green and blue book, theme tune, internet, the mystery gang.
Total sleep: 9 hours
Daytime Techniques: None
Techniques to get Lucid: N/A
Recall Techniques: DJ
Fell Asleep: 7am
Dream Title: The package
I am running between tents in an extremely busy campsite. In my hand is a package, that is quite small. Quickly, I run in and out of the tents that are there as I spot my brother nearby. 2 people are chasing him because they think he has the package. He is running from my right across to my left and as we meet in the middle, the people see that I have the package and I know they are after me now. Sneakily, I throw it up in the air and my brother catches is and carries on running. We manage to trick them and they continue to follow me.
I keep running and I eventually come to the youth centre. Running around the back, I blend in with people there. I make my way to the back door and step inside. Luckily, some of them know what’s happening and open a door to my left which leads to a bright white basement that is awkward to get to because you have to use a badly placed ladder. I feel really excited like when you play hide and seek and you’re trying not to be seen. The people tell me when it’s safe to come out, so I step outside. They are now chasing my brother again.
I sprint back to my house and my brother is there, running in circles so that they can’t catch him. Continuing past him, I head towards the house opposite us’ back garden. Without looking at my brother, I automatically catch the package that he threw and I have a good head start on them. When I get to the back garden a thought pops into my head that it’s not normal to be able to run this fast for so long, but I dismiss it and continue. The garden looks a lot like my grandma’s but to the left is a small supermarket.
Suddenly, the woman is in front of me, so I move to the left and do a wall run move, but on a tree and I get past. Halfway through the wall run, I throw the package to Adam, who is a bit ahead of me. We both carry on running to the back entrance of the shop and go inside. Slowing down to a walk, we quietly make our way through. He is on the aisle to the right of me. Banging footsteps sound near him, and the package comes flying over the top into my hands. My vision stops on the woman stood about 15 metres ahead. I sense the man behind me as well, and start to run at the woman. Trying to catch me, she jogs as well. About a metre before get to her, I drop to the floor and slide under the shelves of food stuff. As the momentum of my slide begins to stop, I rise to my feet and dive out of the window. It happens in slow motion and I can see the shards of glass as the fall.
While I’m still diving out of the window, I throw the package to my brother who is running back up the garden from my left to my right. Behind me I hear the man say something like,
“F****** hell!”
They run after him again and shortly after, a package comes through the air from somewhere. I hide it under my t-shirt, and walk back to the broken window of the shop and lay down on the floor. My thoughts at this moment are that I can act as if I’m a random person that was hurt when the window broke. Soon after, the woman comes back and asks if I am okay. I nod and say I’m not too bad, but she gives me a suspicious look as if she knows me. Suddenly we hear a vibrating noise. I look around (Like when someone whistles when they try to act natural) but we both know the package is vibrating.
As she is about to grab it I pull it out and throw it back outside and I know someone has got it. The woman then grabs her hair in frustration and does a mumbled scream thing. She then says,
“You annoying b*tch”
And walks out of the window.
Personally, I thought it was hilarious.
Awake: 8.30am
Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness) 10/15
Awareness: (1-10; or lucid) 7/10
Length: (how long it felt like) 20 minutes
Emotions: Excited/hyper and happy
Dream Signs/Tags: package, supermarket, campsite
Total sleep: 9 hours
Daytime Techniques: RC’s, SH
Lucid Techniques: N/A
Recall Techniques: DJ
Fell Asleep: 6ish? Not really sure
Dream Title: Rescuing Vinnie
I am searching all around my house for something or someone. My whole vision seems to be tainted somehow, like the shadows of everything are more emphasized. I know my parents have hidden the thing I am looking for, and often while I am looking for it, I see them stood extremely still at the side of the room, or in random places. Most of the time they seem to be either staring at the floor or straight at me. Another thing that is really weird is that the house feels a lot bigger, so it’s harder to find what I am looking for. It’s annoying that I have to look in every space that there is a spare cm because it seems to be taking a while.
I am walking down a corridor, and I know the half open door at the end leads to a swimming pool. Suddenly, I see them coming out of a door to the left just before it. A man has his arm around the person I’m looking for’s throat. I can’t tell if it is a man or a woman. Quickly, the man bursts through the door behind him, and I sprint to catch up. When I enter the swimming pool room, I look left, and see he is heading for the exit diagonally across to the left of where I am. Suddenly, an announcement is made.
“Attention all customers, rusty screws are now available on the floor.”
I see this as my chance and dive forward into the water. At the other side or 2 small people, dressed like something that reminds me of a Japanese clown. My dive has taken me half way across the pool (Width) already, and with a couple of strokes, I get to the side. With a jump, I grab the closest clown person and drag them into the water. With a few hits they’re dead. My eyes zoom in on a rusty screw on the floor, and I notice that the other clown person is looking at the screw as well. We turn to stare at each other. Then back at the screw. Then each other. In this moment of awkwardness, I dive for the screw, and at the same time I grab its head (I’m not sure how this is possible because they were a couple of meters away…). As hard as I can, I stab the clown person in the eye, but it is really difficult to push it. I then realize this is because the person is dead. I sit there for a couple of seconds, before remembering that I had to find that person.
I am back in my house again, and I am in the garage getting my dad a beer. I hand it to him, and then I look out of the window and see him sat in the garden glaring at me. This is creepy but I am distracted by another announcement.
“Attention all, bottle smashing is now permitted.”
A brown glass bottle filled with beer appears in my hand, and at the opposite side of the kitchen near the fridge, a woman also appears. Instantly, I know she is part of the group that have kidnapped my person, so I throw the bottle at her. She laughs at my failed attempt to hit her as my bottle flies off to the side. This happens again, but on the third try, I hit her, and she gets knocked out. She then disappears though.
I find that I am now on the rooftop of a building, and it is raining. With me are a couple of people. I realize that they are part of my LDing family, and we must stick together to pull through. They seem glad that I have realized this, and then send me back to my old bedroom. My Russian friend is sat there looking miserable.
“We’ll never find Vinnie.” He says, looking sad (AH HA! This is who I was looking for. IWL I don’t even know anyone called Vinnie…)
As he says this I instantly know where Vinnie is. I start humming the Pirates of the Caribbean theme tune as I make my way down the stairs. In my head, I picture Vinnie tied up in a janitors closet. As I get to the door, my parents appear, and I know that I can’t make it. However, I know that my friends will find him now. My parents begin to explain why they didn’t buy me the games (WTF?!), and I have a break down and start crying about how they took £50 pounds. My Mum tells me will give me it back, and I start to be happy again knowing I have money.
She goes on to explain how they were using the money to adopt Grace, but everything is okay now because she is already here. We decide to settle everything with a game of Mario kart, but as I play it I notice something odd. This isn’t Mario kart. The whole area we are playing in is like GTA, but it has Yoshi in a mushroom car.
Then I wake up. The end bit was so random. I was kinda disappointed when I didn’t get that £50 though.
Awake: 8.40am
Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness) 9/15
Awareness: (1-10; or lucid) 6/10
Length: (how long it felt like! Because that matters) 20 minutes
Dream Signs/Tags: rusty screws, Japanese clown person, vinnie
Total sleep: 7 hours
Daytime Techniques: RC’s
Lucid Techniques: N/A
Recall Techniques: DJ
Fell Asleep: 5.30am
Dream Title: Massive zombie horde
Its day time and I am walking along some grass. To my left, which for some reason is the way I am facing, is a red brick wall. As I pass an Army truck someone - I’m not sure who – appears next to me. They hold up part of a corpse as we continue to walk, and it is quite bloody. I stop and turn around, pulling a weird face.
“What the hell is that?”
“We can take it and use it as food, because no-one seems to like deer, and it’ll help instead of cereal.”
“Oh, good point.”
There is a time skip, and now it is completely dark, like we are in the middle of a field somewhere. Groups of people are stood in the backs on large trucks, and behind us I can see lights shining on the floor around the building that looks like a pretty strong compound. I have no idea why everyone isn’t inside it, it looks quite safe. The trucks are also parked inside a mesh fence, and the drivers have really strong torches. It is extremely cold, and I can see the water vapour coming out of people’s mouths when they breathe.
Anyway, we all hear a noise, and turn around. As far as we can see (Which isn't that far because it's REALLY dark…), there are bodies. Hundreds of thousands of them are lit up but the moon that magically appears behind them, and the strong torches pick out the details of the closer ones. Their purple skin seems to almost glow in the light. So they begin to push as hard as against the fence. Obviously, the hundreds of thousands of bodies managed to easily get through the mesh fence. Realizing that a massacre was about to take place, I quickly vaulted over the side of the truck and hit the floor. My vision zoomed in on an electric fence at the other side of the compound, but there was a hole in it. I started running towards it, and as I got closer, the hole got bigger. There were also every few zombies around this side. As I got to the fence, I jumped, curled myself into a ball and jumped through the hole. I hit the floor and rolled, coming to my feet with a rod of metal in my hand. I must’ve got it from the hole, but I hit a zombie with it and it does some serious damage.
Looking back, I notice a small building just back inside. It would only be a few metres width and length. Deciding to check it out, I step back inside and go into the building. When I get inside, there is a faint purple glow, and the surfaces of every area in it are like a white metal. Through a hole in the wall, I see a girl from my school, holding out her hand. I know I have to help her, but at that moment, my head teacher walks in. He looks like of zombie-ish and he walks really slowly, but somehow the girl and the hole manage to disappear. He doesn’t spot me either.
The dream ends here because I was woken by my parents.
Awake: 6.45am
Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness) 12/15 it was mega vivid. The light shining over the horde in the middle of the night, and generally the graphics of the whole dream were amazing
Awareness: (1-10; or lucid) 2/10
Length: (how long it felt like) 10 minutes
Emotions: I didn’t feel much in this dream, apart from being really cold, and having a kind of adrenaline rush when I jumped through the hole in the electric fence.
Dream Signs/tags: corpse, zombies, purple, vivid