- Date of Birth
- December 28
About Nicho
- LD Count:
- 2...?
- Biography:
- Howzit,
I'm still relatively new to the world of lucid dreaming, although I've been around a while now. I already have good dream recall and my dreams are frequently strange and unreal, so I'm hoping this helps with the transition into lucidity.
I have been on and off with my practices due to lack of progress, but I keep coming back with the hope I will figure it out one day. I'm hoping something just clicks at some point as continuous practice doesn't seem to be taking me anywhere fast. I don't doubt for a second that it's real, just that I haven't yet figured it out. I'll keep at it though, so fingers crossed...!
Cheers, Nicho...!
- Country Flag:
- UnitedKingdom
- Location:
- Anywhere that'll take me...!
- Interests:
- Computers, gaming, motorbikes, fishing, poker, photoshop, graphic design and socialising...!
- Occupation:
- FLT driver at LKAB, Scunthorpe...!
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- Male
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View Nicho's Dream Journal
Nicho on 08-08-2016 at 12:36 AM
Real Life
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Dream Fragments
So I found myself in prison one again, I was on the landing just hanging around and wasting time when a guy came up to me, it was Chris Taylor, a lad I went to school with, but as a man..! He was agitated about something, but wouldn't say what, I figured out that he was pissed off 'cos it was my release date and Joy was coming to get me, he apparently had a thing for Joy..! All of a sudden for no reason and with no questioning from myself, the scene changed to a bar-b-q in a very large garden..! It was still in the prison, though it was more like a gated community than a prison..! Someone had made a makeshift fire in a compost bag, with bricks round the outer edge and the coals in the centre..! Suddenly three hefty black guys came along and started shouting about who had stolen their compost..! Brazen as you like, the guy next to me owned up and when they asked why, he said 'well I had a bag of sand to make it in, but I wanted a black bar-b-q'..! They reached over the fence and dragged him over, it was spiked at the top, so this did him no favours, one had a ball hammer and one had a sledge hammer, they took him over the road to a space of waste land where we could all see..! Everyone assumed they were going to hit him with the hammers, but what happened next beggars belief..! They forced him down onto all fours, took the ball hammer, spun it round and placed the but end of the hammer between his arse cheeks and took a swing with the sledge hammer..! They made contact, but not fully and so they tried again, once more they missed, but in the act of trying they were hurting him none the less..! I got up to leave and realised I was still imprisoned, but wanted no more of what was happening, I knew though that if they saw me try to leave that they would then start on me..! I walked to a clear spot, checked no one was watching, then I looked to the sky and took off..! Much in the same was Neo does at the end of the movie..!
I think then that I feel into sleep proper as I didn't wake immediately or at least I don't remember waking..! The next thing I know is the dog waking me for the toilet..!
Prison will now be added to my dream signs..!
Cheers, Nicho..!
Nicho on 08-06-2016 at 12:17 AM
Real Life
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Dream Fragments
Swapping colour codes Real Life and Dreams
I'd given my Dad my Christmas money to save for me, but when I asked for it he said he'd spent it, which left me no money for Christmas and everyone was going away in an RV, which is strange 'cos I'm British..! We don't really have them here..! I tried to come in through the door and he shut it on my fingers, painfully too and so I started arguing with him..! At this point, my cousin came down the stairs and said I'd have to fight him, at first I was a little afraid, but when I punched him, I knocked him clean out..! My other cousin then came down to see what was going on and said I'd have to fight him now too..! I was more weary this time as he seemed huge to me, but I hit him and ran..! I noticed I had no shoes on and was looking for something to put on when I noticed a pile of shoes, among them were a pair of inline skates..! I grabbed and put them on, then set off down the road, I was very skilled as I flew at great speed..!
I remember my Mother having a house changed up in the back garden, also when I escaped on the skates I came to a fair ground, but it was closed, it's a familiar fair ground dream wise, and the rides are totally impossible and very extreme, I have actually ridden the coaster and it is not to be sniffed at..!
Cheers, Nicho..!
Nicho on 08-05-2016 at 01:46 AM
Real Life
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Dream Fragments
The past two nights I have slept right through, which is really unusual for me..! Normally I wake up numerous times before sleeping proper, sometimes as many as 8 to 10 times a night, it sounds a lot 'cos it is..!
So anyway, when I wake, I usually use it as an opportunity to WBTB, but sleeping through robbed me of this option..! I'm not too upset, it was nice to sleep for once (twice) and I did still dream..! The mistake I made though was not recording my dream when I woke up..! I still have vague feelings, but no solid imagery..!
I remember there was some flying involved, I'm not surprised I remember that, I always seem to recall flying dreams, my mother was there and so was Joy..! I recall a drug theme, trying to get some, but unable to, which is usually the case..!
So, this entry is just to keep my motivation up (simple continuity), I would normally forget, as I did and then just give up..! I'm determined not to do that this time, we'll see..!
Cheers, Nicho..!
Nicho on 08-02-2016 at 11:35 PM
Real Life
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Dream Fragments
I know this isn't a dream, but I just wanted to make an entry so I know where I am, chronologically, plus it's good info' for anyone interested..!
About a year ago, I'm just guessing though, I heard about an e-book called ' The Phase' by Michael Raduga..! So I found and downloaded it, since then I've read it from cover to cover numerous times..!
Now I've tried a couple of his techniques half heartedly, but I've noticed recently that I've been having some minor success..! This book is a wealth of information that would benefit amateurs and pros' alike..!
Now my major problem with lucid dreaming is continuity and motivation, I have the need for instant gratification, so when I try at something and fail, I usually give up..! However, saying that, I'm now going to put my utmost effort into getting results from these methods..! The author claims that if followed to the letter, results can be gained from 3 to 5 days, I'm not expecting that, but I'm going to see what I can do..! I truly believe it can be done, despite never having done it, I have however experienced some of the phenomenon associated with getting there, I know I've seen through my closed eyes, I've experienced hyper relaxation, SP and other things and I have no fear of letting go..! It's been suggested recently that I may be afraid of letting go, I actually long for it, maybe that's my problem..!
So, I'll keep you all informed within these pages and if you're reading this and you haven't read 'The Phase' yet, it's now available as a free app's for most devices..!
Cheers, Nicho..!
Nicho on 08-01-2016 at 07:29 PM
Real Life
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Dream Fragments
So last night I woke up straight into SP, however, and I think it's because it was just some kind of progress as opposed to my usual failings, I handled it really well..! I didn't panic, in fact there was a distinct lack of foreboding (at first), so there I lay, gathering my composure until I felt ready to move on..! My first attempt at separation was trying to 'roll out', it didn't work..! I tried again, a couple of times to no avail, I did though I think feel some slight vibration in my right arm, I was laying on my left side..! So then I tried to 'will' myself out and this didn't work either..! It was at this point I started to feel fear creeping up on me, I stuck it out for as long as I could and then moved my arm to pull the covers over me..! Not wanting to waste an opportunity, as I fell back to sleep, I gently tapped my fingers as in performing a FILD..!
My question is simple, knowing what I have told you, do any of you have any observations, tips or advice..? Did I do something wrong or do I just keep trying..? Should I try the rope technique..? I've just recalled, I did try to levitate and I think I may have had minimal success, but I'm telling you this as it comes to me as I write..!
Thanks for any advice or input I receive in advance..!
Cheers, Nicho..!