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    26th August: 2 Fragments

    by NinjaTurdle on 08-26-2013 at 09:07 AM
    Fragment 1: I was at school and a class had just ended, i think it was biology. I headed over to maths class and as i went in, i noticed that the classroom was filthy. My desk was littered with dirty, damp socks and used bandages and even sticks or twigs of some sort. I swept them of the desk without much of a problem. The class started and i remember my teacher asking what the word 'Mathematics' meant. I didn't take much notice of what he said as i was so consumed with cleaning up my desk space. I remember tidying up the space on the floor around my feet, but not much else after that.

    Fragment 2: I was sat at my desk in my room, when my phone started ringing. I picked up and it seemed like i knew the person. I could hear his voice but for some reason i would reply in texts, as if i was instant messaging him and he would speak response. He told me he was in trouble and he needed to borrow some money again. I told him something along the lines of "I can't keep digging you out of these holes, i just can't afford it". I asked him how much he needed, he replied with 5 or 6. I somehow knew he meant 5 or 6 hundred. I told him there was no way i could afford it, i had only 50 pounds in my account (As i do in waking life). I remember him getting really frustrated and quite upset and i thought that was the end of it, but the call ended suddenly and my phone flashed red and black, and then a message appeared that looked like it was written in blood that said something like "A pagan god is coming after you, and will kill you..." I knew it wasn't from the man i was on the phone with, but i got an inclination that he was somehow involved with this 'pagan god' too.
    I woke up, and i made sure i was 100% awake before opening my eyes. (Didn't really feel like opening my eyes to savage pagan god trying to kill me, y'know? :3)

    My Comments: Summer's almost over, so dreaming about school didn't really surprise me, but it was still kinda strange. The school i go to is quite old and "antique", but it was never that filthy! The filth didn't seem to bother me, but i became obsessed with cleaning it up, which is not like me at all Clarity was quite average and i feel like i've missed some key details, but i can't remember them.

    My second dream was a pretty strange one. Mainly because nobody besides my Mum and Dad actually call me *Forever Alone..*, Also i'm not sure why anyone would go to a 16 year old kid to borrow money, quite a lot of money at that, but in the dream it felt like i had helped him out before, financially of course. Clarity was also poor-average, though i remember the image on my phone about the pagan god quite clearly, as everything went dark except for my phone. Super creepy stuff

    16th August 2013: 'Tug of War'

    by NinjaTurdle on 08-17-2013 at 11:50 AM
    Fragment: I was in my back garden having a barbecue with my dad, just me and him for some reason. Suddenly, out of nowhere, my neighbour and his son broke down our fence and they challenged us to Tug Of War. I don't really remember much about their appearance, other than they were both male and had quite short hair. We accepted and the neighbor went to get a rope, and he marked in the ground a line in the space where the fence was broken down, so the neighbours were in their garden and we were in ours. We all began pulling, and then i sorta got a birds eye view of what we were doing, and I could clearly see that there were more people than just us and the neighbour. I woke up before the outcome.

    My Comments: After waking, i did notice that some things were a little off, for example in the dream, they broke down our fence, but there is no fence in our garden, we have hedges. Also, non of my neighbours have any kids my age. My dad and I usually wouldn't be barbecueing alone, we would always have friends or family around. Hopefully if i keep noticing these odd bits about my dreams i may be able to work out some pretty solid dream signs.
    Dream clarity left much to be desired, again 'poor' to 'average'. Also this dream i remembered was longer than the previous one i remembered, which hopefully is a sign that my recall is improving.

    Getting back into it...

    by NinjaTurdle on 08-15-2013 at 07:10 PM
    Wow. Well i've been out of the loop for a long time and my dream recall has been deteriorating as a result of studies and stuff, so i thought i'd commit myself to this dream journal, mainly because my handwriting in the morning is literally unreadable and actually resembles hieroglyphics in a way, so trying to de-cipher it later in the day was always a nightmare, so i thought typing it up would fix that problem. So without further ado, my first (partial) dream to kick off this journal;

    15th August 2013
    Fragment: It's the middle of the night, i'm in my bedroom and it I was asleep. I opened my eyes and slowly looked to my left. I saw that there was another bed next to mine. I looked a bit further and noticed a baby in a diaper sleeping on the bed. It's feet began kicking, then it's skin turned a sickly grey colour, then i woke up.

    Comment: That was it really, that's all i remember from last night. Hopefully my recall will improve in time. Overall i thought the dream was a weird one, clarity was somewhere between 'poor' and 'average'.