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    02:20 PM nkdcncnkckjncjk has earned 10 Points for Misc points
    02:20 PM nkdcncnkckjncjk has earned 1 Points for User points

    04:52 PM nkdcncnkckjncjk has earned 10 Points for Misc points
    03:00 PM nkdcncnkckjncjk has earned 6 Points for Misc points
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    06:00 PM nkdcncnkckjncjk achieved Tagger Second Class
    05:40 PM nkdcncnkckjncjk has earned 20 Points for Misc points
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    03:31 PM nkdcncnkckjncjk has earned 10 Points for Misc points
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    02:00 PM nkdcncnkckjncjk achieved Created Dream Journal
    02:00 PM nkdcncnkckjncjk has earned 5 Points for threads points
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    07:14 PM nkdcncnkckjncjk has earned 4 Points for threads points
    07:14 PM nkdcncnkckjncjk has earned 10 Points for Misc points

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    Recent Entries

    lucid dreaming and trying to find a specific thing i want to dream about

    by nkdcncnkckjncjk on Today at 02:14 PM
    i'm not having lucid dreams dispite doing multiple reality checks and i've tried incubating my dreams and that doesnt work either

    a mothers disaproval

    by nkdcncnkckjncjk on Yesterday at 03:08 PM
    I don't remember the beginning of this dream so skipping to the middle-ish, i was with my sister and a friend she had the girl had darker skin almost like an indians skintone it wasn't dark dark but it was kind of dark but my sister was friends with her and the girls mom didn't like my sister so they couldn't be friends anymore and i was really sad about this and the ending was kind of like a movie where me and the girl said our final goodbyes and we were really upset it was sadder than it sounds

    this is not a girl i know irl btw

    almost no popularity

    by nkdcncnkckjncjk on 01-31-2025 at 05:34 PM
    it seems like this website is not well known at all and almost no one knows about it cause theres only 241 people on it right now and not many posts are posted throughout the day

    i had so many that i remember but i don't remember what they were exactly so i'm just gonna say one

    by nkdcncnkckjncjk on 01-31-2025 at 03:09 PM
    My school bus took me to my middle school and the memories started flooding (not actual memories from middle school but memories from other dreams) i went inside and i went into a classroom and people were getting these weird gummy/ fruit snack things and they looked really good so i asked where they got them and one kid walked with me to show me where to get them and i see a few teachers that i know in real life and we are suprised to see each other but then i walk into the room where the gummies came from and saw that i had to pay for them so i was like never mind so then i leave and come back to the classroom and i get on the bus and there is this girl i see and lets me read a journal that she had then that was the end

    and this is a side note in one of my dreams i don't remember if it was this one or a different one but i was telling myself that if i was in a dream that some peoples heads would be weirdly shaped but i think i noticed peoples heads were weirdly shaped it almost looked like they had some kind of tumor on the back of their neck but anyway i think i got lucid i've been watching videos on how to lucid dream and i guess thats why i told myself that in a dream but knowing it was a dream gave me an eerie feeling

    reality checks

    by nkdcncnkckjncjk on 01-30-2025 at 03:11 PM
    how many reality checks should be done in 1 day if you want to have lucid dreams?
    side notes