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    12 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
    2. Im the super man sayin. Give the zombie a great big hug.
    3. View Conversation
      wow you did change ur avatar
    4. View Conversation
      some more till she look decent
    5. View Conversation
      with cloths on
    6. View Conversation
      change your avatar......it just divert my mind
    7. View Conversation
      I don't know. I guess I'm just really intuitive. Comes from years of lucid dreaming.
    8. View Conversation
      That's not you in your profile picture.
    9. Lol
    10. View Conversation
      bored x2
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    About Osmodin

    Basic Information

    About Osmodin
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    Always have been interested in lucid dreaming. But it wasnt long ago until I got over the it sounds to hard crap. I decided to find a site about it to learn from the sites members and now I am hear.
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    United States
    Video games, martial arts and lucid dreaming.
    How you found us:
    Web surfing and luck


    Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.


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    07-20-2011 04:38 AM
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    08-10-2011 06:27 PM
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    View Osmodin's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Bandit Ate.

    by Osmodin on 07-27-2011 at 01:59 PM
    I was at my old house with me old dog Bandit. Bandit saw a deer in the yard and attacked to only to have the deer attack him. I got confused sow I went back inside. Later that night I went back outside to find Faith my current dog eating the deer, Bandit was hiding somewhere. I called Bandit and he came outa no where. Later When I called bandit to take him inside finally he was covered in blood. The dream ended.
    non-lucid , nightmare

    An Old Hag Dream

    by Osmodin on 07-19-2011 at 01:55 PM
    I was entering a dream from the last dream I was in. I was on my back in a room I didnt recongnize. Out of no where in a half second a scary really old face with pointy teeth and some rotting flesh was in my face, the creature sitting my my chest. Damn old hag. It yelled hello at me and I freaked out and accidently ported away out of the bed room. I didn't know where I was, probobly the void. I then told myself that I was done lucid dreaming for the morning and that I was most likely going to have more troubles with scary things. I focused on my real eyes and opened them. The dream ended.

    lol for awhile after the dream I wsa trying to make sure I was really awake and I had to wake up "mommy" and tell her about my scary dream even tho I am 16.

    Lucid Doors And The Evil Cow Boy

    by Osmodin on 07-19-2011 at 01:46 PM
    I was playing a zombie video game, from stray thoughts during my dream meditation as I fell asleep. I got scared as I entered a room in the game. I turned off the game station and planned to head down stairs to mom and dad. I approached the door leading down stairs and knew a zombie was there behind the door. I then realized that it was a goofy dream and hen knew that what was bhind the door could lead to down stairs, a zombie, outer space or even the city of the mole people. I chose to have the Frost Giant laying down taking a nap instead. I opened the door and behold I saw the frost giant sleeping on the stairs. As I walked down I tried to talk to him, but he wouldent wake up. I was suddenly down stairs, I am getting used to just thinking about somewhere and just appearing there with a backstory of how I got there. I was in the bathroom and i had to go pee, but I knew it was a dream. I lifted the toilet lid expecting to see a Zelda triforce written on the toilet under neath. I saw a green triforce instead of the gold I hoped for. I did the same trick with the toilet paper and of course the sae tri force appeared with a missing green triangle and a faint outline of where it should be. I told myself that I read this on dreamviews that it happens like that some times for noobs. I looked in the mirror knowing that it wouldent be as bad as dream viewers said it would be. It was all foggy and I pounded on it while making faces. I then got a scary thought that if i looked in it again I would see a scary ghost. I looked away knowing that the ghost wasnt there becuase in dreams only what you look at or feel with other senses exist. I then found myself at an old western bar, as a girl. A tall slim man with a bad aura was taunting me, threatening my life. I took out my gun and shot him in the head once and it bounced off. I shot again and missed. I knew that I only had one shot left so I shot as he was moving his head and suddenly I went back in time before the third shot, so I hit him again. The bullet went into his mouth, the man made a horrid choking noise. The he opend his mouth, which was full of jagged sharp teeth and belched out fire. I was then a guy with the girl who was shooting. I told her to come with me down and outside where the monster cow boy wouldent find us. I also told her that I was either dreaming or that was a biomechanical android. We where outside running into the woods. We then saw fences leading to an abandoned grave yard, of course it was a good place to hide lol. We jumped over several barbed fences and went inside a stone building. I told the girl that since this was a dream/nightmare the cow boy was probobly inside and I decided not to change it. The evil cow boy was there, he grabed the girl but i charged in and attacked. In a few seconds I killed the evil cow boy. I realized I accidently slashed the girl with my sword and killed her during the fight. The emotional shock got me out of lucidity, I was talking to people at the bar teary eyed about how I failed. The dream ended.

    Another lucid where I improved my dream control, I bet i can tleport using doors now.
    lucid , nightmare

    Im Blind!!!!

    by Osmodin on 07-18-2011 at 06:29 PM
    I found myself in my bed, in the same posistion as I was when I fell asleep. I got up and was un able to open my eyes, just like the last few lucids. I pried them open with my fingers and by the time I was able to see it my sight would dissapear again and I found myself back in bed. This repeated for a few cycles. I then got out of bed and made myself see and walk long enough to get to my door window and see it was snowing outside, which means the Frost Giant was near. I then went blind and found myself in bed again. I got up, this time I wasnt blind but found that my fet where connected to the bed by some string attached to my shoes. I couldent break the string so I took off my shoes and found them attached to my socks. I took off my socks and found more socks. I took off those socks and found even more socks. After I took off the last pair of socks I saw the same shoes I took off in the first place. I found myself in bed again. I got up and was blind, I didn't learn that lucid dreams dream control lesson until I woke up later. I walked into the hallway and got my sight long enough to look towards my door. I went blind and felt the dream escapeing me. The dream ended.
    lucid , memorable

    Snowing In July.

    by Osmodin on 07-14-2011 at 02:09 PM
    I was in my room and decided to look out the window. I saw that it was snowing and I knew that it wasnt the time of year. I did a reality check to see if I was dreaming. I become lucid and decided to go to the frosty lands. I spun around and pictured a big snowy wodner land. I then couldent open my eyes after i stoped spinning. I tried to open my eyes. The dream ended.