• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Pandabear and dreamst8

    16 Visitor Messages

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    1. You're welcome! Oh, yeah!
    2. Hey thankx!!!! The elephant is the hindu lord Ganesha who I was telling you about. I'm really glad you like it!
    3. I love it! :O I really, really love it!
      Yin and yan, and that elephant - WHOA!
    4. Hi you! I've finally settled into my new avatar and sig lol.

      What are you up to?
    5. Haha, cool. Can't wait to see it!
    6. Thanks! I just whipped up something really quickly from a couple of internet pics. I got tired of not having at least an avatar lol.

      I'm going to spend more time and effort on my sig and next avatar. I'm going to use the Hindu diety, Ganesh. He removes obstacles. I think that's fitting since I want to remove the mental obstacles that are blocking me from doing everything I want to do
    7. Like your avatar! =)
    8. Hi my friend. No problem!

      Yes, I found it a little bit difficult to fly. But I think I know how to do it. I just have to believe I can. I tried to seriusly believe it last time, but I think I can do it better. I think we just have to believe in the world with no rules, where everything is possible, and just this sentence sounds too good to be true, right? But we'll get there very soon.
      Thanks. Good luck to you, I believe in you!
    9. Hi my friend Pandabear,

      How's it going? Thanks for the Likes

      I'm going to look through your dream journal some more today. You mentioned not being able to fly. Is that still a problem for you? As you saw, I had a tough time too. But I'm going to try more techniques next time. I'm confident I'll be able to make it work. I hope you do too!

      I'm going to look around for a little bit. Just wanted to say hi

    10. Awh, thank you.

      I'll check it out now! Can't wait.
      Have a nice day at work, my friend!
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
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