• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Pandabear and floatinghead

    10 Visitor Messages

    1. hmm - ok - I univited you from the folder and then invited you again - let's try that
    2. I found the folder, but it's empty.
    3. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

      did you manage to install dropbox ok? If you did you can either do a search on your computer for dropbox, look in the dropbox folder and you will find the folder called 'lucid idoser' or you can go to the dropbox website and sign in - Dropbox.com - , let me know if your still having problems!
    4. No, I can't find it. =(
    5. did you find the file?
    6. in the folder*
    7. I can't find any binaural beats in the map, can't you send it via hotmail? As a file? =)
    8. Okay - thanks for your help!
    9. yes - for now, though we will be changing things up soon - I will keep you posted
    10. Oh, forgot to ask.. Should I only write in the OISDP DJ, when I've tried to have a shared dream or attempts?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10