• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Pandabear and fOrceez

    11 Visitor Messages

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    1. Oh my god, fOrceez! I've missed you. I'm so sorry for not being online, I'm so sorry. I'm gonna make a thread about it. It's all complicated. I hope you're allright.

      - hugs from your Pandabear!
    2. Have you left us forever?
    3. I can't wait for you to reply back, soo..

    4. I kinda imagine you to look something like this
    5. Don't forget me!!

    6. *Pats Pandabear on the head*
      Heh ^_^
    7. Awh, it's so cute. ^_^ I love it.
      You have a cool pet, hah?
    8. Yes, yes you are
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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