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I was at a Walmart working as a cart pusher. It was night time outside and it was also raining, which made me worry about getting sick. The manager came up to me and said that he wanted me to go somewhere else but I didn't know where that was so I was confused. I went to a room to change and followed some girls outside.
I was at work and went to service an ATM in some sort of church school. The women there were pretty but all had ugly lips and mouths. Eventually, Jim got fired and he gave info about someone else who was stealing money so we had to find the 'Dream Van' We couldn't, so someone went to get it while me and another person went to an old abandoned building. We ran up the stairs and we were ready for the Operation until I saw a black Fox. I shot it a few times with my .22 pistol and eventually killed it. I felt bad and waited for Derrick so he could skin it but Darlene already did. I took a bite out of a piece of salmon on the table. Derrick did also, saying it was disgusting.
I walked into a salon out of a dare. I had to get my hair done and have makeup put on me. As the person worked on my hair, they started pulling out all kinds of stuff from it. When he finished ,the salon slowly started turning into a house. I was with Rena and her husband. Her husband was asking about me and who I was. I made sure not to tell him I was from Albuquerque. After a while, her husband seemed friendly with me and l eventually left with Rena. She was driving a bit crazy but we talked and I felt happy to be with her.
I was at an airport on a college that was on a mountain. I had all my gear from work and was getting ready to go to boot camp. The lady at the register was freaking out that I had all my work gear so I had to leave it in a locker. I knew I was told I could of taken the gear with me but figured the girl didn't know what she was doing. I called Valery and told her to pick up my gear. When I finally got to boot camp, the drill instructed were messing with us and even started fires for us to put out.
I was driving on a highway with Desirae thinking of why people have been saying I've gotten buffer. I thought maybe it was from the boxes of coin I carry around. I noticed the snow covered mountains in the distance and the river below me. The further I went, the colder I knew the water was. I said "The water is so cold here." I was suddenly swimming in it and doing some underwater obstacle course with Valery. I had trouble going through one and when I did, Valery was blocking the way to the surface. I woke up gasping for air.