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      In the Future can you please send it to me, thanks!
    3. View Conversation
      Nice! Well I'm off to the temple, so night!
    4. View Conversation
      Remember, he claims time doesn't matter in dreams. But it could be that reading his dream journal carried over into you're dream. And Nomad lives in Hawaii, so he won't be awake until like 12 hours from now or so.
    5. View Conversation
      Hey, check out waking nomad's entry from last night. You're in it and so am I. Interesting because you talk to Waking Nomad in that dream. And then I come up. Similar to the dream you just had.
    6. View Conversation
      Interesting, well I have yet to go to sleep, so we'll see what happens.
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    shared dreaming... Go to Last Comment
    07-11-2011  01:53 PM
    55th Shared... Go to Last Comment
    11-28-2011  02:54 AM
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    shared dreaming attempt nr4...night 10-11 july

    by pichulick on 07-11-2011 at 01:53 PM
    I am at my countryside, at the river havin a sunbath with lots of people.
    Jimmy a friend of mine comes to me and invites me to smoke some stupid legal shit. he is very high(RED EYEZZZ..). He is telling me he fount a way to get even higher.)
    I go with him and meet his friends. I take the plastic bottle (a bong like thing I smoke from in RL) and inhale the guys press the bottle so I take much more. I am now very high.

    I am now at my grandparent's home. I am searching for my stuff but cannot find any. I realise I am naked and I forgot my stuff at the river. a friend of myne looks at me through my window and salutes me.
    My grandparents come in the yard. I hear my grandmother say:
    "He has drugs on him..."
    I get out at them.
    " I heard a policeman say you were at the river and were involved in a big fight and smoked drugs :O:O:O" says my grandmother
    "How can I fight if there was no fight??? the policeman is wrong." they believe me and we start laughing.

    A man I cannot remember says at the river was an UFO.

    I get out of the yard and see a huge earthworm big like my arm split in two. One side looks like a penis ).
    "look granny at this worm ) "
    "Take it, it's very good at fishing. you'll get lots of fish with it!"

    I walk on the road and see a friend mounted on a bike waiting at a neighbourgh's front yard. I say hy to him then leave.
    Then at another yard I see a cousin with her little girl. I go there and kiss her, herkid, and another 3 girls.

    " OMG GTA 3 for free?" says someone.
    "Med you played gta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5???" he continues
    "No, just vice city" says Med.

    Now I am seeing like in a TV a big romot worm moving wierd.

    I arrive on a small road and see the moon. It's a little bigger than half full. Then I see it Shrink just a little bit.
    " OMG it really is an UFO there.. maybe it is obscuring the moon..." I think.
    I try to call my dat do tell him to look at the moon but my cellfone fails.
    I see the moon dissapearing very wierd, first some spots dissapear then all the moon. I am amazed. The sky is beautyfull dark blue. The moon appears again. My cellphone is now working but I don't call my dad. Now The moon dissapears again.

    I am starting to see a post-apocaliptic world now. I see again like I was looking at a TV News an all channel about the apocalypse. There are videos of 10 hours ago from every corner of the world.
    There are strips of human skins, very wierd human corpses, anything is just terribile.

    " OMG so 2012 was real!!! But wait, why I am scared? I always told myself to not be scared of apocalypse because I am a good guy. .... Who cares The whole world is in apocalypse just too soon. I have the whole right to panik!"

    I don't know where to go because everything is worse than all horror movies but togheter. I decide to go in a block of flats maybe I can go on the roof to see all.
    I wake up and realise My arm is numb because I have slept with my head pressing on it and start laughing.

    shared dreaming jurnal nr 3

    by pichulick on 07-10-2011 at 06:37 AM
    I remember talking to WakingNomad. My recall is terribile but i think I remember talking about changing something. I knew I was dreaming but I was not "in" the dream. not like a normal LD. anyway while we were talking another dreamer came and I think tried to change something again. I think it was Atras but not sure and maybe other dreamers...

    shared dreaming attempt nr.2

    by pichulick on 07-10-2011 at 01:53 AM
    sorry guys cannot remember any shared dreams....
    dream1. I was with my father and another guy that was working on a 3d program. I asked him if it was 3D max. he said no.
    dream2. I am with my mother and cousin on the middle of the street. my cousin fount an Ipad there, and my mother said something bad at her. I remember now coming out from the block and meeting with a girl that i like. I hug her and tell her I passed the exams... log discuttion I cannot remember. Then a guy comes with the car to take me to a math teacher. in the car was another classmate. the girl comes with me. in the car she sits nearer to my classmate and I become a little angry. we arrive somewhere in the countryside and I cannot remember more

    Driving the car to grandpa

    by pichulick on 07-08-2011 at 04:43 AM
    I am at the seaside, and my father gives me the car, eve tho I don't have my licence. I want to drive to Buzau, my city, but I drive on some country roads with 150 KM/hour. I avoid a girl with some geeses, a car that was driving on my way.
    Finally I arrive at my grandpa's house. I get out of the car, and see a small white cute doog.
    I become lucid. because i now knew it is just a dream i take the dog in my yard. I enter the house and meet my granpa. we sit on the table and start talking. I tell him I am dreaming, and he feels a bit sad. now he starts telling me how he entered at college. he said he heard something inspirational. I thought at an angel wing flapping, but he tells me he was shitting himself and starts laughing.
    I knew he was just a DC but I haven't seen him for 1 year an I was missing him so I let him talk. During that time I looked to my hand and saw lots of fingers. I realise now I see my hand duble that's why i see so much finger.
    But I don't know why I just wake up...

    2 earth-moons

    by pichulick on 07-08-2011 at 04:33 AM
    I am in my neighborhood in the night looking at some planes. Then I see 2 moons on the sky. When I look closely I see that they had atmosfere and were looking exactly like the earth viewed from space. One of them was eclipsed, an eclipse that was going extremely fast.
    I realise I dreamed one time about lots of moons on the sky and become lucid. Even tho I knew for sure I was dreaming I looked at my hands. Again lots of fingers. I counted 8 without looking at the thumb side. I go on the street to ast 2 womans if they know where my DG is. they say no.
    Now I see 2 old friends, a girl and a boy. I run happy to them ( I never feel DC's like DC but like real persons...) I shake the hand of the boy and when I get to the girl she lifted her hand so I kiss her, but I didn't want to. But i hugged her good and closed my eyes... again I woke up.