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      Happy Birthday!
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      Thank you My sister has a dv account here and likes studio ghibli films, so that makes at least three of us
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      Haapppyy biirthdaay to youuu
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      Golden sun! I love that game, brings great memories ^^ I didn't play 2 (and I don't find a reason for that crime 0.0), but I loved the storyline of the first one!
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      You must be the youngest member on the site Thanks for the friend request, btw have you told your friends about this hobby? How did they react?
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      tnx 4 req
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    About PostScript99

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    Date of Birth
    November 18
    About PostScript99
    Listen, if you meet me in a shared dream, I'll tell you all about me, OK?
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    Luin, The City of Rebirth
    Tetris, chess, tae kwon do, academic bowl, guitar hero, flute playing, reading classics
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    “For one priceless moment in the whole history of man, all of the people on this earth are truly one."

    "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."


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    by PostScript99 on 04-06-2015 at 05:49 AM
    Long time no see, DV. With the IOSDP being dead and all, I've decided to post some DJs and hopefully get back into the swing of things. DV and lucid dreaming has helped me through rough times in my life, and I want to see what I can do.

    I was going to note some of my goals for LDing here, but it's gettting late and the site was mean and logged me out when I was typing and didn't save anything.

    LD: I am in a house that is somehow more bland and uninviting than a high school, with drab white walls. I already know I'm dreaming, but flicker the switch to make sure (which in hindsight wasn't the best idea). I walk outside, only to find lines of houses exactly similar to it. The sky is a dull gray. It's a perfect representation of boredom.

    I decide to poke around a bit. Behind a fence, a pack of dogs appears that have always been the chasers in my dreams. I've suffered excruciating physical pain on their account., This time, however, I quickly fly away, leaving them confused on the ground.

    At some point, when I stop flying, I land inside of a bathroom. I take a quick glance in the mirror. I seem to be dressed normally, inn a green tshirt and shorts as I always am in my dreams. I try to use the computer next to the sink, but it's running MS-DOS and constantly asking me for security questions. Everything blurs a little.

    When I come to, I have the feeling that I'm being chased. I can't quite make out what it is. it seems to be purple, somewhat amorphous. There's a brick wall in front of me. I look up at the sky, and instinctively run up the wall. I wake up.


    Competition Lucid #1

    by PostScript99 on 07-05-2013 at 05:57 PM
    I start out in a pantry at my house, which is stuffed with abnormally large quantities of apple juice. I hold out my hand and try TK, just for fun.

    (+5)They move. I try again, and unlike most dreams, it's perfectly natural and easy (+4). This can't be real. I rush outside. When I open the door, my eyes only open halfway, so I rub my hands together and scream "Clarity now!" in a thin and reedy voice(+2). My eyes spring open. Outside, the only light was from a truck with its headlights on, and I couldn't see my hands to RC. I run over to it and check my hands. It looks normal. It took three tries to see that the mole on my left hand was slightly smaller and bisecting my life line (+1). I decide to explore a bit, and all of a sudden a scene from the last dream flits across my mind. The street breaks into a huge halfpipe filled with rushing seawater. I could see the clear blue sky above it, and a river of sand in front. (+10????) I jump on the river of sand and end up on a street corner, where I see a man beating a giraffe. I switch to third person and pull a capsule out of my pocket, sealing the giraffe in it, then I used the capsule on the DC and the giraffe sprung out and ate him. (+2)

    I wake up at 6:30, wishing my mental alarm clock would reset itself once in a while.

    30 day challenge

    by PostScript99 on 06-25-2013 at 06:23 PM
    Shamelessly copied and pasted from LMRhone's 30 day challenge.

    Basic Requirements for the Challenge

    - No techniques for WBTB

    - Complete all exercises in EWOLD

    - Get at least 6 hours of sleep

    - Update my personal dream journal with the dreams for each day, if I forget to do this or wake up with full dreams but lose them throughout and only update a fragment, that day doesn't count.

    - I will use nothing to aid in my lucidity, just my own mind. The only "lucid aid I will use is apple juice because I drink it all the time. No difference though.

    Goals for The Challenge (Not In-Dream)

    - To get lucid every night, preferably in every dream.

    - To remain aware unless absolutely necessary.

    - Find a reliable DS.

    Goals for The Challenge (In-Dream)

    - To get another lucid like the best one I ever had.

    - To overcome a deep personal fear.

    - All 5 TOTMs in one dream.

    - Get back to where I left off in the RPG prologue, stop the tornado, and sail to Cardia, while hopefully picking up other dreamers.

    - Have a fair amount of control. Not stressing about this.

    Dild 2

    by PostScript99 on 04-05-2013 at 10:56 PM
    Under some kind of pagoda, in first grade and being taught the quadratic formula. While lying on the bench, I become lucid with no transition at all. I walk out into a neighborhood and decide to take on Advanced I again. I summon from all four pockets. I get 3 lumps of WHITE coal and a lump of black coal. I look at the black coal and it looks weird, so I examine it after unsuccessfully trying to crush it, and it's a ...dress that folds up to look like a lump of coal. Very funny.

    After walking around the neighborhood looking for coal, I decide to go for Advanced II, so I backtrack and walk over to a tree next to the pagoda. Summoning a pocketknife, I draw a few firework explosions by carving into the tree, and indeed fireworks do go off, like they had earlier in the dream. Yes!!

    The rest of the dream was spent exploring and this strange event with a girl who hated me:

    When she asked me what I was doing, ironically I answered with, "I'm just walking around without a worry or care in the world," when really there were about 5 homework assignments I didn't do. Then she said she loved because of that and I was thoroughly creeped out.

    Dild 1

    by PostScript99 on 04-05-2013 at 10:55 PM
    Walking out of a store, suddenly becoming lucid. No recall that night, this was in the morning off a WBTB. A DC jumps in front of me and piteously begs for a drink of water. I notice that I'm holding an icy glass of water, so I give it to him and he drinks most of it. I hesitate to drink the rest, but I tell myself it's just a dream and drink it all.

    Remembering the basic, I reach down and pick up a dead leaf off the sidewalk and eat it. It tastes like a potato chip. I explore the dreamscape for some time.

    With Advanced I in mind, I visualize two pieces of coal and ask a DC friend if he had some. He points to a table where the pieces of coal are there..but they're white.

    WHAT?! oh come on....

    Anyway, I take the tow pieces, stack a Sacagewea dollar and a Susan B. Anthony silver dollar on top of the two pieces of coal, and prepare to make jewelry. I effortlessly smash them into a pancake the size of a Frisbee.

    DC: Noooooo!! I bought that Yosemite Nation Park!! How could you?!

    "Well, you were ripped off!", I snap back at him and the dream ends.
    lucid , task of the month