About Raioden
- Biography:
- Female, 24 years old.
Is an artist at heart. I sketch, do mixed media and occasionally painting or digital art. I also write everything from poetry to full length novels (unpublished, still. Hoping that will change some day.). I am teaching myself how to play ukulele as a constructive hobby.
My favorite color is green. I listen to a wide range of music, everything from Disney or classical soundtracks to heavy metal, if the mood strikes me. I really, really, really love snakes, pythons and boas especially. My dream is to publish books and write/draw comics.
On to the interesting stuff-
I am an avid dreamer but most of these are nightmares of some sort. I do have reoccurring dreams, some that have been happening since I was very small (4-6 years old). I'm gradually teaching myself how to interpret these and have become fairly successful at it.
I see spirits and other things that go bump in the night. I have a running list of returning visitors/residents that hang around my home or places where I frequent. Some are malicious, some are benign.
I suffer from multiple mental disorders and health issues, but I try not to focus on them as a 'reason' for all of my troubles.
I try to stay 'level headed' about things and strive to be respectful of everyone else's life style, views and beliefs. I am always open to conversation.
Thanks for visiting.
- Country Flag:
- Location:
- Texas
- Interests:
- Arting, Writing, Reading, Ukulele
- Gender:
- Female
- How you found us:
- Search for Dream Interpretation
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- Last Activity
- 07-03-2017 07:42 PM
- Join Date
- 07-03-2017
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