- Date of Birth
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View SarcasticIndeed's Dream Journal
SarcasticIndeed on 09-22-2012 at 01:57 PM
Despite my totally crappy dream recall, I've managed to remeber two dreams I had. Yay!
In the first dream I was Spider-Man, or was playing a Spider-Man game (doesn't matter really).
So, I swung around the town to get to my objective, which was apparently, an Oscorp building. So, I crashed a glass panel and jumped through it to enter the building. What happened from there is hard to recall, but I think I fought seveal rows of enemies. Then Hulk came from nowhere and I wanted to leave, so I jumped back through the glass I'd broken before.
Yep, pretty dumb, I know.
And I've also had a dream where I was playing a game on my ipad... And that's it...
Oh well, at least I did recall something
SarcasticIndeed on 05-27-2012 at 03:09 PM
Well, it has been a long time since I remembered any dream. My recall faded, as it seems. However, after an attempt to MILD, I had a dream I remembered.
In the dream, I wasn't in my body, but simply observed things. I noticed how dragons always cause trouble in The Elder Scroll games, which is only partly true. As I think of this, images from different parts of TES games appear, following my thoughts.
Yeah, that was it, kinda stupid.
SarcasticIndeed on 03-03-2012 at 10:50 PM
Yes, yes, I know that is quite a dumb title, but it happened for me. I actually had a lucid dream within a non-lucid dream, or more simply, I dreamt I lucid dreamt.
Basically, in the dream, I sorta... fell asleep and went into a LD. I was levitating above the ground, cheering about my success. I tried to move, but I couldn't. It didn't matter for me, since I had a lucid one!
And, that's it... No details to explain this one.
SarcasticIndeed on 01-07-2012 at 12:07 AM
Colors of text and what they mean:
(These were inspired by KingYoshi's DJ entries)
Dream info:
Lucid/Non-lucid: Lucid (lost lucidity at some point)
Type of induction (if lucid): None (Aware from the start)
Duration: 1/2 minutes
Vividness: Not vivid
I had this dream a long time ago, but decided to post it now. I was lazzy
I'm lucid. I don't know how, I just am. I know my family is near me, so I ask my mother "Am I dreaming?" She says negative. For some reason, I ask her this several times (I probably asked others the same too, I can't remember) and always get "No." as an answer. I still know I'm lucid.
I try to change the dreamscape. I close my eyes, and then open them. Doesn't work. I try it several times, but it was fruitless. "It's amazing how aware I am," I note to myself (Which is ironic, because I was far from being totally aware). I remember I always wanted to start a lucid in a car, so I tell my mother we should use it to go somewhere. "Sure," she answeres, and we go out of the building. I, trying to change the landscape for the last time, close my eyes and shut my ears with my palms, but there is too much noise. I am not concentrated and I can't do it. I try to calm everyone around me to no avail.
(I believe I lost lucidity at this point, I just know how this continued)
I was in a shopping mall, near a restaurant in it. I look to see where the plates should be (It's the kind of restaurant where you take a plate and move in the line to get food from several places) and instead, there are caldrons. I don't know if I took one, I just know I am in the line. While I don't see the person next to me, I know she is my online friend from Romania. She is taking some delicious meat. I decide I should take the same. I eat the meat and find it delicious (I felt taste, which is rare for me).
This was probably the end of the dream. I wake up either then or a bit later, being very enthusiastic about having my first LD that lasted for more than a second!
SarcasticIndeed on 11-12-2011 at 01:35 PM
Had 4 dreams or so. 2 I remember, one I vaguely remember, one I barely remember. Oh well, gonna write them.
Note: All of these were after a failed WBTB.
In this dream, I was in a car with my family. We were riding to somewhere, I dunno where, I didn't try too look at through the window. I was in the back seat. I looked at the window to see a cocoon. It was yellow, and really nasty. Then, something started going out of it. Since I was scared, I went to the front seat, so it isn't near me, just to find another cocoon was on the window of the front seat. It was the same color and everything. Then, a bee, a hornet or a wasp. Probably a wasp. I was scared...
"Dad, kill that thing!"
My dad was driving. He commented sometyhing about how he always has to do these things. He hit the wasp going out of the cocoon. All the sticky yellow liquid splashed on the window. It was really gross... The wasp was still moving. It was hit, but not dead, yet. My dad hit it with something again, and some more of the gross liquid flew over, and the wasp was still moving... This was the end of the dream...
Yep, that was one of the dreams... Now to the second, which has anime-like graphics. In fact, it was probably a slightly mutated Naruto dream.
A group of ninjas were walking, and in the dream, I swore I thought how it was from the Hidden Village of the Clouds (See Naruto if you dunno what it is). The group was confronted by another type of ninjas. These had a different outfit from the first, and had purple cristals all through their body. I guess, in the dream, this was a special Kekkei Genkai (Again, watch Naruto to know what this is). They seemed to be allies.
Suddenly, one guy of the first group attacked a purple cristal guy. Everything next in the dream concentrated on the two of them. The first guy made energy attacks from his palms. He would swing his arm and a giant energy wave would get out. The cristal guy just dodged his attacks. Then they talked about something. It seemed as the first person was trying to tell him what should he do, but the other just didn't listen, so he fought him as a way to change his mind. The End...
Note: I don't know if this Naruto dream was a fragment or not, but I definitely only remember this part clearly. I also remember that somewhere in the dream, with two swords, I slashed enemies, but I dunno if it is a part of the ninja dream.
And, a small fragment I can't say I really remember.
I was on dreamviews, or some other LD-related site. There, I read about WILD. In reality, there is only WILD and DILD, all others are subtypes of these, but in the dream, I remember reading of WILD as a subtype of another LD-incuding technique along DEILD. Anddd, that's all I can remember.
I would rather not tell about the images from the other dreams I had, since I remember them only vaguely. I guess that's all for today.